What's some good Christkino to watch on this, the day of our Lord?

What's some good Christkino to watch on this, the day of our Lord?

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Problem Child 2

Jesus Christ Superstar

Passion is going to be too heavy. So I recommend this one.

Jesus of Nazareth (1977)
The Passion of the Christ (2004)

Christmas is that one day every year where white people forget about Kikestianity and celebrate a pagan festival.

I'm torn between Jesus screaming in my ear to return to him and my brain shutting him out. What do?

I love Jesus. Please forgive my sins Lord

Under the name CHRISTmas, where any songs about the occasion with directly religious overtones sings about Jesus. Paganism isn't real. Go home Varg.

It's a Wonderful Life.

>Under the name CHRISTmas, where any songs about christmas with directly religious overtones sings about Christmas

Quo Vadis

what is Jerusalem worth?

Television is playing the old Ben Hur. Passion is more of an Easter thing, but I guess it's always one of the most recommended films. Even for Christmas.

Anyway, look at this list OP. Vatican is Sup Forums approved.

reminder that all depictions of the birth of Christ where Mary is in pain are blasphemous

Reminder that literally no denomination claims this.
Reminder that all Sup Forumstards learning about religion from macro images need to die

Passion of the Christ is peak christkino

Most people will be preoccupied with the secular side of christmas, venerating Santa and "elves" and reindeer that fly and the christmas spirit meter and crap like that.

He'll probably be glad if you acknowledge him at all on the holiday containing his name.

>images where Mary is giving birth
D-do you have any?

The Gospel According to St Matthew (1964)

>not allowed in my country
Thanks for nothing Jesus

This. Nothing brings me into mood of celebrating Jesus being born than watching him die.

Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas is the final redpill.

ben-hur, literally one of the greatest kino experiences ever

Batman vs Superman


This x100, there really is no substitute. Ever since I lost cable and tcm, and my avability to easily watch this, I am not whole

Get saved, user

Lord of the Rings

and jesus' story is not even up front, it's always somewhere in the background, tying the film together. they never show his face and we never hear his voice.

Don't allow yourself to be bullied by demi gods. Believe in who you believe.

Ah, the Christmas Tree, the eternal symbol of our Lord.

Behind me, Satan.

>Ever since I lost cable and tcm, and my avability to easily watch this, I am not whole
Are you going to bitch about this in every thread, user?

Unironically this.