lets have a 2000 AD thread
Just started reading Judge Dredd and Rogue Trooper both are surprisingly fun despite their darker premises
No one on Sup Forums is going to know anything except Judge Dredd.
Was it ever explained why jimmy carter is here
Rogue is a personal favorite. I love how up until the end, Finlay-Day just keeps throwing crazy new ideas in your face.
I'm working my way through all the progs. Just got to the dreaded Summer Offensive. Shudder.
Just finished Judge Anderson Shamballa, which collect all or most of the Alant Grant and Arthur Ranson. great stuff.
> it takes Satan showing up for Judge Dredd to admit he has a friend
i am not very far in but i love the idea of his dead comrades still being with him in his equipment.
they could help him a ton but most of the time they are just bugging him for conversation.
>that time Dredd put Satan himself in jail
>that time Judge destroyed a car even though it wasn't the persons fault that their emission filter was broken even if they only drove for a couple of minutes
If any of you have read the cursed earth saga know that judge dredd changed the presidents sentence
do you think any of the other judges would get mad at him?
I'm one of the Brit faggots on the board so I do read the weekly.
Right now really enjoying both Brink and Deadworld. Deadworld is fucking great, I wasn't that enthusiastic when they hooked up with the rebel camp but look where it's gone. The Dark Judges are genuinely scary again for the first time in a long time and I'm so there for Casey and the weird Byke/mecha-horse confronting Judge Fear. What a great intro they gave him. I feel really into both Casey and Fairfax as characters and I want to see where they go.
Brink wasn't something I was really into at first but with each strip it's grown on me. I haven't read the first series of this and I don't know if I want to: I like the world it's set out currently and the slow burn (certainly for 2000 AD) worldbuilding in the details from the current story. The Brass Sun artist feels like they really work for this story. Again, I feel that the strong sketching out of Kurtis as a character in this weird setting is what makes the story so strong.
Defoe seems better than it has been at times in the past but I'm not awed by it. This is a strip that Mills can get really indulgent with and I think when he gets like that he ends up boring himself, which makes the story boring. Dredd continues at its usual average-to-good quality (the plot in the current story was obviously unintentionally highly relevant to current news). I can't even be bothered reading Scarlet Traces which is weird because I loved the original but the sequels do nothing for me.