Was it rape?

Was it rape?

Yeah sure

Yes. Nobody would ever willingly have sex with all those freaky voiced fucked up ice creams.


>the lesson is you can't force gay people to be straight
>they end the cartoon by forcing the straight person to be gay

there heart is in the right place, but it could have been handled 100 times better

No it was a shitty metaphor

>there heart is in the right place

Ice cream orgy is a shit metaphor regardless of context.

Good flavor name, though.

>Try proving a point making a humorous cartoon, with silly situations, mirroring real ones
>People flip out because makes no sense
>Shows on straight fashion the results of research, discoveries and conclusions on the subject in the past 10 years
>people flips out because it's no Beakman's World science

There's no way out of it. People will disagree/ whiny about it no matter how you show it, jumping from one asspull to another

>have a ton of different icecream flavors
>realize i can mix them all and come up with a super flavor
>super flavor tastes like shit
fuck this thing, i would rather just have vanilla

*Sup Forums will disagree/ whiny about it no matter how you show it, jumping from one asspull to another

Personally, I think it had a dumb message, but making a sub-par sexuality explanation video is still leagues above openly discriminating.

or maybe it was just shit

>Just vanilla
>no nuts
>no icing
>no special cones

This is hardest normie you can go

There's some backlash to it, gen Z is growing up as much more right wing than millennials are, and Bill Nye's new show was pretty widely hated and criticised.

>Women are becoming gigantic slugs
You mistyped but it's still correct oddly enough.

>throwing in a bunch of random bullshit together instead of appreciating one simple, good flavor like a fucking adult and not a hyperactive child

>post pictures of ice cream
>retards think it makes a political statement

i would rather vanilla than shit thats what im saying

>Men are addicted to porn, which functionally isn't any different than getting cucked
>mfw Sup Forums has unironically gone hardcore evangelical simply because gay people exist

It is a political statement if you're Bill Nye

Dude, plain vanilla ice cream is the most boring shit on the planet. You may as well just douse your tongue in chilled syrup.

m8 are you really suggesting that porn addiction isn't a legit issue?

You're on a fucking porn site, dude. Have a little self-awareness.

>Pedophilia is starting to slowly get shill ed as the next frontier of sexual liberty after transexuality, which has now gotten into federal law in canada.

Literally there's not even 80 years of pedo-scare politics and it's already running out of steam. The so called "new ways" are, all in all, nothing but old ways that once in a while gets suffocated by false moral standards.

it actually is for some people tho
i mean videogame addiction ins moslty bullshit but some asians and russians play non stop for days until they die

>putting jimmies on ice cream
Now let numbuh 5 tell you why that's bullshit.

I would suggest that you're a cunt, and should be disregarded as one.

t. porn addict.


It's only an issue to people who weren't going to have sex anyway, NEETs who spend all day online, chads are still out there getting pussy

>Hedonism is now unironically displayed as something positive that should be tolerated.
Societies have accepted hedonism way before us. While the Romans were all about honor and loyalty to the empire, Egyptians were all about getting drunk, fucking and just generally being lazy fucks. Might be wrong here, but women were actively seeking to cuckold their husbands with anyone else that was either more successful and/or had a bigger dick.
Agree with everything else though.

This. They ruined their own shitty metaphor by literally making the straight person gay despite preaching the opposite.

NuBill Nye show is terrible and should be ignored.


Nigga what the hell is wrong wit'choo?

Everybody is secretly gay, trans, etc, you just don't know it yet.

>>Shows on straight fashion the results of research, discoveries and conclusions on the subject in the past 10 years
Eventually, user, you're going to have to realize that sociology is not a real science and that it has dragged the field of psychology down with it. Worse yet, it's now trying to drag biology down as well.

I don't mind it when evangelist are moralfags, because at least they live up to their own standards. Sup Forums likes to pretend it holds some kind of moral high ground because it calls everyone else "degenerates"

Any human being with more than 2 brain cells would disagree with it, m8

Subtle flavors like vanilla, white chocolate and marshmallow are the best. It's bad that you can't appreciate them.

its a problem for people with issolation tendencies
its being framed as a problem because it supposedly makes people with issolation tendencys hostile towards women
because we cant ever adress a problem that affects men, not even once.
Even male suicide is a womens problem, those are women losing their sons and husbands, we should make male suicide ilegal

Bjork made the ice-cream flavor metaphor before it was cool

Truly a woman beyond her time

If you like marshmallows in your icecream, you're literally a nigger.

...just how much sugar do you consume daily that your tongue is just utterly numb?

Vanilla was raped, yes.

Suicide is already illegal isn't it?
I've never once heard of people saying male suicide is a women's problem, where have you been hearing that? The reasoning I've heard for the higher numbers in male suicide is that since more men have highly stressful jobs than women, it leads more of them to suicide.

>because at least they live up to their own standards

>not hypocritical

>>Shows on straight fashion the results of research, discoveries and conclusions on the subject in the past 10 years
what did he mean by this

I think Vanilla was a jerk for trying to force all the other flavors to be like him, but I still think that all of the flavors ganging up on him and peer pressuring him to mix with them was a bad and weird reaction. As long as he's not bothering anyone, why can't Vanilla just be Vanilla?

Also I was disappointed this short taught me nothing about any science behind conversion therapy and why it doesn't work. I only saw the short though, did the episode itself address that topic? I don't watch this show.

I prefer sherbet.

Now THAT'S gay.

>food anal orgies

Pretty ironic that the flavors were all subtle racist/homophobic caricatures but nobody said anything. Confirmation bias is a hell of a drug.

Watch the episode and found what, instead of watching forced montages in "E3 TOTAL DISASTER CONFERENCES" fashion

>its a problem for people with issolation tendencies
>its being framed as a problem because it supposedly makes people with issolation tendencys hostile towards women
I never really thought about my disdain for women coming from my porn addiction...That's pretty eye opening.

can you please speak english, this is starting to become annoying

holy shit

i cant believe this garbage is on the new bill nye

the metaphors are all over the place

and they had an orgy at the end

i wouldnt want my kid watching this if i had one

It's designed for people in their early to mid twenties that use the word "adulting" in casual conversation, not actual children.

>there heart is in the right place
No it isn't. The whole message boils down to the childish retort that says "if you hate it so much that must mean you love it!"

I can't really find it in myself to care about the message its trying to get across when the animation is all around fucking stupid.

>Argumentum verbosium

Watch the episode. Bill explains the said researches on genre studies.

Clear enough for you?

Those people ARE actual children, user.

>"if you hate it so much that must mean you love it!"
>childish retort

vanilla is fucking bland, you know when you put things in the freezer and that little layer of ice that covers everything over time. that is what vanilla tastes like.

won't argue with that

>sociology is not a real science and that it has dragged the field of psychology
This is true, I took a psych class thinking it was going to be an easy humanities class but boy was I wrong. They are actually pretty strict about the use of the scientific method and are really serious about doing experiments correctly.


All you Trumpcucks would call me a dirty leftist if you knew my politics, but even I think the new Bill Nye show is dogshit.

I honestly don't think there's a single demographic that likes it, even reddit hates it.

I think you might lack taste buds.

That's a good quote as long as it's within the realm of bisexuality because implying sexuality is a choice is kind of a faux pas.

Cocoa beans get out, this is a 'Nillas only neighborhood.

>The bi icecream is the slutty one that initiates an orgy
So progressive.

its not my job to educate you, you are clearly too stupid to know shit bout whats happenning around you

shes just saying everyone should experiment

so obviously yes its within whatever realm youre referring to

>sociology is not a real science
>if I say so, it must be true

How scientific of you.

The hell was up with that sex junk song anyway. Lady can't sing for shit.



fucking vanillafags!

>everyone should experiment
So should I "experiment" with drugs/violence/unprotected sex?

Fun fact: Blending the vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate components of Neapolitan Ice cream together results in an unappealing brownish sludge...

(Source: My eight year old self)

This was from Bill Nye? I literally stopped watching it and gave it a one star after the alt-medicine episode turned into Dear White People.

>proceed to listen to "A Dick in the box"

She's not saying people should (just) experiment, though- she's plainly claiming everyone's bisexual

Which is offensive to both straight /and/ gay people

I don't find that song funny either

Welp, time to go melt the inferior flavors

>*Sup Forums will disagree/ whiny about it no matter how you show it, jumping from one asspull to another
When everyone is Sup Forums nobody is, remember that

>people in this thread actually defending Bill Nye's psuedoscience

Just fucking torch this place already

he didn't fly so good


>calling them jimmies
Not muh number 5.

>psychology, anthropology, sociology and biology are pseudo science

Torch yourself, old timer

If most people are vanilla why were there so many ice cream flavors

>Watch just because I wanted to see orgy
>No actual orgy
>People are THIS worried about where someone else sticks their dicks and vaginas
what a bunch of fucking losers.

1 drop rule



nigga this is a blue board

Biology doesn't confirm gender. In fact it does the opposite.
Cultural studies=/=hard science
Unless you're discussing human evolution or the races, it's not hard science.
I don't fucking know at this point. I'd say "corrupted" hard science.

>Try to through in some awkward jokes in the real science bits
>Not really funny or entertaining to watch
They're unarguably the best part but it lacks any real charm and it feels like watching a fifth grade teacher trying and failing to amuse his bored students.

I never really grew up with Bill Nye so maybe this is the case but alot of the real sciency bits is filled with awkward silences and really dumb "I'm gonna put on a silly voice for no reason now!" moments as if it's not sure if it's a show for preschoolers or adults.

>plainly claiming everyone is bisexual

no she isnt
i dont see how you could possibly have gotten that impression