Why does this exist?

Wondy's costume from the movie looks great. It's not really that sexy outside of the bare legs, but those make sense from a mobility standpoint. Also, fighting heels looks cool, fuck off

>but those make sense from a mobility standpoint.

And a cultural standpoint. Greeks didn't really wear pants.

>Greeks didn't really wear pants.

Erm.. *ancient Greeks.

>Also, fighting heels looks cool
I'm gonna have to disagree there. It really is better for female superheroes, at least the ones who can't fly, to be wearing flat soles.

Forgot to add, they gave her wedge heels in the movie, and not just straight up stilettos, but like the people who make these will ever bring that up....

This is way before the movie.
But it exists because people like to both create derivative shit not judging it's fun some times. But it is what it is and a certain group of people like to make their redesigns to make "a point"
Which is why they tend to look like shit because they're made with making a point in mind and no design effort.
Tacticool is always shit because it goes in with the idea "it's gotta be realistic because in my head realism says legitimacy" ironically they make an ugly unfitting costume and their lack of knowledge usually makes it impractical as well.

Why does this image exist? For people like you to endlessly make bait threads about complaining about "Muh SJW's taking away my wonderwoman!"

because people like to draw and sometimes they draw versions of things they have seen elsewhere
>but those make sense from a mobility standpoint
practicality is moot when you have powers to make up for any clothing limitations or magic clothing (like mr FF or speedsters)
>fighting heels looks cool
it does not

>SJW's are mad that a female character is drawn even remotely sexy
What else is new?

>Why does this image exist?
you know how people write fanfiction? well people that can draw do the same with designs

Someone post the X-men ones.

redesign to your heart's content, but they should have made her look more unique. Just looks like a variation on the Gotham Manhunter's costume

This. This design looks awful. They made it into a "practical" and "modern" combat suit, like something a SWAT team would wear, but then they add little details from the old costume so that you don't forget it's Wonder Woman. Thing is, wearing an iron bra and a tiara with a kevlar suit looks way fucking stupider than high heels. Just give her a bike helmet with her logo and pat yourself even harder on the back

All his designs are the same too. They're just full covering drab body suits with minor accessories so you can tell who it was supposed to be.

Someone post the Zatanna one.

Wonder Woman if she were designed by the Marvel Studios team.

Ingvard, if you're gonna be condescending when you're explaining your point, then I already know you think your audience won't listen to you... so hey, I will comply with your wishes and not listen to you. I bet that makes you feel all justified.

I disagree with the agenda but this costume actually looks pretty cool, just needs some color.

This, imagine a room of people dressed like that. JL would make me depressed

>Ingvard the Terrible

Fitting nome de plume for such a drab piece of shit.

If you're going to redesign the entire costume to be more practical, it's pretty silly to keep the lasso. A gun would be much more practical.

>Superman-level immortal demigod needs a more practical look.

Fuck it, dumping the rest



Who drew this and where on the autism spectrum are they?


This tacticool trend needs to die already, it doesn't look good, it looks like the character raided the local motorcycles R us.

Why don't we just give a burqa? Isn't that what modern SJWs want?

Hell, DC already tried this with the DCYou and the cunts still didn't buy it.


It's all the same fucking biker outfit with or without ski goggles.

with modern face recognition just give up on half covers and put everyone in luchador masks.
>sexist fishnets
I know im playing into xhes hand but how are fishnets sexist? also they are mostly stockings, can't recall the last time with classic fishnets

Yeah, I get the point they're trying to make and I largely agree with it. But these are comics and rule of cool comes first, it has to be an attractive design even if it isn't sexually attractive. It has to say something about the character, it should be distinctive, it should be fun to just look at.

And I see people complaining that the attempts at realism ruin the costume, but it doesn't have to be. Concessions for realism can look cool, tacticool gear is fun to look at and worn gear can tell lots of stuff about a character. It's a bitch to draw, sure, but if you're willing to put in the extra effort it can be great.

You just gotta be inspired first, y'know? You can't make a great costume design trying to "fix" someone else's design, you have to have a great idea of your own that doesn't hinge on the hero being sexy.

Like having some color alone would fix a lot about this. She's a superhero, but she looks more like a generic henchman.

Most of these are too visually bland, but I actually really like the Black Canary outfit. It's kind of reminiscent of the one in Arrow.

>A cape would likely get this Kryptonian killed in reality.
That Incredibles quote needs to die.

>remember kids if your parents are not wealthy than you have no chance of earning enough money for an outfit that is not homemade.
>no, not even the people you save will sponsor you

They're are people on this planet in the year 2017 that want practical realistic outfits for fictional characters in a fictional world

Why do they all have the same patterning?

Why isn't Supergirl mostly blue? Oh, he's using MoS as an example of making Superman look good.

Is clearly the worst. She looks like a fucking Harry Potter reject. Just add a skirt or trousers to Zatanna's regular costume if you desperately want a redesign.


>No cape
It's crud.

>But the Incredibles said NO CAPES!
No one in the Incredibles is immune to nearly everything like a Kryptonian is.


This Ingvard is aptly named

fuckin DONE

I like this one.

>in le current year goggles are totally better than domino masks, I mean come on
kys. you can like one, the other or both but don't try to push your taste as objectivity
well if you bring in realism out go most heroes.
Why does she look like she has ironman legs with fishnets?
going balled is also practical and does not leave evidence

these arent about practicality and you know it

>The artist complaining about originality and how "formulaic, lazy, and boring" female heroes are
>All her redesigns take immediately recognizable characters and turn them into the same short haired blonde girl wearing a concrete grey and faded reddish brown motorcycle outfit

That's because Brigantine's, and medieval armor in general, is incredibly sexy. It's also easily the least retarded looking of these.


Artist source

>Bitches about how ridiculous her costume is
>Still gives her high heels to fight vampires
You cant have one or the other

so if she has big boobs she must have athletes body? maybe not all super women have to be size 2 but how is that a reason for this one to be changed?
>muh support
seriously has this person ever seen a comic, do they expect the artist to keep track of this design in motion?
She wants it that way, there done. no need to make everything deep. I girl can enjoy showing off without being a whore.
"I watched a cartoon and copy it like a retard" where is her stun button, I mean why not.

>Real armor
>It's a bunch of leather pads

The worst? The second they dropped the tacticool schtick the design got at least a hundred times better. This actually looks fucking cool and dangerous, there's some actual character and personality coming through with the pose and clothing. He lets her be flamboyant, she looks like she'd actually be a cool design for a tabletop RPG character, sorta Shadowrun-y.

Looks like Aang when he went to the Fire Nation.

This. What's the point in reading cape comics if you can't even suspend your disbelief about the practicality of their fucking costumes?

Now let's look at some Pulp redesigns

for someone so obsessed with practicality this posting is baffling. its like she is leaning on an invisible wall while arching her back, tiwsting her arm and tip toeing. looks kind of like MOS design but with red instead of gray. she herself looks like dead eyed and fat in the face version of valkyrie
What happen to me learning to let go and letting my daughter be her own person? I would like to see this persons starfire.
when did she look like pamela?
and as we all know you can't enjoy yourself while fighting evil.
not even going to come up with a new thing eh


Its only alive because its cheap to use in tv shows and movies. instead of muted versions of the colorful stuff they just go full gray/black. When casey jones starts looking like an A list hero you know you fucked up


This hurts in a way I didn't know was possible


Im going to skip the boxes and just say now she just looks like nico the runaways (even she had more variation)

That's the problem with all of these. If these designs were really meant to be practical, they'd all be wearing thick helmets and carrying assault rifles. Instead we get ladies wearing motorcycle leather and wielding a magical rope or a bo staff. They're not practical enough to exist in the real world and they're not interesting enough to make someone want to pick up a comic book.


Beta males virtue signalling.


I mean... that's what a lot of armor was
Besides that's clearly metal scale with a leather jerkin over it
Were you going somewhere with that?


Why? Does not her "cheesy" look make her stand out from others?
10/10 commentary, very relevant to character design and totally true.
deaging and more edge? Does this person work for the company?

All women need to be covered up! Sharia feminism says so.

I tried out a quick mock up in paint.NET with increased saturation and a multiply layer

Why does the wasp have a mustache?

While I find this guy annoying and self-righteous in his tone, that's not a very honest argument when you're talking about male artists creating scantily-clad women for money.


She looks like a side character from Buffy.

fuckign disgusting

>I mean... that's what a lot of armor was
Leather armour was nowhere near as prevalent as a lot of media makes it out to be and scale mail was more ceremonial than anything, why use leather when gambeson is cheaper and just as protective?

>fighting heels looks cool

I disagree, but I'm curious why you disagree with that.

Isn't it a double standard that women can make art of idealized men but men are told not to?

An asian with colored highlights in her hair?

I'm not saying that men can't, but I am saying that "Sharia feminism" is a stupid counterargument if someone says that they don't like men doing so.

Also, it's not so much that we don't want men doing so at all so much as we want it to stop happening so very, very often. It's really oversaturated, especially in a medium like comics, and it gets old.

I can't help but feel all these women are going to be DYING in the summer heat. At least Batman can afford air conditioned suits.

The leather armor thing is a myth. The scale armor is badly drawn - it looks more like shiny fabric than a coat of heavy metal scales.

>Claims sexist origins
>Vampirella created by influential woman who helped pioneer second-wave feminism and designed Vampirella the way she did in protest of people shaming women who didn't dress conservatively

its funny because its true
Where is dare devil's batman outfit? its the "why does not tony put everyone in a suit" all over again.
a lot of assassins just give up on normal life and are on the run or they pay off the locals to pretend like they are not there, king pin is not the only one who can do it. in most recent ep of supergirl jimmy was recognized by just his eyes, where is your god now? + good pro killing is about not being seen or not leaving anyone to talk to the cops. any imitable part is also often unrealistic so there won't be inspired copy cats running around (for example that is why Japaneses crime comics always have some ridiculous methodology or magic tool used for crime)
she keeps them in her ass

>complain about fighting crime in heels
>gives her heeled boots

This is the only one that's not complete shit, and like others have mentioned, it's basically the same pattern/design as the others, with a few details changed.

These actually leave kind of a bad taste in my mouth and I'm not even exaggerating.

Because people can draw whatever they want, and some people who can draw want that. Take it easy.

looks like generic medieval chick.
just cut it off. I mean why stop now.
armor is heavy, especially under all that sun she travels. just give her a magic motorcyclists outfit she found in a cave. I mean if those shitlord can get away with that weak rational im sure so could you

Is Wolverine a Slavic gardner?

Whatever these suits gain in practicality, they lose in iconicness. Very few people want to see a group of girls dressed in nearly identical brown leather suits punching baddies.

Hell, if you put them all in the same fight scene the reader would have very little idea of who is fighting what because they all look nearly identical.

>Also, it's not so much that we don't want men doing so at all so much as we want it to stop happening so very, very often. It's really oversaturated, especially in a medium like comics, and it gets old.

Bikini Armor Battle Damage pls go

Men like looking at sexy women, men will draw what they like. Deal with it.
If you don't like it make your own comics.

t. Bi woman who likes cheesecake

denzel what have they done to you?
veronica where is archie?
oh now you tell us, so all the other characters can't but this one can. even gets to keep heels, how arbitrary

oh wow thanks man it looks surprisingly good now

It looks like Nico.

Das raciss.

And what is "Thunder Blake" holding?

Okay; to be honest, I'm lesbian myself and don't mind physically idealized women in an aesthetic sense. Though I think a lot do have oversized breasts still.

And I would make my own comics, but my hands are a bit fucked up and I can't even hold a pen properly.

its not bad, just not to my liking. feels like one of those looks you would see in an image comic, the kind that keeps you from giving the story a chance

That's literally Keith Giffen Star-Lord. What the fuck.

>Hand-crank eye beams