Hey Sup Forums guess what! Nick Spencer's Captain America

Hey Sup Forums guess what! Nick Spencer's Captain America




Kind of weird how these guys vanished for years and now keep popping up





>literary a not muh sign
hahaha what?


That's been the thrust of the whole book and Sam has yet to prove anyone wrong



































>an entire issue about D-Man
Gotta set up for that MCU synergy I guess











What the fuck is this art?












Who wanted this ship? Also why the fuck does this feel like Misty is begrudgingly dating him?


Oh boy, more of this flavor of the month












Wait, did this just get red pilled as fuck?


It did

Sort of. This feels like a parody of Nick Spencer's own behavior






>What the fuck is this art?
My sentiments exactly, are they using a 3-D program to make the characters or something? It just looks unappealing.







>The good guys return
