Is Johnny Test better than Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, Samurai Jack, Korra, and Star Vs?

Is Johnny Test better than Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, Samurai Jack, Korra, and Star Vs?

No. It's much, much worse.

Nice bait

you shouldve asked
>Johnny Test or TTG?

What did he mean by this?

I feel like people only hate on Johnny Test because of the whipcrack and e-celebs

The sisters dressed like sluts were hot

Something 100% of Sup Forums agrees on cannot be bait by definition, unlike your posts.

How much heroin were you injected with to say this?

>Trying this hard

Post the sisters

No need to try, it's obvious as fuck.

>I dictate what 100% of Sup Forums likes
Fuck off Johnny Test is great

It's the same fucker who posts those OK K.O. threads everyday.

So... All the fucking drugs?


Nope. Autism.

The first season of Johnny Test honestly wasn't that bad. Season 2 and onwards was total shit though.

As usual, Canada ruined it.

Johnny Test has never disappointed me, it never blue-balled me, unlike those other cartoons you mentioned, it never pretends to be great so you don't have to waste your time being invested on it. So yes, it is in fact, better than Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, Samurai Jack, Korra, and Star Vs

>Steven Universe
>pretends to be great
>disappoints someone
What is going on?

Really bland, generic, cheaply made kids show story-wise. Would plow Johnny's mom Lila Test and Jillian Vegan though. R34 of Lila is hnnngggggg and there's barely any of Jillian sadly.

I get more enjoyment from johnny than i do from the others