This is Ashi

This is Ashi

She stopped Jack from defeating Aku, then did it herself and saved his life and finished his quest for him, then died. Truly a noble and selfless sacrifice, befitting the hero of the series.

And Jack helped!

Say something nice about her

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Something nice about her

>Pls defend my waifu Sup Forums

How pathetic

Did they fucked before the wedding?
Do you regain your virginity if the girl ceases to exist?

I like how her last words kinda imply she knew this was gonna happen yet in the time it took to send snail mail across the entire fucking planet for jack's diversity squad teachers to show up and also to plan a wedding she didn't go 'ayy hubbie i might just cease to exist at any given point'

she's a mary sue that instantly gave Jack a time portal.
literally all she amounts to is being a plot device to send Jack back to the past.

She basically facilitated the erasure of many generations by allowing Jack to go back to the past.

>Ashi is objectively thousands of magnitudes worse than any genocide-inducing dictator that's ever existed, even Aku himself
Really fools my samurai

How did you post a blank picture like that op? What's an ashi?

I want this fucking retardation to stop.

A noble sacrifice would have been staying behind to die to Future Aku while sending Jack to the past so she could protect the world she saw beauty in.

She went back to the past to marry Jack and then realized she accidentally time paradoxed herself out of existence, which is just a wet fart.

And erasing her only creates a further paradox as Jack can no longer get back to the past.

This show threw logic out the damned window, the window of a top floor in a 32-story skyscraper.

She's a beautiful perfect angel and deserved better
Yes, but those generations will be replaced by new generations that don't need to suffer horribly under Aku's reign

>episodes 1,2 & 3 are considered to be the best episodes
>coincidentally the episodes before the forced romance plot started off

Remember how Jack used to see hallucinations of his parents calling him failures only for them to completely disappear?

Remember how Jack had a moral dilemma over killing human beings that never came up in the rest of the show?

Remember how Jack felt guilty over killing Ashi, but just completely got over killing the other six?

Him getting over harming living beings was handled nicely, imo. Definitely not bad, if you remember the overall time constraints.
And he saw hallucinations up until 5 episode, where he decides to end his life. Then he gets over it with Ashi's help (this is another matter) and decides to finish his quest, so no reason for hallucinating.

Ashi really is the main character of this season.

>mary sue
Her beating the army is justified by Aku genetics and her mom already being a freak of nature.

>I has your powers now
Well its a rare case of plot induced stupidity making a character remember all of their powers.

>Shes just perfect
No shes a socially awkward cuntbag who alienates people around her without meaning it.

God that fight was bullshit.
>see mountain
>prepare for "classic small unit holds off large army in narrow passage"
>nah, fuck that, and fuck weapon too

She's one outragous dude!
She's totally in my face!

That's not how it happened.

Why did you go ALL the way back to the beginning, you dumb bitch?

That aside, you looked really nice in that wedding dress gown.

And Aku is a plot device who serves as a challenge for Jack to overcome, but I don't see you losing your shit about it.