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Comics #926
Has a comic or cartoon ever changed your life?
Holy shit, why nobody told me that there was a new The Reward short?
Samurai Jack Episode 11 Thread
Star vs the margin in this poll
Katara is bullshit. She starts the show as a completely shit bender...
Character has superspeed
Get creative and come up with your own Injustice-styled dialogue exchanges using whoever you want, DC or otherwise
Amell is on American Ninja Warrior tonight
Is Johnny Test better than Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, Samurai Jack, Korra, and Star Vs?
Why are bronze age comics so much better than any other era
Anyone else think that by trying to be more mature LoK came off as being more childish than ATLA in some respects...
Sonic news?
Finishing Nick Spencer's Captain America
Was it rape?
RIP Justice League Action
Boss Baby 2 confirmed to release 2021
Where is Glob Herman? Where is Magik? reee
Why doesnt he just smoke a bowl and relax
Image Comics
Could modern day earth stop a gem invasion?
Previous Thread:
What if instead of Green Lantern it was Gordon Lantern?
>The Captain Marvel movie coming from Marvel Studios has revealed minimal details ahead of its production...
For me, it's Canada. The country that produces the best cartoons
As you guys know I'm currently pitching a new show to Nick. The show would centre around a character named Myrtle...
Hey Sup Forums guess what! Nick Spencer's Captain America
Which one Sup Forums?
Previous Thread:
Will he ever have sex?
This is Elric
Reminder that if you like Calarts cartoons you should kill yourself
Do your worst Sup Forums
Whats Sup Forums's opinion on moonbeam city? I liked it but I think its an acquired taste
Best and worst writers of Dialogue
Happy Rebirth Day Sup Forums
Avengers: Secret Wars
What the fuck is this bitch's problem? Is she bipolar or something?
The Cell games begin tomorrow, and Cell plans to destroy your planet if no one defeats him in a contest of strength
New 52 Wonder Woman Volume 3: Iron
Sonichu 12
"Because of Sup Forums I ____"
Favorite simpsons quotes
Double Duck storytime
Got any good knight-oriented comic recommendations Sup Forums...
Sup Forums General Drawthread
Superman's trunks are canon again
Witchblade Storytime part 35
ITT: possible comic-universe crimes
So Nick really is starting to crack with how SE is flopping, huh?
Was Age of Ultron really that bad? Or were the expectations just too high?
Is this the only movie where a dance party ending was appropriate?
Ashi brushing her hair over her ear to try and get Jack to notice her
Why does Sup Forums hate Bendisspeak?
Lol, do you think it will be good? Might watch covenant or Wonder Woman instead
UK please explain this?
"A nifty gimmick, a name, and voila, here I am!"
This is amazing
Would you watch a series drawn by Shad?
Superhero Movies Problem
Sup Forums tropes you love
This was even more fun and well-made than the first. Why the lower critics score?
Explain Cheetah. Why is she Wonder Woman's nemesis? Why did she get a spot on the Legion of Doom and Grodd's Society...
Silver Sable, Black Cat Movie Finds Director with 'Secret Life of Bees' Filmmaker
Silver Sable/Black Cat Spider-Man Film Lands Title, Director & Release Date
Be fat
First Batman and Harley Quinn Trailer
Bee and puppycat
Should have listened to me. All your friends and your one true love are all gone. Was it worth it?
DC Universe Rebirth #1 Storytime/
So how's that Scooby Doo MMO coming along?
Is there another old series you wish got a new season?
Let's have a good ol' filename thread Sup Forums style
What a wonderful character she turned out to be
Always make jabs about how I dislike Snyder and wish he weren't at Justice League's helm
We had a really great thread about Jean the other day, that's make another and keep it rolling
Is the new samurai jack the rogue one of animation ?
Numbuh 4 did the wrong thing
Could have chosen Esther
The Kamandi Challenge Storytime
This is very ... very bad
Disney Parks Thread
Henri Ducard was the Shadow all along
What's the psychological explanation behind helga's love/hate for arnold?
Ava's demon
What was the consequence of this action?
Is he a good animator Sup Forums?
Steven Universe: Wanted #2
Does Sup Forums like intercompany crossovers?
Will marvel ever cut it with the SJW shit?
Okay, Without triggering the Mods here
Dick Grayson as batman
Cuckquean Thread
CW Arrow: Look at how quickly I declined in quality
Cartoon has been out for decades
Are Superheroes that can stretch considered outdated now?
We could have stopped this
CBR: Super Hot: The 15 HOTTEST Comic Panels EVER
Why did people like this show?
Elektra #4 Storytime
I can't wait until Tynion is off this book...
Why is Marvel so afraid to have their women dress like this? Why is DC Based enough to not care?
It's a John K projects his abusive father and childhood abuse episode
How do I get into comic books? I'm really interested in Batman, the Teen Titans, and Spiderman...
Was he just full of shit?
Why did they make ms. frizzle kind of cute
ITT Characters who should be in the MCU
Is there a legitimate reason this guy is so fucking out of his mind crazy?
Sup Forums characters who you beleive are hung like a horse
Do you agree with this ranking system, Sup Forums?
Underrated villains thread
ITT: Subtle Simpsons jokes
So is this show any good...
ITT-we cavepost
Batgirl or Starfire?
ITT: Characters that are literally, undeniably, without question, you
Some obscure Morrison
Was Stinky right?
Suicide Squad #18 storyline
What's Sup Forumss opinion on the new Nova corp?
Since basically all of Sup Forums absolutely loves him and would suck his dick...
Fuck one
Star vs the MHC
How strong is Laura's Sex Drive
ITT shows people only like because of nostalgia
What do you guys think about DC Universe Rebirth Flash? I read it recently and had a great time...
You are now magically granted the following powers that you can fully control at whatever intensity you want:
In order to be a great MC, you must ____________
Sup Forums, I need something uplifting, something to make me smile. My house burned down and I lost everything...
I've had practice. Juggling my multiple personalities
Injustice 2 features Scarecrow
Joker keeps getting out of jail and killing people
How would other fictional alien races react to and fare against the gems?
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Why is Iron Man even in the movie? Spiderman is Marvel's most popular character I think he can carry a movie on his own...
It was really fucking good
Why is it so beloved?
Dumbing of Age
Which was the better Clone Wars?
How'd they vote?
ITT: Characters you LOATHE actually love them
Ok, so several years after I stopped working on Samurai Jack, I finally knew how I wanted to end the series
The Mighty Captain Marvel #5 Storytime
As lackluster as the finale as a whole was the opening of the final battle was hype as fuck...
Transformers thread? Transformers thread
First Sup Forums crushs
Stephanie Brown's Torture
Webm thread
ITT : Characters only created to fill a niche
Looney Tunes #237 Storytime
Anime references
Wait a minute, you guys aren't the real Justice League
Spider Man saving the world
Is nonexistence preferable to living in the Future That Is Aku?
Post them cool OC's and work on your art as well
Now that the series has ended, what are your final thoughts on Samurai Jack?
Remember that time powerpuff girls predicted third wave feminism by almost ten years?
Official Win-O'-Thread #2
Why can't the west make any good gay characters like the east?
Steven Universe: Wanted
Guardians of the Galaxy
Archer Finale
Is this the most universally loved comic ever?
Late Wonder Woman storytime
Would you?
The Emoji Movie
/sug/ - Steven Universe general
Chase is bow a hipster chad
Watchmen Pt. 4
Wondy's getting her movie skin in IJ2 in a few days. I like it
Mosaic #8 Storytime
/hyw/ Deth thread
New DC logo. Might be cool
JSA Storytime: X-Statix
Unpopular opinions
Arrow Talkback Thread: Deathstroking Edition
Superman is a monster and horrible person. Just look at what he did to Zod...
A lot of straight characters were written to be gay sooner or later...
Moonbeam city
Weebs BTFO
What are some bad PBS shows?
First look at Stjepan Sejic's Aquaman:
Why don't we get that many beefcakes in animation anymore?
Redneck #2: Storytime
Is this CN's biggest mistake?
How do we go from this
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics and Cartoons
Cartoon attempts to teach actually valuable lessons in life
Is she implying that Diana is a virgin?
Jack's name
You hype?
PREVIEW for Garth Ennis' James Bond parody
What does Sup Forums think of this guy?
Suicide Squad #18 Storytime
Teaser for Netflix's Castlevania series written by Warren Ellis
Black Panther #14 storytime
Let us fix the ending of Samurai Jack by writing the entire last episode, one word at a time:
See this, what do?
The Wattersons' human versions are always drawn white by fan artists
Tumblr isn't "that" bad
Jack Kirby self-insert as a no-nonsense super tough guy who can stand-up against literal gods without fear
Blue Beetle #9
Why isn't Catwoman a sexy hi-tech cyborg mercenary who looks like she's straight out of Metal Gear...
Just watched this film, it's great
If Marvel rebooted with 10 series, what would you want them to be?
What's Sup Forums's opinion on him?
Do kids like Steven Universe?
Can someone give me a rundown of this run? I loved Bunn's Magneto but this book is shit, don't wanna read it
Samurai Jack - CN
The Loud House
If you disagree, you're not PC!
ITT really obvious stuff you failed to realize until recently
WTF DC!!!!
This is their next Death Battle Sup Forums, who takes it?
New 52 Wonder Woman Volume 2: Guts
Star vs New ED
Official Injustice 2 Thread
Static Shock was going to be in Injustice 2
Well this may have been posted before but, How about some Thanos?
Search/Destroy: A Strontium Dog Fan Film
What's the worst art you've seen in a comic?
What brought you to Sup Forums? Why do you stay?
Red Hood and Nightwing team up
You get the chance to have a superpowered form, with super strength, flight, and invulnerability
Be Meme Lord
Can we had a Connie thread? I need cute pics
How do we fix Sup Forums?
How do you think he spent his last minute of existing before he vanished...
For those fearing MCUSynergy vs Capcom
Batman: You can't kill anyone ever even if it's for self defense or to save others
So why is he so sad? He just saved the world/universe from an unspeakable hero and is the heir to his Father's Empire...
ITT: Characters that are literally, undeniably, without question, you
Why, I do believe it's time for some early Silver Age!
Remember when Shaggy travelled to the past, became a jedi, and got killed by general Grievous?
Didn't do anything with his life after meeting Jack because his existence would get poofed anyway
Should Dick Grayson go back to being Robin
Axel Alonso
This was a huge mistake on CN's part
Latest episode discusses the Samurai Jack finale, Ken Penders, Titmouse, and others
Archies storytime, because it's basically me and two other anons that still read Archie books
Did she fuck Greg?
How fast can Taeshi fuck this one up
Unfamiliar Familiar
Venom #150 Storytime
ITT: Out of context panels or frames/screenshots. Bonus points if it's something you yourself screencaped recently
Lets settle this once and for all
What is your opinion on this man?
For kids
EEnE Thread
Maybe time's just a construct of human perception
Batgirl #11 Storytime
Ben reilly - scarlet spider #2 storytime
Please welcome a new student to our class, I'm sure you all will be very nice to her
Plastic Man
Steve Ditko
All New Guardians of the Galaxy #2 Storytime
Looking back on it, was it really so bad?
Baby X-Men storytime, in which a Wolverine finds his way into another team
What if Gummi Bears was kept in the States?
Legend Quest
Batman Beyond #8 Storytime
Captain America: Steve Rogers #17 Storytime
Story time
Wonder Woman has 8.0 on imbd
You anons don't know what ya want. That's why ya still anons, cause ya stupid...
The Real Reasons for Marvel Comics’ Woes
Rereading Homestuck and these segments with Jade and John on the battleship really stand out as the worst pages in the...
Did Watchmen have a negative impact on the comic book industry?
Deathstroke #19 Storytime
Infamous Iron Man #8 storytime
Playing Captain Marvel
Adventure Time's Downfall
What the fuck is his problem?
Show.has character that is EXPLICITLY fetish fuel
No, wait!
Why don't they make good Cartoon Shows or animation?
Garth Ennis
Would your kid self have enjoyed the current line-up of cartoons and comics?
You've gotta be fucking kidding me
Finishing US Avengers
Tetsuya Nomura's Joker
ITT: We pitch elseworld/What if stories
Why do good comics update so rarely?
Wonder Woman #23 Storytime
Best comic book villain coming through
Where are you?
Will the Thunderbolts ever recover from the disastrous vol.2 and 3?
If TTG were more like those DC Nation shorts, would you be complaining?
What is your history with Jetix?
Is this series worth a watch? Happened to see it on itunes but wanted an opinion before buying
Completing New Avengers
Detective Comics #957 Storytime
Jack sent everyone he knew into nonexistence. Jack created a death cult
Hal Jordan & the Green Lantern Corp #21 Storytime
Do we know who's on Wonder Woman after Cucka and the kids writer now?
If Steven Universe, Regular Show, Gumball, Adventure Time, TTG, Nu and somehow also Old PPG, Clarence, We Bare Bears...
Justice League of America #7 Storytime
Action Comics #980 Storytime
Leave the DCEU to me
Is new Ms Marvel any good ?
Spider-man: Homecoming Official Trailer #3
Official Win-O'-Thread
Gunnerkrigg Court
New Avengers/Agents of SHIELD
Cunt Wondy = Best Wondy
Mexican Animation is truly amazing
Slott has been talking a lot about Superman lately
Jack killed everyone in the future when he killed Aku!
Between these four villains, who would win in a fight, Sup Forums?
I like them B I G
Actually kind of amazed that Viacom gave Nintendo permission to do this
You know what we need? A good old cartoon rage thread
Why is Bullseye the coolest of all the "my power is good aim" guys?
Kek. This is some pretty snappy dialogue
Why does DC push a edgelord and a flying brick instead of Green Lantern...
Kelly does it again!
Injustice 2 thread
What was up with the delivery for the remake of this scene...
Agents of SHIELD/New Avengers
Dumbing of Age
Can we take a momento appreciate how amazingly good Aku is as a character?
If Avatar proved so successful with western audiences, why haven't western studios put out more shows in the same vein?
Who else isn't an irredeemable piece of crap besides pic related, Blue Beetle, Firestorm, Hal Jordan...
The Society is a poor man's Regime
This is Cream
Uhhh uhm wow
Is he right?
Why didn't Rorschach lie and pretend like he liked Ozymandias' actions and then leaked the story once he left?
Continuation never ever
Characters that saved the world by going back in time
Who's the bigger bitch? Who's the more annoying political "activist"
What was his problem?
What life lessons have cartoons taught you, Sup Forums?
In the Steven Universe timeline the Confederacy won the Civil War due to Crystal Gem intervention...
ComicXposure Anti-Venom/Emma Frost Variant by InHuyk Lee
Remember when Green Lantern was a Chinese necromancer, Batman was a suit of Arthurian armor possessed by a cursed soul...
Name the three branches of government
Constantly hit on by 9/10 qt
Star Vs. the forces of Stalkers
Is she the first ever likeable daughter in an animated sitcom?
It's 2D's birthday and Noodle posted this on her Instagram. Is she going to give him a happy ending?
[buzzing noises]
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Try to find a more
So, who's going to be gay?
Is Johns ever going to let Barry own up to his many mistakes or will he always be the "I-It's not your fault you are...
Things that used to be a REALLY BIG FUCKING DEAL that are now forgotten
Remembe that Iron Man 2 battle basically made by Genndy?
ITT Post Your Ideas for Cartoons and/or Comics
I got a question for you, Sup Forums: just how do I get into (western) comics...
So now that Harley & Ivy had a child in Injustice, what's next in their relationship?
Why does Sup Forums hate Questionable Content?
Why are Silver Age comics so good?
Witchblade Storytime part 34 Ennis Spawn
New episode of iZombie tonight at 9
Trailer fucking when?
Team Teen Discussion
Will we ever see long hair Carol ever again?
Vicki Vale or Lois Lane, Sup Forums?
You've never killed a real person before! FLESH AND BLOOD!
The protagonist of the last Sup Forums series you've watched
Forgot phone trick
Doug Liman Exits 'Justice League Dark' Movie
JSA Storytime: X-Statix
What if Clark and Lois adopted Kid Goku?
Most hated comic characters
Remember everyone, the moral of the story is
Hello Sup Forums. I have some thing to tell you
Spiderman: Home-coming final trailer
Who was in the wrong here?
Dementia thread
So is Killer Frost the new Robin?
What's even the point of exposing the top of his scalp anyway...
Appreciation of Superheroes Thread
Bill Cipher was a letdown
Evenin', Sup Forums
I can't wait for this super edgy progressive cartoon!! :) <33
Supergirl Finale - Supergirl > Superman???
ITT-characters you want to impregnate
Embarrassing moments in Sup Forums history
Anyone else upset about the BLM comic cancellation?
Flash Thread -Early Edition (Season Finale Tonight)
Complaining about manspreading in a fucking frank book
Another one of these
What's your favorite Taskmaster costume
Could we petition to stop this from becoming a thing?
Realistically speaking, how could you ever defeat someone who can rewrite reality according to their whims?
Invincible brings the war to earth
You know if S3 had happened it would have been canon
Raven Thread
Why does this exist?
Am i the only one who wonders where the military is in steven universe
Let's press Cartoon Network and Genndy to create a new season, or a decent ending
Wow. The second half of 2017 is looking pretty great guys
So now that the dust has settled and been vacuumed up by the maid, what did Sup Forums thing of I HURT MYSELF TODAY?
New 52 Wonder Woman Volume 1: Blood
Batman is a much better than character than Superman...
Has there ever been a better redesign than Harley Quinn?
Characters that edgy 15 year olds hate that make you like the character more
Why do people hate this version of Gwen?
Shelf/New Requisitions Thread?
Traditionally, whenever a new character is announced for the MCU, I read their "best runs"
Bruce Timm and Paul Dini are creepy old perverts
Am I the only one who remembers this show? It seems like no one ever talks about it...
Positive reactions from critics
ITT: Obscure Forgotten Nick shows
Lanterfag here, what can you tell me about the Nova corps Marvelfags, how do they compare ?
So now that the dust has finally begun to settle can we address this?
Come my wayward children, let us confess our sins to one another and lay bare our souls...
I hated this episode because it was mean spirited and had an awful lesson for the kids who watched it in the 90s
North and South Part 3
Is it bad I am still mourning the loss of a fictional character?
To Grant Morrison, Mark Millar and Mark Waid...
DC Superhero Girls coming to Cartoon Network in 2018
Toonami Ratings for 5/20/17
Double Duck storytime
>tfw Scotsman was never born
Why, I do believe it's time for some early Silver Age!
How would a modern reboot of 'Foster's home for imaginary friends' be like?
ITT We scream and cry like children because our favorite Superheros aren't getting the attention they deserve
ITT: Your crack ship
Who was in the wrong here?
She's 18 now
New Justice League pics
ITT:Post Cartoons That You're Surprised Haven't Happened Yet
Would you prefer this ending?
Marvel solicitations August
"Oow you are so cute Toph! Wait yoy want to do what?"
New poster for the animated Miles Morales Spiderman movie. Liev Schreiber will be the villain
ITT: worst and most hated pairings
How do we save Sup Forums?
ITT : You want you lose
Why is it that a lot of female characters seem to be so much more poorly written than most male characters?
Is he wrong?
Runaways v1 Storytime
See Sup Forums this is your problem
72 more days until the most anticipated animated movie of the year...
Which is worse, being a plot device with little agency but having a fair amount of impact...
Injustice storytime, now featuring Ra's al Ghul and his harem of bitches
Are you guys ready for the Dark Universe?
Was it kino?
Post songs who describe a character
Go to video store
Sup Forums Cuckqueans
Bill Maher claims that the recent outpouring of superhero movies and tv shows sends the dangerous message that instead...
From CWC's facebook page
So Ashi just got whisked back into the future where Aku lives because of the paradox and didn't die right?
Inhumans trailer is here
People on this board could've had fairy god parents
Why do cape comics seem so disposable and inconsequential compared to other comics or even manga?
Lego Marvel Superheroes 2 co-written by Busiek
Was anything going to happen to this or is going to happen?
Made over a billion dollars
ComiXology's Best-Selling Comics for the Week Starting May 17, 2017 - Here We Go Again Edition
Genuinely loved the ending
Would Poison Ivys seduction powers /pheromones work on the gays?
Venom Retrospective - Part 29: The Finale
Camp Weedonwantcha
How much has Sup Forums destroyed your passion for comics and cartoons?
Will the live action movie do well in Trump's America?
This is Ashi
So do they click?
Bane has a amazing design flaw with those hoses just sticking out
Even if you didn't have a problem with season 5 you can't deny that this was wasted potential
Time to settle this once and for all
Kyle Rayner, GL thread
Let out an audible gasp when Scaramouche died
When you confess to her
Is Jack the biggest villain in comic history?
Am I the only one who swears they can remember actually seeing the embarrassing Christmas party photo Patrick mentioned...
What are some comics where the protagonist has his/her life force slowly drained away?
Was it rape?
Nick Spencer's Captain America
Ultimates2 #100 coming in August
Lockjaw Comic Coming In August
How do you go from this, to this > ?
Flame Princess
Aquaman Movie
Hey Sup Forums im an actor looking at this job where I play the joker...
This was funny, just admit it Sup Forums
Genndy on how to make a great villain
FUCK why did she have do disappear? She was perfect
How is Beetle Bailey still running? What is its audience anymore?
Name a better cartoon opening
Lackadaisy Thread
Childhood crush
Sad eyes and tits
"Jack, it would appear that based on our actions in altering the past...
Why are Kelly's comics so funny?
Where are the joke characters in Marvel and DC. and by joke I mean taken serioiusly but not really powerful
How do you feel about AUs?
So is this show any good...
Unquestionably Shit Content
She wants your meatballs
OTP thread
Who is the best Sup Forums girl(male) ?
Meanwhile in 2008
ITT Shows only you liked
How do I include the death of a female character in my plot without being accused of stuffing her into the fridge?
So why do we hate her again?
How can we expand the Superman family co/?
Ame-Comi Wonder Woman
Beavis and Butthead are the protagonists of the last cartoon you watched
The last airbender
I'm a conflicted man
What was his endgame?
Uncanny Avengers Storytime #3:
ITT: Characters above the age of 18 who have not had sexual intercourse
So did you like the shorts Sup Forums?
ITT: Favorite plot devices
Star Vs. The forces of betrayal
Can we talk about how successful Samurai Jack has been viewers wise...
Witchblade Storytime part 33
Sup Forums wanted Zack Snyder to step down
What this fuck is his problem??????
This piece of shit took away everything we had, he took it and used it to make his throne fancier...
Oh no
What did they mean by this?
Why did they not give her hair?
Danny Phantom 10 Years Later Part 2
Villainous english dub
Rebirth Storytime
I want to ________ Noodle's thighs
Literally how could you live with Raven and be around her all the time and be one of the only people she talks to...
What was the point of Jack being immortal?
Worm thread?
Would you?
So if you go back in time and kill your father...
That time double d started beating the shit out of everyone
Watchmen Pt. 3
DCEU appreciation thread
Witchblade Storytime part 32 Artifacts part 5 The end of artifacts
There was an alternate ending to Samurai Jack!
Is she right?
Pinocchio Thread
This summer is going to fucking suck
Season finale of Supergirl tonight at 8
Are there any Muslim waifus on Sup Forums?
Uncanny Avengers Storytime #2: The Man Who Fell to Earth/Civil War II
CN has hit a new low
What's the Sup Forumsnsensus on Madagascar?
We never got to see who this was
RIVERDALE Season 2 Tidbits
Samurai Jack
What did he say, Sup Forums?
Has there ever been a more thorough character assassination as the one these three suffered?
Bring back a series after 13 years
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Were finally getting Wonderboy. But the question reminds:Who is he?
What emotion is this face meant to convey?
Now that we all agree GOTG2 was pretty flawed, how would you fix it?
Joss Whedon takes over Justice League
Carol Danvers vs Android 18
Now that the dust has settled, can we agree she did nothing wrong?
Torments a guy who bought a game console legally, acting as if he stole her property, and almost kills him
Adult Swim nostalgia thread
Zack Snyder Steps Down From 'Justice League' to Deal with Family Tragedy
Zack Snyder Steps Down From 'Justice League' to Deal With Family Tragedy
I never finished watching this show but I keep seeing Sup Forums whining about the ending and comparing it to Samurai...
This was literally our MGS 5
Sup Forums hates this excellent ending that wraps up the series in a satisfying bittersweet manner while staying true...
Want to become an animator
Witchblade Storytime part 31 Artifacts part 4 progeny
Sup Forums General Drawthread
Cuckquean Thread
Ok /co. Show me what you got
Clarence getting a 6-part miniseries
Is that a typo?
Marvel Generations Creative Teams
Ben 10 reboot renewed
Name a better villain
You reach over and rip off the paper bag. What's underneath?
So shut up about Samurai Jack for two minutes and let's talk about Invincible
That final battle though huh
What am i in for
Iron Fist is a critical flop
The fuck is her problem?
Let's push Cartoon Network and Genndy to make a new season, or a movie fixing the shit out of that end
Uncanny Avengers Storytime
Create your Superhero identity
So Snyder has decided he's had enough of shitting on the Batman history...
How true is pic related?
Bad webcomics thread
Is Samurai Jack the most selfish cartoon character?
Witchblade Storytime part 30 Artifacts part 3
Deathstroke 19 ( Lazrus Contract Part 3)
Be honest Sup Forums, how did you feel when all the past characters returned?
Why don't you like current Marvel?
Should Comic Companies just straight up do Porn?
Sup Forums mechs
Name two more hate-able people in comic industry
Action Comics #980 PREVIEW
Wonder Woman: Odyssey Part 2
Why don't kids watch cartoons and read comics anymore
I guess the only requirement to get your cartoon on TV is to be really fucking ugly
Bittersweet Candy Bowl - Paulo's low IQ
Does Marvel have a Watchmen trump card?
Was this episode seriously banned in Europe because that thing looked like a dildo?
Would anyone like to see Marvel try again with the Ultimate universe?
Star vs Autism
10 years have passed
DA comic storytime: Bleedman if
Which one was worse?
It's a magical world, Hobbes ol buddy. Let's never work again...
Owlturd thread
Witchblade Storytime part 29 Artifacts part 2
Was the comic ending any better?
Thank to Hulu™ Runaway™ series we are getting a new book
Where are the fucking janitors and why the fuck are there 15+ samurai jack threads active? This is fucking annoying
What the fuck is wrong with DC movie fans?
His role was to show the plot in two Power Point presentations
Anyone else looking forward to Emoji Movie? I think I have a new waifu
So what actually happened with this?
Whats her name again?
Celestial powers are gone
Travel to past
Is this a bigger disappointment than Korra?
How come Tony Stark can get away with having his identity known but Bruce Wayne can't?
Sonic Forces: Sup Forums edition
Sup Forums you're in a thrift shop in downtown new york and a fat asian cashier starts suggestively shit talking you
Out of context Spongebob frames
So what was the general consensus on this in the end?
Any other shows with perfect, emotional and thought provoking endings?
My understanding is that in DC comics there's basically four generations of heroes running around...
What went wrong?
It's sad that this will probably be good
Cartoonist can draw, but can't write a script
Could they do a live action Ladybug or would it just be too damn lewd?
Cars 3
Welp now that Aku has been defeated
So he's just a mentally healthier Batman?
You are now Aku at the start of the final episode...
Detective Comics #957 Preview
Masters of the Universe
Twin-Pack Storytime: 50's Charlton Selection
Double Duck storytime
Legion of Super-Heroes
Venom Retrospective - Part 28: Conway's Carnage - Pt 2
How hyped are you for Venom?
Pantyshot Thread anyone?
Lol, Classic John Arbuckle
So now that we know the game is shit, what are your predictions for the sequel?
Ashi you have all the powers of Aku!
Uh guys
Yeah, SJ might have been flawed
If you merged Sup Forums and /trash/ into one board, virtually nothing would change
Whomis the best Robin, and why is it Tim?
Questionable Content thread #911 - Butts and nothing but Butts
Whenever I see Darkseid, I can't help but think Michael Ironside should always voice him. It just works so well
Remember kids
Looking back the ENTIRE season was just about getting Jack and Ashi together so he could play out his childhood waifu...
Savage Moments in Comics
How can I avoid regional block and watch Les Kassos ?
How did they get away with this?
Gunnerkrigg Court
Filename Thread
So if the gods exist outside the multiverse did zues create diana in every universe...
Which are the most forgettable storylines and events?
Best ship
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...
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