It's 2D's birthday and Noodle posted this on her Instagram. Is she going to give him a happy ending?

It's 2D's birthday and Noodle posted this on her Instagram. Is she going to give him a happy ending?

Other urls found in this thread:

2D is more like a father figure to her.

Did they not invite Russel, or does Russel not care?

Actually, Noodle sees herself more of the older sister/mother of the bunch.

They're drawings.

Oh shit, I didn't realize that, especially posting on Sup Forums.

Welcome to Sup Forums faggot


You're a drawing.

Sooo... is this a family of rednecks?

If anyone is shagging the dullard, it's Murdoc.

She's asian so of course she's going to hop on that white dick


wtf, she used to be cute. Now she's a fugly munter. They need a new artist, or an old one.

hopefully they wont vandalise a veteran's memorial this time

Listen to "She's my collar" and say that again.

That's not supposed to be noodle though, as much as it reminds me of her.

>That's not supposed to be noodle though

It isn't. It's credited by the actual singer, which goes in-universe too. If it was Noodle, it'd just be called "She's My Collar" similar to "DARE".

Oh, no I mean the song is about Noodle, not that it's her singing.

Oh. Yeah, that's subjective. Depends on who wrote the song in-universe.

>“...Sometime before April 30 some idiot associated with this band put nine stencils on the walkways and desecrated the Memorial with its name and their new album”
>Gorillaz have yet to make a statement on the boycott and there is no evidence that supports that the vandals were associated with Gorillaz

Wow amazing story 10/10 real groundbreaking shit.