Holy shit, why nobody told me that there was a new The Reward short?

Holy shit, why nobody told me that there was a new The Reward short?


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What is the Sup Forumsnsensus on Tales of Alethrion?

It's great, but doesn't get talked about because there's nothing to argue about. We all know it's good.
It doesn't help that there isn't much of it either.

It's pretty crazy because I think that this show has everything that Sup Forums would ask for.

>fantasy action
>deep lore and world
>naked tits

man this really makes me want to re read Dragonlance, specially the twins saga.

How it compares to the previous series of books?

Have a bump anyway.

Fuckin awesome. Gotta check out the new episodes as I loved the first two

So I guess this takes place after the events of the first one. At first I thought it was some filler for after he got vampirism


Unbelievably fantastic

it's okay, needs more money to be good, wont get more money without being good first

Ok it's good but is it what I wanted? No. The goal is too ambitious and I think the project will die before they are done which will leave me and other fans bitter. Sup Forums had little witch academia which turned into a full season anime. We have this is it is slowly chugging along.

Well that's my forced rant. I enjoy the stories I really enjoyed 'the first hero' I always enjoy a good prequel. I hope they keep going and I hope Sup Forums pays attention more

>500+ likes
>0 dislikes
This stuff deserves it.

It's a really pretentious team with a very pretentious plan for the series.

>thirsty she elf
You have my attention.

Pretty cool that those "choose your own adventure" shorts are being treated as canon and that this short follows from the events of a story whose outcomes were chosen by the fans!

>I think the project will die before they are done

I just had a look at their patreon and I'm a little shocked that their per-episode income is as low as it is considering the quality of the work.


Think I'll pledge a couple of bucks myself. It's worth two or three bucks every couple of months to me.

This is what I love about them

poor wilhelm

>1049$ per creation

its great, i need more

>no funny gags
>afraid to explore the world like Rick and Morty
>doesn't tackle real world problems like Bojack

I don't get why people like it

Maybe you are simply stupid?

If you're going to post bait, at least try to be... I dunno, like, fun? Interesting? This is boring bait. It isn't even sufficiently inflammatory to incite irritation.

Maybe it is an attemppt to incite discussion? I mean, the state of the thread is pretty sad:

"Oh, I like it"
"Me too"
"Yeh, its pretty good"

Funny thing is, their most recent episodes have few views, and for all the good stuff Sup Forums has to say, I doubt that most of the board even know that it exist, much less suport the guys. Its kind of sad.

>Shit tumblr character design
>"Hey bro can you come help me turn human real quick"
>Awful story
But wait I forget it's pretty and colorful

All style no substance

That bitch is still alive?
How the hell does one survive a stab wound+ fall from hights?

In an age of all shit substance and no style, it is like a fresh breath.

It is the third millennium and there is only shit.

Didnt whatched it yet, but you are probably confusing her with Tira?


Its her daughter, that is half monster or something like that. She is trying to avenge her mother.

There is also a little more of a story about her mother here:

I love it, I just feel bad that they didn't get the funding to fund all the character stories they wanted in full length.

Both new episodes are sequels.

I love this city and the mix of old and new technology that they have going on. Any news regarding that RPG?

Hm, I guess... It's OK?

I mean the first two were god-tier, and this just pales in comparison.

>liking things and agreeing that something is good are sad

This is why Sup Forums is so terrible, people treating discussion like it's there to entertain them.

Eeehh very pretty and I appreciate what they're doing, but the story didn't really work and the emotional beats just didn't land for me.

The Danes that made these (Sun Creature Studio) are actually working on a cartoon network show now with some of the guys from Gumball. Called Ivandoe.

Just thought it was worth mentioning.

Oh yes, this is great.

Excellent action-adventure and the closest to an unironic fantasy animation we've gotten in years.

The animation itself i comfy and they manage to cut corners without losing much quality. The comedy is well timed andthe athmosphere is comfy af.

If I had the money i'd support it. It's not often that independent studios manage to carry their pasison projects

Man that shit's fucking tight!
I forgot I loved this series.

You got me wrong.

The problem is that this site doesn't TALK about it, no discussion.

This is nice. Where did you got it?

They will get there.

>Holy shit, why nobody told me that there was a new The Reward short?

Not that much popularity, unfortunately.
