Things that used to be a REALLY BIG FUCKING DEAL that are now forgotten

Things that used to be a REALLY BIG FUCKING DEAL that are now forgotten

the "death" of harry osbourne

Logan really liked Slim, didnt he?

He did and i wish they wrote it better.

Wolverine was the character that got raped by every single writer in marvel.



Ain't contesting that, but
>Everyone named by name
>Scott by codename
I mean I guess there are a lot of Scotts, but he could have said Summers. Then again there are a lot of Summers. I guess Scott Summers is a mouthful, that sounded weird. You know what never mind.

Wasn't there a period of time where everyone thought Sabertooth was Wolvie's dad? I remember that being a big rumor when I was in second grade

yep. and it was the reverse in the Ultimate verse

Are you talking about Age of Apocalypse, OP? Because that shit was crazy.

so what happened?

Scott was his hero.

Claremont and Byrne originally planned for Sabretooth to be Wolverine's father. But they never got around to doing that storyline in the 80's for a lot of reasons, main one being that Byrne didn't want to work with Claremont anymore.

In the 90's back when they tried to push Wolverine and all the mystery surrounding him, they tried to hint that Sabretooth is Wolverine's father but never wanted to say outright because either they never get around to revealing it or they think revealing the answer to the mystery would ruin the whole thing.

I don't know why they ended up deciding that he isn't Wolverine's dad, though.

He popped the third claw and gave Sabertooth brain damage for like, a year.

didn't this mess up his brainwaves or something and made him immune to psychic probes?

Pretty much anything to do with exploring Wolverines past. Part of the mystery was that we only got bits and pieces once every decade or so. Wolverine was a mystery, even to himself.
>Wolverine (1982, #1-4)
>Weapon X (1991, Marvel Comics Presents #72-84)
>Origin (2001/02, #1-6)

Then House of M happened and he now remembered everything.

It did, that was how he was able to take down Psylocke.

I still contend that Origins is the worst thing that's ever happened to Wolverine. Yes, even worse than the time he became a feral beast with recessed nostrils.

There was also supposed to be the reveal that the Sabertooth we always saw was just a clone running around with Sinister, the real Sabertooth was supposed to be older and more vicious

Its still a beautifully drawn book.

The Imperiex War

man that was pretty brutal. I kind of miss the whole Crimson Dawn tat

I miss the different color corps.
>green and yellow are working together
>reds are dead
>blues are dead
>indigos and violets were always lame so who cares
>larfleeze now owns braniac
i remember when the indigos were a pretty big mystery

what ended up being the indigo's deal?

The Lantern Corps are still a big deal, we can't have any fuckin story arcs without them.

Mindwashed galactic criminals. The rings sought out the most heinous and dangerous criminals in the galaxy and took control of them.

There was a story where they tired to arrest and conscript Sinestro and in the process the power battery got turned off and they all went evil again, except Indigo Prime who had been conditioned for so long that the process took even without the ring.

Barry dying in COIE
Bucky's return
Wolverine's adamantium getting ripped out
Gwen Stacy's death

Wolverine killing Sabretooth (or appearing to) was like Batman killing the Joker at the time. Wolverine was Spider-Man level huge and Sabretooth was one of Marvel's biggest villains. It was talked about pretty much all throughout comics fandom at the time.

War Machine being a cyborg with assimilation capabilities.

wait what was the explanation from going from Sentinel*ONE Leader to cyborg War Machine?

Sins Past
Identity Crisis
Infinite Crisis
One Year Later
Before Watchmen
Fear Itself

Sometime during Civil War he was reassigned to the Middle East, wound up getting fucked up during an insurgent strike on a base and they cyberized him to save his life.

Then like a year later it turns out all of that was a stopgap and he had a new body being cloned for him, but then HAMMER stole it and he had to go on a cross-nation trip to get it back before his cybernetics gave out on him.

I think it was during Larry Hama's run on Wolverine that Logan got a swab of some of Sabretooth's blood after some big fight went down and went and had it tested specifically to see if there was any family relation between them. He was relieved when there wasn't, just because he could throw those insinuations back in Creed's face the next time he tried to psyche Logan out with them.

Remember that time Kang the Conqueror launched a full-scale invasion of Earth with his armies, killed millions, put millions of others into prison camps, nuked Washington DC and actually got the world's governments and armies to surrender and accept him as the Earth's ruler?
You'd think that something like that would come up more often.

Revealing that he's over a century old and that he Forrest Gumped through Marvel history REEKS of Mary Suedom.

You could just summarize it with;
>"Remember the last time Avengers was GOOD?"
After this was John, who admits he didn't understand the characters and wasn't familiar with Marvel and didn't write them well, and then after that was Bendis which is self-explanatory.

wtf i love Kang now

And it led almost directly into that Third Army stuff, since I think those issues also involved Black Hand "killing" Hal and Sinestro and setting off all those events, so Abin Sur being the architect of a galaxy-wide mind control doujin was conveniently swept under the rug.

Remember the Eternals and the Deviants? Whatever happened to them?

>death of Harry Osborne
>death of Norman Osborne
>Wolverine losing his metal skeleton
>death of Xavier
>Magneto going full vegetable thanks to Xavier
>death of Sabertooth
>death of Superman
>Venom and Harry Osborne knowing Spider-man's identity
>Legacy Virus
>Colossus defecting
>Colossus dying
>Wonder Woman killing a man
>all the Marvel heroes dying to Onslaught
>Thanos in general.

>Thanos in general.
Thanos is far from forgotten, what with the MCU, but he's also not really a big deal anymore.

The X-Men

Toyman being a child murderer (they seem to have straight hand waved this out of existence)
The Prankster being a shit character for decades and Superman fans being pissed off about it (then Busiek fixed him and everyone just kind of forgot how shit he had been for around two decades after the Crisis)
Supergirl being nonexistent for close to two decades (this was THE single biggest change they made after the Crisis and people were PISSED about it)

>Wolverine's adamantium getting ripped out
>>Wolverine losing his metal skeleton

This was one of the single biggest things in all of comics in the 90s and now it's like it never happened.

This was so fucking retarded.

>Toyman being a child murderer (they seem to have straight hand waved this out of existence)
They explained that it was just a malfunctioning robot. In fact, they retconned a whole bunch of appearances of the Toyman, including the Asian Kid Toyman, as being robots.

>Supergirl being nonexistent for close to two decades (this was THE single biggest change they made after the Crisis and people were PISSED about it)
What about the Matrix Supergirl?

And yet we are supposed to believe something like a single school getting blown up is more important than this happening in the same era?


That was not muh, so was Linda Danvers. Karafags wanted Kara.

The funny thing is that this retcon included Toyman's robots being good enough to fool Superman. This was eventually used as a plot point when Lex Luthor used his technology to create a Luthor robot good enough to fool Superman AND Brainiac.

caring about a man is gay

I choose to ignore that retcon about Hiro. Fucking Johns and his silver age loving bullshit.

Waiting for their chance to shine in the sun once once Inhumans crash and burn

>the Deviants

I don't even know what this is.

I hated that they tried to give him a full origin and past. He was fine as was. We didn't know if he was 1000 or 100 yrs old. Fuck, he didn't know.

Nothing meaningful was added to his character when it was revealed that his name is James.

And it started them on a slippery slope that landed in Romulus. A terrible notion that also finished the fucking up of Daken as a character too.

If the Eternals are the successful Celestial experiments, the Deviants are the failed ones.

Basically the Predacons but not robots.

Remember when Joker was a supposedly an immortal being who existed a long time and had a healing factor?

Rogue being responsible for the death of Carol Danvers.

Dazzler.(I'm glad writers aren't trying to force her down our throats anymore)

The end of that arc made it clear it was all a ruse.



Marvel did that explicitly because the movie was going to do that so it would be better if they tried to make a competent origin story before the movies fuck it up.
As bad as you think it is the whole thing could have been far worse.

A woman with healing powers fixed it. But it was such a strain she's now a retard.


>that art

Oh holy shit and people think the art in Squirrel Girl and Hellcat is bad.

Joe Mad is good.

Yeah and then the movies made Logan and Wolverine brothers (or half-brothers).

I guess that's better than creating a new Not-Sabertooth character named Dog.

fuck off, that's dated and full of the excesses of the era that we now look down on, but Squirrel girl's "art" is just plain bad and lazy

And yet batman fixed it himself in a cell on Santa Prisca a few months ago or so. I've liked much of Kings issues but there are some real farts in there that make re-reading a dubious endeavor.

it was such a strain that now King is a retard

That was because it was just a regular strength Bane who did some minor damage to his back, not a Venomed-up Bane.

Hope Summers and everything about her. Forever a McGuffin.

>Sabretooth and Mystique's human son almost became President from running on an anti-mutant platform except a future version of Mystique assassinated him with a laser gun out of revenge for his group killing her lesbian girlfriend's grandson

I seriously feel bad for readers that didn't come up in the glorious X-Men 90's. We spent 90% of our time bitching about the overexpose of Wolverine but it was worth it.

. In 2002, Dan DiDio took reigns of DC editorial, and while visiting a Six Flags theme park, he decided that Supergirl’s current origin in the books was overly complicated, and decided to bring back the Superman’s cousin version.

That really got PAD's ire because he brought Kara back himself near the end of his run and was told that she had to be dead again before it finished.

I kinda wish they have gone with pad original plan.

>minor damage to his back
back-injuries don't work that way. and popping an unaligned back into place could do catastrophic, disabling damage. let alone doing it correctly would leave one nearly immobile for a resting period as well.

There's a point where "it's batman he can take the pain/ do the quick fix" slides into "this isn't a Wolverine book" territory.

The back being one of those, the throat slitting being a second. The robins actually being hung instead of some mooks in their clothes.

that shit isn't just "shuttup man it's BATMAN, after all, lel xD" level. that's full retard level. And we know the rules about going retard. Blackface Iron Man told us.

King's Batman run has had him achieve deliberately impossible tasks since the first issue. It's a recurring theme.

Barry being dead. I love Barry and I love the Flash but Barry not being dead is the worst thing that happened to both of them.

"Wally West and his journey from sidekick to hero and struggle to come to grips with his mentor's death and live up to his memory may be a completely original and brilliant superhero story that creates a fresh original character while paying tribute to the past by expertly using the history of the DC universe in a way that only a DC character can but lets say fuck all that throw it in the trash and bring back the one dimensional walking crew Barry Allen as the Flash. Why? CAUSE THAT'S HOW IT WAS WHEN I WAS A KID OF COURSE!"

that's not even that bad

doing away with the mystery ruined Wolverine

Seems to me I've said that it's a common piece of his run. And I'm sure it's deliberate.

But it's done nothing but take away from otherwise quite fun and yet still interesting stories. Batman shooting out of his car and landing on a plane to steer it is fun.
Batman healing his back in an issue is absurd and just ruins any stakes. As with hanging the robins to just put them in chambers. (and telling superman to sit tight. wasting his time as if he doesn't have shit to do and a family and couldn't deal with Bane in literally a few minutes total). Or him getting his throat slit and, meh, whatever, Batman.

There's fun dumb and then there's full retard. Like headbutting bane to end an arc. I like kings more than Snyder's run but in all honesty it's sliding closer. I liked the Button. 23 was pretty good. And the Tim Sale covers have kept me pulling two every issue so... there's that.

I just can't imagine going to buy the trade when I know the immensely stupid shit that ends up happening to end both bane arcs so far. IAG had a bunch of fun dumb but by the time they got to santa prisca it was ready to go autist. In a way that effected the plots and payoffs where as IAG had a relatively strong ending. compared to the other two, at least.

the fact Juggernaut exists

Lex Luthor becoming president.

Because by then they had a backstory to copy and then decided that another character was too much for "feeble normie brains" to handle.
Keep in mind that these are the same creative minds that madea mute deadpool. What you got in the movie was the result of giving them guidelines to prevent things from getting too horrid.
Dog is also a different character fro sabertooth so I'm a little baffled at you seeing any resemblance outside of a forced one via confusing the movie and the comics.

Fuck you that book was awesome

It gets better when you realize that THIS is what was distracting the Avengers when Genosha was wiped out by sentinels. I have always loved my X-men but my fellow fans are full of martyr complexes and full of shit.
The Avengers probably woke up feeling great in the morning about finally having a peaceful day after saving it only to find genosha on the evening news since Fury refused to forward a report about the attack.

>tfw I fucking forgot about this shit

Man, capes should go back to embracing this kind of craziness. I'd take "who fucked who and who is who's son" nonsense over the "fate of the multiverse" and hero vs hero stories anyday.

Lobo was one of DC's most popular characters in the 90s.

Ghost Rider was one of Marvel's most popular characters for decades.

In recent years he's like a d-lister.

looks like the middle claw was originally there.

but muh genosha


Juggernaut just came back in X-Men Blue, he's even partners with Black Tom again.

All the cool kids are killing Celestials these days, but at one point they were gods. And Doom killed them all.

yeah but dem calves tho

These fuckers

The fuck even were these two? I remember them being hinted at returnign during all the Superman Rebirth hype, but I dunno what came of that.