ITT: Characters above the age of 18 who have not had sexual intercourse

ITT: Characters above the age of 18 who have not had sexual intercourse

But her sister did fuck a fork once. So that's something.




>But her sister did fuck a fork once




It was a fanfiction which bred the term "Forkanna".
It told a story of Anna delivering food to her sister, then after realizing that the Elsa touched the fork, she fucked it.

Elsa is literally me. Intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.

Sup Forums

/frz/ was a mistake


I don't really have a reaction to this.

any loud sister except lori

>75 years old
>Never swiped his V-Card across the buttcheeks of a lady

>being a virgin into adulthood
This doesn't actually happen does it?

Any Disney characters over the age of 30 who have not had sexual intercourse ?

>Loud sister
>above the age of 18
only in your porn, sicko

My god, she's even retarded in comics!




I'll wait......





Seems like that would hurt.

Oh do not worry, the fanfiction specified that she didn't use the sharp parts.

Then what's the point?

Can we trust him?

He's a big guy.