>There are still comic fans who think Supergirl is more powerful than Superman

I found this out last night after Supergirl's finale that there's a ton of these fuckers out there. What gives? Wasn't this theory debunked in the very same story arc in which it was introduced, in the early mid 2000s Sueprgirl run?

Unless i'm missing something about their biology, shouldn't they be the same?

>Only the stories I like count

Pathetic fanboy.

If I understand it correctly, Superman was raised under our yellow sun while Supergirl came to it as an adult. He's absorbed more of its magic so he's stronger.

The story went that Supergirl seemed stronger than Clark because he had spent so much time training himself to have restraint and she went full power all the time.

Kara is weaker because she's spent less time under a yellow sun then Clark has.
Without her pod being specially modified to absorb sunlight she actually wouldn't have powers at ALL upon arrival since it took Clark (and Connor come to think of it) years of exposure to fully develop his Kryptonian powers, which have grown stronger over time.

Originally Batman and a few others thought Kara was more powerful then Clark because of her modified transport ship, but Clark eventually proved that basically it was just that Kara had less finesse and control then he did and didn't know how to hold back as much as Clark does when using his powers.

Curious; shouldn't Power Girl then be significantly stronger then Kara, as she is both older and has spent more time in a yellow sun?

This page came from the exact storyline in which the speculation that she could be more powerful than him was introduced. This is why it blows my mind that SO many fans still think she's more powerful.

The only thing I can guess, is that when the storyline was first introduced, word started to spread that she was more powerful, and it reached the ears of fans who didn't follow the storyline, so they weren't around for the story's resolution when it was revealed she wasn't more powerful. That's the only explanation I can come up with for fans to still remain ignorant to this fact.

Actually no.
Karen is a Kryptonian from Earth-2 originally, and they process solar radiation slower then Earth-1 Kryptonians do; when they're younger they have Golden Age power sets (strength, limited invulnerability, leaping), but as they age they gradually get more and more powerful so that Earth-2's Kal-L was Clark's physical equal when he was in his late 40's physically.

This means Power Girl is only about as strong as Supergirl is despite being older.

Shouldn't the strength be proportionate to a muscular man and a fit female? Meaning Superman would fuck her up?

Exactly. And he has

It's this exactly: Supergirl isn't stronger than Superman, she just doesn't have the restraint Clark has so she's always operating at 100% while if Clark thinks he only needs to use 60% of his strength he does.

These are the same kind of people who talk about the "less then an attosecond" and swear by it

remember how on season 1 she beat the literally who that Superman never could?

There's always going to artists who take their liberties to make a story interesting or because they didn't do their homework but the idea and logic of the kryptonian race is preset. They are a race that absorb solar radiation and use it to employ a vast array of abilities. The are energy manipulators. Their basic biology (non- powered) is that of a advanced humanoid race from a planet with higher gravity than Earth so technically they should be a bit stronger than humans. Past that they employed a caste system and "houses" were specialized. The house of "El" was a science caste and so Kal and Kara should be really smart whereas Zod should be the Strongest physical example but writers have been really lazy.

All I remember is Batman/Superman where Superman says that she has the capacity to become more powerful than him and she doesn't hold back as much.

But yeah, I don't really see anyone standing up to Superman at his peak.

Absolutely not, he has more body mass to retain solar energy, and more muscle to supercharge with it.

I would have though Powergirl>Superman>Supergirl since she comes from the same place as Superboy Prime.

What happened?

>she comes from the same place as Superboy Prime
no she doesn't, power girl comes from earth 2, Prime comes from earth prime in which he is the only one with powers.

Because it's his speculation.

Their powers don't make sense as is, so who the fuck knows? I say this a huge mark for the superfam

The Loeb Superman/Batman story. Not like it really matters. In her show she can beat him because she's the protagonist.

What feats does Supergirl have to compare with Superman's most powerful ones?

Supergirl finale was shit just like the rest of the series, what did you expect?

Does that apply to New52 Supergirl? It was basically implies that she is a genetically modified Kryptonian and have display powers that Superman doesn't have.
