Zack Snyder Steps Down From 'Justice League' to Deal with Family Tragedy

The filmmaker's daughter died by suicide in March, prompting him to take a break from work and Joss Whedon to finish the Warner Bros. superhero pic: "I’ve decided to take a step back from the movie to be with my family, be with my kids, who really need me."

Zack Snyder may be a hack, but fuck me if anyone deserves to see their child dying and specially in such tragic circumstances.

holy shit it's real

that's beyond horrifying for the Snyders I can't imagine it.

Jesus Christ.

>a girl had to die to save DC movies

inb4 edgelords celebrating.

Stop being hypocrites and start the DED DAUGHTER memes, will you?

Jesus, I don't like his work, but my condolences.

That's horrible, nobody should have to see their child die

Hahaha, good riddance. What a hack!
>The filmmaker's daughter died by suicide in March, prompting him to take a break from work

Dead daughters are no laughing matter.

Too late: >Whedon to finish the Warner Bros. superhero pic
Oh well.

>underrating humankind's ability to enjoy others' disgrace

Seems weird to put Joss Whedon in charge now that it's in post production. Is he gonna ADR a bunch of new banter or something?

>when you feel empathy by a person that you the think is a hack

But damn, poor guy, they are going through the unimaginable.

I hope that he doesn't goes back tho.

That's genuinely upsetting

>The filmmaker's daughter died by suicide in March
Jesus, poor man.


Shameful kek

I think you're underestimating how much a movie can change in post production. Suicide Squad was given to a trailer studio for the final cut and that's why we got what we got. It was entirely different before that.

Family tragedy is one thing, but the autistic ramblings from Synder in this interview are something else.

>Oh yeah my daughter killed herself, better bury myself in film production to deal with it
>By the way she wrote a book before she died
>Please buy my dead daughter's book

>“Here’s the thing, I never planned to make this public,” he says. “I thought it would just be in the family, a private matter, our private sorrow that we would deal with. When it became obvious that I need to take break, I knew there would be narratives created on the internet. They’ll do what they do. The truth it…I’m past caring about that kind of thing now.”

This is reads like a bad joke by Sup Forums
>it's real
Oh god, that is a horrible thing to go through. I hope his family through this well.

Whedon has rep being the guy who made Marvel a lot of money with Avengers

He likely really won't need to do much at this point but oversee all the units put the movie together.

>kills DC movies with shitty film-making
>kills his daughter with shitty parenting

How do you fuck up so hard?

Shit now i feel like a dick....

She sacrificed herself for the dc heroes

>that's why we got what we got
An Oscar-winning movie!

>I knew there would be narratives created on the internet. They’ll do what they do. The truth it…I’m past caring about that kind of thing now.
Truly a DC guy.

Fuck off.

This really sucks, but it seems kind of weird only announce this two months later. Were they on a break or something so it's only now that he would be expected to return?

And it seems too late to do much for the movie qualitywise so that's not even a plus, if you're looking at a more selfish consumer angle.

Wow, the poor guy. I feel so sad for him...

The first one here who says anything like "WB had it planned" gets a kick in the balls.



Good here's hoping everyone else follows her lead

Don't wait for us then, better get started yourself

The Snyder Family starring in: Suicide Squad

>died by suicide
What happens to the "committed suicide"?

Too far, Draxposter

I sincerely hope you burn in hell

right. i think he's kind of a douche but no parent deserves to bury their child. i hope his family will be okay.

in other news, maybe we'll get a completely different and good justice league movie thanks to whedon.

Oh its make-up and costumes were top notch, but let's pretend that makes a movie alone.

But who is coming up and taking his place ?

Morrison ? Lucas ? Boll ?

I wonder if this will give him the heart to create a great New Gods movie.

fuck I can see the posters now

>Joss Whedon
How the fuck is that an improvement?

>three threads about the news
>some anons celebrating
>some anons expressing condolences
You are all pathetic

Huh, bet that came as a real Sucker-Punch

>Read Sup Forums thread
>Laugh my ass off

>Read Sup Forums thread
>Feel sad

Uh, how so?

To soon Carlos

>Sup Forums writes a letter thanking her for killing herself for good movies

Really disheartening to hear. To actually be able to work in that kind of situation is unfathomable. It is for the best that Snyder stepped back

It’s the recommended wording because ‘commit’ implies a crime or some shit.

Feel for the guy, no one should go through that. On the movie itself, it's going to be a fucking disaster. Think about it, Snyders foundation, "salvaged" by Wheadon of all people. Prepare for a quip shouting Darkseid

Thats pretty horrible

What an hero to us all.

Well you used to fuck your dog and you waifu a bitch from a dead franchise that only ever gets to cling to crossover titles, so there's that.

Damn, wish him and his family the best.

Read the article, Joss Whedon is

You're all heart, user.

What a shame.

Does anyone have pics of this so called daughter? was she hot? was she trans? was she real? this sounds like an excuse.

Turns out his daughter wrote a novel in the first person about a depressed outsider that didn't fit in
If he couldn't notice such a blatant red flag as a father than fuck him, maybe 8 kids is to much if you can't be involved enough with one of the to realize she has problems leading to her killing herself

here you go user

At Whedon won't be embarrassed by the New Gods like Snyder was.

I hope it's not too late to change them Snyder's self professed "take" on them (generic looking, black armor back guys) to actually be like they should.

I was going to make a joke about WB hiring Will Smith to "deal with her", but this really is a sad situation. I mean still hate the DCEU, but I'm second guessing ripping on Snyder anymore

>Whedon won't be embarrassed by the New Gods like Snyder was.

>too embarrased to put in "Avengers Assemble"


Why? No one else is

Darkseid Is.




We're too far in, at least for Steppenwolf. Merch is already made. I don't like either director, but this seems like a mess given their conflicting styles

>someone has just lost their daughter
>autistic reference to Hamilton

Are you fucking serious now?

Too soon, bro.

*smacks lip*

I hope you realize the avengers assemble war cry is being left for the final battle in the 4th avengers movie. They poke fun at it at the end of avengers 2.

>Loeb's son dies
>Sup Forums jokes about it non-stop for the better part of a decade.
>Snyder's daughter kills herself.
>Half of Sup Forums starts White Knighting a dead girl and feeling back.

Never change, faggots.

To left of Snyder between him and his wife

Why hasn't anyone done that yet?


Well fuck...

This is very depressing.


Fuck DC and Fuck Snyder

>Those eyes
>That face

You could just tell

Unless He create a new character named after his daughter there is no reason to shit on him

>le epic board is one person maymay

This is just awful news at every level. As a daddy I have to say that really sucks for Zack.

Zack couldn't
>can't direct
>can't tell his daughter isn't well

Because Loeb kept putting in references to his dead son.

Sup Forums is a hivemind, user.

>Daughter on far right puffing her cheeks with glee
>Son and daughter on far left looking smug and rich as fuck

>Daughter in-between them with dead eyes

Yeah, obvious in hindsight.

What a selfish brat, I know I know, "You don't know what that person lived through" but the shit is fucking temporary.

I was fucking POOR, bullied for it by the richer kids and my mother had breast cancer. I just don't see how she had it worse to do that shit

Snyder has 8 natural and adopted kids

7 now

>He isn't part of the Sup Forumsllective.

Hahah, retard.

From what she wrote, it seemed like she didn't fit in with others but that excuse is just plain retarded

She was Asian. It doesn't take much for them.

>American parents are incompetent

>I was fucking POOR, bullied for it by the richer kids and my mother had breast cancer
>Snyder must pay for it!

well atleast she didnt take anyone else down with her


And to think, half of the problems kids have these days could have been prevented just by their parents reading to them for 20 minutes before bed and setting aside time for family game night once a week.

How long til the son goes full Elliot Roger and will his shooting make a good music video