New 52 Wonder Woman Volume 3: Iron


I hope that pissed off someone. Anyhow...

Volume 1 - Blood:
Volume 2 - Guts:

I don't even like Wonder Woman T B H





>captcha is bra theatre




These "bantz" are getting lamer with each thread.
I'm not even angered by the content but rather the lack of effort put forth.


Still made you post :O



Something else that annoys me about this run is the lack of Wonder Rogues. Yes, it's an aggressively prevalent meme that Diana has shitty rogues, but fuck you, I like them.

Of course, the most common criticism of them seems to be that they are, in fact, super villains, and thus are somehow out of place. Yeah.


People who say they suck and therefore shouldn't be used are lazy, uncreative sods who hopefully will never write a comic book in their lives. Even if they did suck, that's no excuse for not wanting to use them. Wally writers like Waid shat on the Rogues for years and yet Johns completely revitalized them

















A good writer could take a sucky rogue and reimagine them in a way that they have staying power. Just look at fucking Ocean Master, dude's got pathos and a code of honor now.





OK, I was with you until here. Really?


















Rip Saxet

Texas Spammer killed himself after seeing this

It's a narrow line between entertaining shitposting and just being a prick.

First Born is worse than Blue Snowman.

Well I was gonna spend my evening watching Love & Mercy but since OP got killed by Azzarello's mob connections I guess I'll finish his storytime for him.


Every once in awhile Azz got it in this run.

Oddly enough, there are more characters based off of Azzarello in comics than probably any other creators save for Kirby and Lee.

Of course including Ares here

Upon this re-reading, I think this run really picks up during this volume.

By far the worst thing in the run are the Amazons. Everything else is pretty fair, outside of some OOC moments for Diana, which Byrne and Luke and even Rucka had a few moments of. And even Perez with Diana's bizarre wetness for Superman.

And most of the OOC moments are early in the run, as it was with Byrne as well.


Huh, gotta admit, that look is pretty DIO.

All in all, it reminds me of Fraction and Aja's Hawkeye. Even though it's not entirely in character and basically disregard's their entire history, it's an enjoyable read with really nice distinct art.

And like with Hawkeye, I think the art/storytelling is far better than the actual writing and probably wouldn't be as enjoyable without it, as the fill-in issues are evidence of.




And the Fourth World stuff in this feels as out of place as it did in Byrne's run.



I'm sorry but I'll never be able to see the term "eat fresh" in the same light after... you know





Zola and Hera's interactions: some of the best stuff in this run

In case you can't tell, I tend to take a pretty positive view even of things I have problems with.

Man, I feel like this came out a thousand years ago but it was only four years ago.



Man this is awful, thanks OP. I just cant stop reading this dreck.

Sorry, I turned around to see the biggest hornet I've ever seen in my fucking life so I had to go take care of that for a second.

Most likely a Styrgian Killer Hornet.






Yup, totally in character.

I remember I thought this was pretty cool when I first got this issue.

Not so much now.

If anything Wonder Woman should have the power to make weapons DISAPPEAR


What is this, Hellblazer?

Or maybe Green Mile?

