Looking back the ENTIRE season was just about getting Jack and Ashi together so he could play out his childhood waifu...

>Looking back the ENTIRE season was just about getting Jack and Ashi together so he could play out his childhood waifu fantasy

Jack is immortal and the time skip? Only there to setup Ashi and have them be similar in age. The 7 Daughters of Aku? Only there to introduce Ashi. Entire episodes devoted to just Ashi.

This bitch Ruined Samurai Jack season 5. With just 10 eps, he didn't have enough space to do his Ashi storyline and end the series.

No, the desire for an ending that did not need to exist is what ruined samurai jack.

An ending is fine. Jack fights Aku and goes back. Done. It could be done as a 90 minute tv-movie.

And then he jammed this dumb whore into it.

>Only there to setup Ashi and have them be similar in age

Which seems unnecessary. Aku's rule isn't based on when Jack got there, he was ruling for centuries, you could have the sisters been born at any point.

They were born to kill Jack. Jack only showed up maybe, let's say 4 years ago.

I seriously dont understand everyone's problem with the character when its really just the
execution of the story that was the problem.

The concept was sound. But all that in just 10 eps was bound to end leaving people unsatisfied.

>They were born to kill Jack. Jack only showed up maybe, let's say 4 years ago.

Right, but Aku was there for centuries. He knew Jack was coming.

Fuck sakes, did we really need another thread just so to bitch about Ashi? Also:

>so he could play out his childhood waifu fantasy
That's literally been the point of Jack from day fucking one. If the show hadn't been cancelled, you bet she would've been in the final season as Jack's love interest.

>you bet she would've been in the final season as Jack's love interest.

citation needed

I'm fine with a side kick or a love interest.

But EVERYTHING ended up revolving around her and she ended up BEING the portal Jack was looking for. She was the key to all of this. Jack's 5 season journey was all about her. She's THE most important person in the entire history of the show other than Jack since she's the only one to have any significant impact on the story.

I screamed "FUCK THIS" when Ashi had Aku's powers and time travelled. That is the biggest asspull ever.

Some random bitch just shows up and becomes the ultimate power of everything that the show revolves around? Fuck that.