Now that the dust has settled, can we agree she did nothing wrong?

Now that the dust has settled, can we agree she did nothing wrong?

she didn't stab Suyin in her black heart when she had the chance

She just wanted to make the Earth Kingdom great again. Other than trying to invade the Republic City, she was entirely in the right.

Besides not hesitating to kill her lover, then yes, she truly did nothing wrong.

I love her eyebrows.

Was Suyin meant to be despised?

She probably did.

But the "heroes" were worse for the most part, or at least more insufferable.

She was great until it was decided that she wasn't "MWA-HA-HA" evil enough.

Republic City is rightful Earth Kingdom (now Earth Empire) clay.

meant to, no. They just thought we'd side with the ex-criminal brat who got everything she wanted over the pillar of justice that's been around since the first season

I'm 100% convinced that awkwardly squeezed in the bit about ethnic cleansing because they realized she was too sympathetic, even with the giant warbot.

Earth King literally gave it away. You can argue about how he shouldn't have done that all you want, but he did.
What Kuvira did is basically an equivalent of Russia invading US to grab Alaska back.

she browbeated her supporters whenever they had the slightest disagreement until some of them turned on her. she could have easily kept Bolin on a while longer if she just chilled out and explained things in the right way.

she's also incredibly cocky, to the point of near suicide at one point. Korra would have turned her into a giant blood smear if she hadn't freaked out.

Alaska was pretty much nothing but a big target for the British (Russia's primary rival at the time) who were busy building up British Columbia right on Russia's doorstep; that's was why the Russians got rid because the only thing they really did there was have some small settlements for fur trading.

Republic City (and the United Republic) came about because it was agreed with the Kuei to resettle Fire Nation colonists which fucked everything up so then Zuko and Aang just unilaterally decided to carve out a slice of the Earth Kingdom for their great multicultural state because the Fire Nation colonists decided they didn't want to leave. So it's more like if Mexico invaded and conquered parts of the United States but were defeated and then the Mexican colonists in San Antonio decided that they didn't want to leave, the President tried to march in troops to get them out and the Pope and president of Mexico decided that San Antonio and the surrounding area was now an autonomous sovereign state.

>she's also incredibly cocky
Wouldn't you be? Korra has a poor track record and literally can't stop jobbing.

>Doesn't actually help the earth kingdom territories she gained control of
>Strips them of their limited wealth to finance her war machine.
>Loses war anyway

Oh, she did something very wrong.

Not having Bolin pound her holes into gaping gravy-caves where her husband will no longer even attempt to tread.

she almost lost, though. taking on a fully-realized Avatar in the Avatar State, even Korra in her state at the time, is just idiotic. it was only a stroke of luck that saved her.

plus her reputation on Sup Forums ≠ her reputation in-universe.

She didn't wrestle Korra into submission and make her her slut slave.

Tbf, there were a good deal of people that were born under and only knew Fire Nation rule from the Earth Kingdom and saw nothing wrong with the FN. Then out of nowhere their home is given to the enemy and there's nothing you can say or do about it.

Did nothing wrong.

With that look, how can she?

>and make her her butt slave.

and she had the perfect opportunity too when she completely defeated her infront of everyone
can you imagine the morale boost when your men watch you dominate the Avatar and break her mind and will with double metal dildo fucking