What emotion is this face meant to convey?

What emotion is this face meant to convey?

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His lips got tired from sucking so much dick.

confused suspicion

"SJ's ending is shit" face

>This situation is slightly awkward and i don't want to speak up, if i keep quiet maybe things will start going smoothly again

I am glad this exists.


it's always boredom

>yfw it actually happens in R&M

We need to get funding for the animators of R&M to actually do this.
Question is, would Genndy allow it if he already claimed that S5E10 was the "definitive end" to samurai Jack?
Alternative option, is somebody animates it from scratch like they did with the R&M court scene parody. We just need either the original voice actors or somebody good enough at impersonating Rick, Jack, and Ashi all together.

Post the full thing at least



oh plz nigga

I read it all in his voice


Nothing personal kid

this comic is stupid. rick is implying that jack knows about the episodic time matrix



stroke mixed with indifferent awareness

Genndy's said he's fine with alternatives, yes.

Do people actually like this


You do.

The mouth expression is based on Ren. It doesn't really work on a human face, though.

Its the "Defacto-patriarch-I'm-gonna-fuck-your-mom-and-become-your-grandpa-dad, Morty" face.