Complaining about manspreading in a fucking frank book

>complaining about manspreading in a fucking frank book.
Shits sake marvel


Sounds sexy.

Is the Punisher the only thing still not fully "SJW" or whatever by Marvel?

How could anyone even possibly Punisher "sjw"?

>Becky Cloonan writing Punisher

Well, I guess they're the House of Ideas, not the House of Good Ideas.

Does Frank manspread, Sup Forums?

How has it come to be that Sup Forums is even more unable to take a joke than fucking Tumblr?

The book is not bad. Not amazing, but is not SJW in the sightliest. I doubt Cloonan wrote this summary.


>I-it's just a joke, you misogynists.

Mariachi band playing on your way to work sounds fucking cool.

All of them are just minor annoyances you find on a train.

Shit, now I want a corrido about Frank!

>getting mad at marketing copy

Didn't he draw James Bond strips?

He starts killing Trump voters or something like that.

He says "To Hell with the Second Amendment"


It's a really shitty joke with humor directed at a demographic that doesn't even make this comic.

Do you go on a train and think "Man that guy's balls really piss me off"?

Bit it's a joke that Marvel made user, don't you know that everything that Marvel does is exactly what everyone doesn't want them to? You're not allowed to enjoy anything they put out because the memes say they are bad

She's not bad. It's just a fucking stupid intern who wrote an awful solicit. I don't know why they're trying to fuck her sales up.

I didn't say it's a good joke, just that it's a joke, and getting all upset about it is pathetic.

No, but when someone is spread out like they're on their couch taking up three seats, yes that is annoying.

Replace Frank with a black Muslim female.

As long as she's still murdering criminals.

>just that it's a joke
Bad jokes are more offensive than insults.

On my commute it's usually a woman with too many bags and too much arse, but there you go.
I'd be just as annoyed with the stereotypical manspreader as they're portrayed.

That is, they're both only annoying if they don't make room when someone needs it.

Asking someone to "shift up" is usually all it takes.

instead she gets them to check their privilege and has them fired from their job for being offensive


Move to Europe, we have gypsy bands in trams.

I thought marvel was going to stop this SJW shit?

That how we got YAAS QUEEN meme

They did come close once. Tried to replace him with a random woman or something a few years back.

Seeing as they're lumped in with mariachi bands, it just sounds like you're being autistic.

I'm sure that was sarcastic

How much you wanna bet that Frank shoots a guy mandpreading on the train in the dick? Seems like something Marvel Nuw would do honestly...

No amount of manspreading is big enough for the Punisher's balls.


You might be too young to remember all the outrage when Punisher defended a flag burning black kid. If the term SJW existed back then, they would have been calling Frank that.

You know, there is some women out there who experience real hardship.
Good to know that you don't have to ever feel uncomfortable in any sorth of way tho, Superior empathy my ass

Oh, you mean the process by which women have filled the earth with man? How dare I not smash my balls. You need all the extra room for your disgusting brood and comically oversized purse.

He kills rape apologists

Come on man, Cloonan or whatever her name is isn't doing a bad job. It's not epic Frank but it is Frank. Which given Marvel's current state thats a fucking win. Don't give anybody an excuse to not read the book. You can't tell me marvel doesn't know who buys punisher.

You are the joke sweetheart

What do these big babies think will happen if they just ASK a man to move his knee a few inches?