Which one was worse?

Which one was worse?


Honestly I'd say they were both equally lame final moments. The only real difference is while Korra was just too stupid for majority of its run, Samurai Jack despite the immense pacing and questionable decisions still managed to be competent enough to salvage the season.

I know KorraXIcan'tevenbotherrememberinghername is stupid pandering to please dumb fans in the very last minute, and it is, but at list it wasn't KorraXMako which was a romance that actively brought down the show just for it to go nowhere.

>jack was force and Korra had a season and a half of buildup


There were more signs of Jack/Ashi happening than there were of Korra/Asami.

you clearly didn't watch Korra so your bullshittery doesnt have much ground. We saw Korra and asami from a mile away after she got poisoned

the one that doesnt understand penis goes with vagina

jack, Korra had a difficult production while jack had hype fans and a simple plot have jack kill aku and go back to the past instead we got ashi and jack acting like retards and Scaramouch being the best character oh and the scotsman because nostalgia

they should've removed ashi and save scotsman as well as jacks other friends and scaramouch as well as akus other minions for a big two part finale and have the main story focus on jack becoming righteous 1-3 eps him taking an attempt on aku and failing 1 ep him building and saving friend to join his army 2-3 eps then the finale two part war/fight between him and aku with the guardian seeing jack as worthy of using the last portal during the fight with aku

Both were disappointing in different ways but LOK was always pretty meh so I didn't expect much out of the finale. I expected more from Samurai Jack. That said Korrasami still felt more natural than Jashi.

>Holding hands
>10 episodes of character development

Yeah Jashi is superior. They barely hinted at Korrasami. They just decided to force it in to please people's headcanons.


There was at least a good build up to Samurai Jack's end, and you could see where it was coming from.

The problem with SJ's end is that it was good, whereas people were hyping it to be a new revolution in animation.

Asami and Ashi both solely exist to be love interests, but the thing is Genndy still tried to give Ashi her own character and growth unique from Jack, and he managed to pull something like that off and all he had was ten episodes. Asami was around for all four books and the only time she was relevant was when she was crying or dating something.

So, Korrasami was worse.

Both Korra and Jack's biggest strength is their animation. I haven't watched Korra but I know it's a very flawed. Jack on the other hand has a really good story to accompany the amazing animation. Yeah the ending was rushed but nobody can deny that the animation was great. A few more episodes to develop major plot points like the battle and Jashi would have turned this 8/10 into a 10/10 for me.

>We saw Korra and asami from a mile away
So did most SJ fans for Jack and Ashi, dumbass.

Hard to say. Korra was great because I was laughing my ass off at the end while Sup Forums shit itself.

I mean at least Asami was there from the beginning and not dropped in a few episodes from the end.

Doesn't it make it worse that Asami was there from the start but was never relevant except when she was kissing someone though?

Gennedy seemingly biting off from Imaishi's book turned it from an 8/10 to a 6/10 for me.

>10 episodes of character development
light foreshadowing doesnt count as legitimate romantic character development, Jashi pretty much confirmed feelings and happened in a single episode, there was no real build up.

Considering I could barely stand Ashi and she died at the end, the ending wasn't so bad for me.

Korra for sure, since it was not a worthy sequel in my eyes.

At least she was relevant.

And a source of money too, I guess.

Say whatever you want about what came before it, but Jack's final scene was perfect in every way.

Jack at least ended okay I think. Korra's existence was more proof that cartoon creators these days are too aware of what their fanbases want.


I hated the last season of korra.
I at least enjoyed the last season of jack until the last episode.

No, you were hoping for Korra/Asami and so grasped at anything that had a whiff of it.

Korra and Asami were best friends. Everything they did is what true best friends would do for the other. The ending was an asspull to be progressive and go out with a bang.

A proper ending would have involved Team Avatar heading into the unknown together.

>A proper ending would have involved Team Avatar heading into the unknown together.
This. It'll never irk me how in Book 4, Korra just blows over Mako and Bolin after all they've been through together BEFORE Asami became a mainstay but stays in regular contact with Asami for 3 years.


Worse how?

If we're comparing Ashi and Asami as love interests Ashi wins out by a mile for having actual onscreen interaction with Jack.

As final scenes they're both flat but Jack's actually has a sense of closure for the series as a whole. Whereas Korra's has no relevance to Avatar as a series or Korra as a character. The same could be said of ATLA but at least Aang and Katara had three seasons worth of tension behind it.

In spite of that I enjoyed Korra's final season overall, way, way more than I did Samurai Jack's.

Jack, because at least Korra got us good porn

Samurai Jack, no question. The show's resurrection roused a false hope of resolution to a beloved show, only to take a swerve into waifushit.

Korra was muh ships xD from the very start.

The left one at least earned it's ending.
The right, it was just out of left field.

>We saw Korra and asami from a mile away
tell me one moments between them that can be seen exclusively as romantic, that is not on the 20 last seconds of show.

>making it all about shipping

Korra was always bad, actually the last season was a big improvement over the second season and the first season, and one reason is there wasn't any shipping. The handholding at the end was barely noteworthy. Sup Forums is just autistic about anything they think is "SJW" even though nothing fucking happened in the show. There's nothing there and people just froth at the mouth about it or make a big positive deal about it if they're pushing some specific political agenda that has nothing to do with what was actually there onscreen, which was nothing.

SJ's shit with Ashi's character was badly written.

It's hard to say. If I were to say which one had the worse FINALE, it would actually be Samurai Jack. Overly bitter in cliche'd ways (why does Ashi disappear during the wedding and not after Aku is killed?), lacks any sort of cinematic or personal punch (why does Ashi not get any more lines other than acknowledging her non-existence to the love of her life?), and the entire episode felt extremely rushed with Ashi just realizing that she has the same powers as Aku and woop, there they go and kill him.

Korra at least had a coherent finale. Yeah maybe Korrasami came out of left field but everything else at least was alright, it's just that the entire season and show were mediocre.

As for who had the better show or final season, SJ is way better than Korra.

Samurai Jack is not perfect but Korra is truly the worst shit

That's the rub though. What's worse? Ruining a series I like or a series always thought was shit

Korra's ending was shit, but the Sup Forums reaction was gold, so I remember it fondly.


Korra was a different series that had already been getting bashed for a weird S1 conclusion and an awful second season.

Jack was a continuation of the same story thread. It's ending would be like if Aang never defeated Ozai in 2008, then the final season came out in 2012 and they added Asami in Aang's story and spent half of the last season showing that Kataraang wasn't working, only for Asami to sacrifice herself by getting struck by lightning to distract Ozai from shooting Aang despite him knowing how to redirect lightning.