ITT: Your crack ship


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Think about it.

>Star Butterfly and Double D.

Except not on crack.


>Actual guns
>Shooting at The KND
>They are murdering children

How big was shipping pre-Internet? You think there were artists back in the 40's privately drawing Batman and Superman fucking?


crack ship sure is a drug. The possibilities are endless

Crack is whack.

But wax the smack. So whack off whenever you can!

>Pearl x My local park's public bathroom

>Blossom's a widow now

I'm sure it was common-place.

Also, I guess that depends how you intend to define the term "shipping."

I'm sure a big draw for chicks watching Friends back in the 90s was the relationship drama, and wanting to see so-and-so end up with whoever. And soap operas were around for decades before then.
That can technically be considered shipping.
You could say my first ever ship was Chip/Gadget from when I was a little kid before I had the internet.

At the same time, the term is kind of associated with people who are involved and geek out about it on a level that separates them from casuals.

Explain this ship.

We need more of this ship.

Haruhi Suzumiya + Fred Jones (Mystery Inc.)
Thanos + Grim
Miyamoto Usagi + Jolly Jumper
Yotsuba + Calvin

Not if multiverse theory has anything to say about it.

Revenge arc when?

Superman and Jean Grey?




I honestly think it would be better than Robbie x Kamala.




yeah looks canon to me.

Also, an other one of my favorites.
Literally, everything in common!


Not quite a crack ship, but I like to pretend that Black Lagoon is a sequel to Fillmore.

My friends and I on Steam had a thing where we shipped Lapis and Doomguy

This was mostly from the old /hgs/ threads back in 2015. It's mostly a tale of romance and tragedy.

If only they both still existed

