I hated this episode because it was mean spirited and had an awful lesson for the kids who watched it in the 90s

I hated this episode because it was mean spirited and had an awful lesson for the kids who watched it in the 90s

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What episode was this? The one where Dexter loses his glasses and everyone becomes blurry?

The Christmas episode

Dexter vs Santas Claws. It's a mean spirited Christmas episode. It's basically an Animated Atrocity

>mean spirited
>an awful lesson

MrEnter is that you?

>It's basically an Animated Atrocity
I see. When did you find out you were Kanner's-Severe on the spectrum again?

>Autism: the thread

>Mr Enter

Enjoy your b&, 14 year old who's just discovering DeviantART.

jewish nihilism

>the kids who watched it in the 90s
everyones watched that show on the early 2000s except if you call 1999 the "90's".
I don't gives a shit if it started to be broadcasted on 1996, Cartoon Network was a cable channel and became more accessible during a period very close to 2000, the only exception is if you are a rich american with cable before that, but the rest of the world watched this on the early 2000's.

stop pretending watching cartoon network shows is a 90's thing, same thing happens with Pokemon, it's not fucking 90's thing except if you are a japanese playing the versions with early sprites on gameboy and having a seizure watching that censored episode from the anime.

Hello MrEnter

Real question, how poor were you growing up and what nation was it in?

Americans having cable in the 90's wasn't something only the wealthy could afford, that's probably satellite you're thinking of back when the dishes were fuckhuge.

Cartoon Network became popular to kids around 1999, 2000 outside of the USA.
and when we are thinking about the 90's we are not thinking about fucking spongebob but shit like that: youtube.com/watch?v=YtnjqPMiXK8

also just look when OP's episode was broadcasted: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Dexter's_Laboratory_episodes#Season_2_.281997.E2.80.9398.29
> April 29, 1998
it's just like saying Barack Obama is a typical thing of the 2000's.

I thought Nickelodeon was the most popular kids network in the 90s?

You thought Nickelodeon aired Spongebob right from its inception? It was a very different channel in the 90s.

Yes, but Spongebob was made too late, on 1999 and became very popular and developped on the 2000's.
it's completly idiotic of saying stuff like "Oh I missed those years where I watched Spongebob on the 90's...." It just fucking make no sense.

I know it was a different channel in the 90s. Rugrats was in the top 3 most popular cartoons in the late 90s, right there with The Simpsons and that anime about catching monsters

Cartoons Cartoons from CN are definetely not a typical thing from the 90's, they are part of some very late transitional era.
also sometimes it's obvious as fucks:
>First episode (not the pilot) aired: November 12, 1999
WOAW JUST ONE MONTH AND HALF ON THE 90'S!!! so 90's dude!!!!

>Americans having cable in the 90's wasn't something only the wealthy could afford

it was a big deal, I still remember the episode in which Homer steals cable and it seems like he was the only person in the plant that had cable, clearly it was a luxury

This is bait. I watched it when it came out, mong.


You're talking as if OP says this kind of episode is typical of the 90's, which he did not. He just stated it aired in the 90s.

big feet on dedee to properly accentuate the oafishness

red hair on dexter and mom to show link
blonde hair to show link
interesting almost as the opposite mom has small pointed feet to show the opposite of oafishness which also represents well the fault of the red hairs

too focused too serious not in balance

I like these designs

they are actually designs
rare to see any amount of thought

always loved this show even though people got really critical of the post animation change seasons

similar fault as the red heads pictured haha

DeeDee and her big feet sure help my blooming foot fetish as a young kid.