Which was the better Clone Wars?

Which was the better Clone Wars?

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second one

first one suffered heavily from Genndy Finishing Syndrome


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

what do you mean? Series led directly into Revenge of the Sith

Isn't that very statement an act of dealing in absolutes?

The right. Gendy's wasn't as story and chatacter driven, it was more like just a bunch of short web cartoons.


genndy because it was 2d and wasn't his modern hackjob

Right, Orange buttcheeks.

Second because I hate good fight scenes and threatening villians

Also jar jar rocks

lots of shit from 2005 led directly into Revenge of the Sith

that was the brief they gave him, if he hadn't delivered it, they wouldn't have broadcast the show until they'd had someone else finish it

the problem is that when he finishes things he does so in a very unsatisfactory fashion

so the second run of his CW was absolute fucking garbage about giant blue rats or some shit

because that was how Genndy thought Anakin got that scar

it's really not surprising that just 3 years later they shipped it off to non-canon land and replaced it from the ground up

the blue rats were great and you're assuming a lot of hate about the series that doesn't exist

Clone Wars > The Clone Wars. the latter decanonized the ROTS novelization. Yes I still bitter.

one is a 2 hours compilation of shorts made to promote the movie, the other is a stand alone project led by lucas himself.

you might as well compare the christmass special with the movies.

Right. More build up and plot exposition toward RotS.

Morality of the use and treatment of clone troopers makes for interesting story telling.

Anakin character development.

And orange loli waifu.

Right. Glorious masterpiece CGI made by Lucas himself and based Filoni with a great empowered female character that left lacks..

Aside from Genndy Grievous, there's not much else to pine for in the original shorts. Samurai Jack-style action didn't save the battles where it was just the clones and droids.

If I had to sit down and watch one now, it would be left.

Left is better for "I wanna sit down and waste half an hour for action"
Right is better for "I wanna sit down and waste half a year for lore"

Both are better for realizing we will never get anything related to the Clones ever again. Fuck you, Disney, some people like things that aren't just HUH HUH LOOK AT THE STORMTROOPERS REMEMBER THEM FROM THAT NERD MOVIE

Genndy's Clone Wars. These fight scenes weren't surpassed in traditional TV animation until Episode 2 of Season 5

Rex is in Rebels and there's a Mace Windu comic miniseries coming up that's set sometime in the first few months of the Clone Wars that will probably include clones in some way.

To the left is Genndywars, the right a show that really tried to fit the movies' canon, and succeeded.

The Clone Wars are better as elements of the greater Star Wars universe.

But Clone Wars are better as animated art. They're beautiful and gorgeous. Nothing in TCW achieves what Genndy does in his small little short animations. Plus, they're gorgeous 2D.

I'd choose Genndywars if only for its GOAT General Grievous.

>Not viewing them as two parts of the same whole

Clone wars is the only thing that "non" canon I consider Canon, since it gave us the intro and backstory for Grievous and Ventress, and they make no sense any other way.

>Rex is in Rebels
but Rebels sucks

Left all the way for action and animation

Right for story and characters

Why does it matter to you if what you enjoy is considered 'canon' or not? That is the most childish thing. You are like space baby!

>and succeeded.
I dunno about that. I love me some Clone Wars so this is not even a criticism of the show, but I can't accept Anakin from the show as the same absolute poofter from the movies. His drastically different portrayal really ruins the illusion of them being in continuity with each other.


Genndywars is just style over substance, and even then, some of the fights suck (Mace Windu vs a million droids that just stand there and let him destroy them, anyone?)

TCW takes time to get going (The movie is garbage and the first 2 seasons aren't particularly engaging) but once it finds its groove it's often brilliant. The end of Season 5 is far more emotionally charged than any scene from the SW movies themselves.
