Why didnt they just ram everything in any other movie? Its pretty effective and useful

Why didnt they just ram everything in any other movie? Its pretty effective and useful

>lets ram our multi billion dollar spaceships into each other
Yeah no

I mean one ship was able to take out an entire battlegroup, seems pretty cost effective

>there are literally hyperdrive using ships just sitting in junkyards on random planets.
> billion dollar ships

Christ, you're retarded

nigga you got capital ship kamikaze money?

It was a last resort. They were already evacuating and it was their last ship.

>lets lose our multi billion dollar fleet into pointless dogfight that will also get half our crew dead
The alternative is worse

Not even RLM brought it up. Bury this meme.

>Luke did I ever tell you about Watto the Space Jew? He's a mass destruction weapon trader now with his junkyard full of cheap hyperdives. He's a good friend

How did she ram all the shibs at once? Did she go in a zig zag motion?

You don't need a fully functional spaceship. The
mass of the FTL engine itself is enough to destroy an entire fleet or a planet. If you need a bigger missile, any chunk of rock or metal will do. You don't even need a human pilot. SW AI is advanced enough for any manoeuvre. BB8 looked more skilled than most characters in TLJ.

Nope, she just cleaved the supremacy. The impact was strong enough to destroy its entire escort fleet.

Tiny ass battlecruiser takes out biggest ship in the entire First Order.
Somehow shields are completely irrelevant to ships crashing into them.
The First Order/Empire doesn't use hyperdrive torpedos that would be perfectly possible by that logic and would have ended the Rebellion 4 movies ago even though they seem to have enough money to waste away.

It's just fucking stupid, it's on the level of a fan-fiction written by a 12 year old.

>Sup Forums defending this shit because of muh rlm.
Fucking Christ.

Why not? The rebels are vastly outnumbered and taking out a Super Star Destroyer or Death Star using this tactic would have been very effective.

It's a cool scene. You can shove your STEM degree right into your ass.

>someone needs to stay behind to drive a fucking space shit
>apparently there's no auto-pilot with that much tecnology

The force of the collision disintegrated the entire ship and the impact zone of Darth Bathrobe's ship into a spray of space junk going about as fast as the original ship.

It has nothing to do with real life science. It has to do with the fact that the rebels should have been doing this from day one. The Death Star would stand a chance against an old cruiser flying light speed into it.

Shrapnel from the supremacy went through the others

That scene shows why Star Wars is for children and Star Trek is for adults. There is no reason for a senior leader to sacrifice themselves like that just to play hero. A true leader would have had the conviction to order
an expendable subordinate to do so. But childish audiences couldn't handle a good guy having to make a choice like that. In Star Trek meanwhile to be a bridge officer you need to do exactly that.


Star Wars jumped the shark. Rule of cool works if your keep inner consistency. TLJ is like watching 7 war movies set in Ancient Rome, only to find out that they had machine guns all along.

>Strap a garbage ship with as many explosives as possible then set it on autopilot to hyperdrive into the enemy's deluxe SSS planet destroyer class flagship

it wasn't the shrapnel. Part of the escort fleet is nowhere near the area of impact and they got sliced along the Raddus's line of charge.

Nobody was comparing the two buddy

so she survived the first ram thourh and was able to double back 5 more times to take out the rest of the fleet?

>just turn your brain off lmao

>I went to a children's fantasy movie about space wizards to engage my intellect

>lol dude, we need 100 of you to kill yourselves to deal a minor blow to once or two enemy ships every few hours
>this is a completely sustainable strategy

This is what really bothers me about it. I dont give a shit about the actual logistics of the hyperdrive attack, I thought it was cool as fuck actually. If you're gonna complain about autopilot, why dont you complain about the fact that there are manned fighters at all, when we are moving past that even today in reality?

The reason it was stupid to me is that it goes against everything the Rebels apparently stood for in the movie. What was the message they kept trying to send? "Being a hero and sacrificing yourself is the last thing the Rebels need." I think Captian Purplehair actually says this exact thing to Poe when he's asking her about her plan. But what does she do in the end? Exactly what she was preaching against.
Then the thing with Rose knocking Finn out of the way to prevent him from sacrificing himself further drives home that message. Lot of hypocrisy going in this movie on both sides that just made no sense.

The point is that the writers wanted only one hero for this movie. That hero was Holdo. They didn't want any other character to steal the spotlight from her. She got more build up than Luke. Her sacrifice destroyed the entire fleet of Snoke. Luke's sacrifice kept the First Order busy for 5 minutes, while Rey was lifting tons of rocks without any effort.

It's actually quite dangerous.

Yeah pretty much. It's just insane to me that they thought it was a good idea to bring in some literal who and make her the big hero, especially when the make the rebel's logic just completely all over the place. It's like they didnt know what message to send.

Ships in Star Wars are significantly cheaper compared to ships in real life since they're mass produced.

>Suddenly Han comes back
>Riding a pony throwing lasers through its eyes
>And Gandalf is with him
>"Cool scene, I dunno what's the problem, is just fantas in space"
Fucking shills


A good friend will never order a subordinate to do something they are unwilling to do themselves

>t. child who can't handle command

rly makes u think

nukes which poison the environment =/= hyperspace ram

>humans had nukes for thousands of years
user, are you ok?

>Feminists turn star wars in a science fiction Pearl harbor where future wars are being fought between suicide bombers.

I mean, it's pretty obvious when you look back on it.

they secretly hated that bitch and were looking for an easy way out

kys dumbfuck

Am I the only who thinks this scene looks like shit? It's just some black and white flashes with jump cuts what's so great about it

A good friend also wouldn't have kept everything a fucking secret to the point that everyone mutinies

The Rebels/Resistance use dozens of hyper capable star-fighters in every battle. A large proportion of which are lost.

A single X-wing performing this manoeuvre could have destroyed the Death Star.