Spider Man saving the world

>Spider Man saving the world

Sigh. I thought the MCU understood their characters?

>Iron Man 4: guest starring Spider-Man

>they wanted Iron Man on the poster but RDJ demands he be on the poster so they just do both

That is not a good poster.

What a hideous poster

How is he saving the world? Vulture and his crew will just get their hands on Chitauri weapons, that's fairly low-stakes.

How did we go from this to piss?

This, holy shit. Looks like that one awful X-Men cover by Greg Land.

WTF is a Zendaya?

This is legit one of the best and most memorable film posters ever created.

Welcome to Trump's America of Hitergrad.

Good god, MCU Ironwank Mark XVIII is even stronger than Batwank at this point, isn't it?

>Spider-Man, Iron Man and Vulture all appear on that poster twice

What ever gave you that impression?

>Have so little faith in your franchise, that you have to shoehorn Iron Man on the poster to garner interest.

Really Jimmies the Neutrons.

I main Zendaya in Overwatch.

Iron Man 5

>Has stopped Lizard from turning the human population into Lizards
>Aided in the Spider Island virus insident to prevent everyone from being turned into People-Spiders.
>Has halted Carnage's mass murder sprees on multiple occassions, preventing his slaughters from going beyond the city of NY
>Has kept Norman Osborn in check, preventing his influence and power from spreading on a global scale.
>Not saving the world

How many movies have had some ot of stopping peopke from using alien tech to make weapons.

I bet Peter doesn't make a single Satanic Pact the whole movie.

At least Uncle Tony is there to make sure the character stays true to the source material.

Got what a cluttered poster. Let's throw in random side characters and put the main leads in their costumes and normal.


Of all the fucking franchises to not have faith in, why Spider-Man? Of all fucking people? Marvel was willing to sacrifice their second born son Civil War on the altar of Black Fucking Panther, but SPIDER-MAN isn't a big enough pull? Everyone I've ever met IRL has been wishing a plague on Sony's house so they'd finally give up the rights.

I can't blame Sony after the last two Spider-Man films under performed

>iron man homecoming + spider-man

Actually it goes:
Iron Man
Iron Man 2
Iron Man 3: The Avengers
Iron Man 4: Iron Man 3
Iron Man 5: Age of Ultron
Iron Man 6: Civil War
Iron Man 7: Homecoming
Iron Man 8: Infinity War

>plus spiderman
>not AND spiderman.

do you even knuckles?

Seriously who approved this poster?

Rober Downey Jr

The same people who approved the female ghostbusters.

>explosion in the background where he's placed
>flying above the fucking tittle

Is this the worst MCU poster thus far?
Guardians 2 was pretty ugly too.

I feel like Sony is being one of those faggots who wants to have the final say in anything that happens regarding X project (in this case, Spider-Man: Homecoming) but doesn't want to put in any actual effort themselves. Basically, they're just telling people to do what they want, then makes changes to suit their own needs rather than whatever others say is a good idea. Y'know?

Feat. would have been better.

Judging the movie as bad because of the poster? God, you guys are such fags.jpg


>RDJ demands
Thats all on Sony and Marvel they know if a movie has RDJ it will sell like hotcakes

Spider-Man has the saved the world in comics at least twice, to my knowledge. And what are you even complaining about? How is Spider-Man going to save the world in Homecoming?

You know, I see people saying this and I have to wonder if it's any true or not. RDJ is that popular? He guarantees a movie's success? Show me your facts, man.

All we can go on is the Sony e-mail leaks, which are from before the official actual deal, but Sony did want to work out a deal where they let them use Spider-man, and then they got to use "Iron Man and Captain America" in their Spider-man movie.

And both Iron Man and Captain America (the Physical Fitness video at school) are in it, so yeah, it seems it was Sony's demand.

Should've put RDJ´s look from Tropic Thunder in front of Zendaya

He's done it dozens of times, or at least been a major contributor.

>Spider Man saving the world
>Homecoming is literally about Spider-man coming into his own, finding his self worth and stopping a jaded boss of a salvage company from enacting a personal attack on Tony Stark
Homecoming is probably going to be the lowest stakes movie of the MCU. If the villain succeeded in any other MCU entry, it'd have a global effect. This wouldn't.

I swear, you fags have run out of shit to bitch about when it comes to this movie.

This can't be real.

This would have a global effect too, to some degree. This guy is making and selling illegal weapons from alien tech.

>I thought the MCU understood their characters?
What fucking movie gave you that impression? Even the good one, Iron Man, completely rewrote Tony into just RDJ Power Suit Edition.

that banner is overdone

What a shitty poster, movie looks like complete shit as well.

I never would have noticed if not for this post. Thank you.

fucking quipfest, its so fucking bad. like suicide squad bad.

Spider-man 2 one is more memorable.

Fun Fact: Tony's scene with Parker is longer than any of Cap's scenes in Civil War...which was supposed to be a Captain America movie..

I liked Civil War, but I really wished they would go with the original idea for the third Cap movie instead.of "Avengers done right, but with smaller budget". The worst thing is the only reason they went with this version of the story is because Batman v Superman was coming out around the same time.

The best part of Civil War is the very end in Siberia, when they finally cut all the bullshit and zone in on the three characters that actually matter.

Bringing in the Avengers was the worst thing they've done for the movie. I actually like Stark's role in the film, he finally loses his carefree playboy flair and works as an excellent foil to Steve and Bucky. So you could keep him in easily. But focus on the characters. Cut all the Accords crap that ultimately amounted to nothing, cut Panther, cut Wanda and Vision, cut Spider-Man and Ant-Man and all the other crap thrown in just for the airport scruffle.

Make the movie about Stark dealing with the fallout of Sokovia, while finding out about his parents' history with Bucky. Make it about him pursuing Bucky's arrest while Steve tries to rehabilitate him. They could easily have all the dramatic impact Civil War had for the ongoing story (the end of Steve and Tony's partnership and strained relations in the Avengers going into Infinity War) while providing a more cohesive, focused movie.

is this the actual poster? It feels like it would be the book cover to some knock-off romance novelization. The title even sounds like one, now that I think of it.

You're all going to go see it anyway

>I thought the MCU understood their characters are useless morons
Hi Ennis!

He looks so fucking sick of playing Iron Man.

Iron Man
Iron Man 2
Iron Man feat. The Avengers
Iron Man 3
Iron Man feat. The Avengers 2
Iron Man vs. The Avengers fighting
Iron Man feat. Spider Man

Can't wait for Iron Man feat. Space Avengers

Let's not forget
Iron Man: Small Edition
Iron Man: Magic Edition

Spider-Man movies SHOULD be quipfests.

Yeah, and be starred by SNL comedians.

But he isn't in those films.

>we want the star wars audience

Iron Man wasn't the center-piece of attention of Avengers. hulk was.
In Avengers 2, Iron man was no more prominent than the others. I was an avengers movie.
Ironman was the antagonist in Civil war, the protagonist was Cap.

People keep meming Iron man stealing the show when it has never happened, yet they are doing it again, like they have goldfish memory.


Actually strangely enough, Cap got more screentime than Iron Man in the Avengers.

Of course he does. Iron Man being the true protagonoist of those movie was memed before they got released, and even if proven false each time, it never went way.

I'm not from Sup Forums, so I don't get what you're saying.

So, you know nothing about Spiderman, right?

Quip are goods, quip are great, there is never enough Quipping.

Poeple complaining about quips in the MCU are moron who don't understand Quip is part of the Cape-comics DNA.

If you want dark and broody cape-comic movies, go watch the DCEU.

And those arcs have always been shitty because it takes him out of his element.

>Vulture selling Chitarui weapons
>Not having a global effect

Kill yourself shill.

I don't even know where OP is coming from. We have seen the trailers. Homecoming is about Spiderman having to deal with the vulutre and a crime syndicate of super-criminals.

OP is literally making up things so he can complain about it.
He is done right when he do it while being part of the Avengers, though.

And what element is that, exactly?

>>Not having a global effect
There aren't much left.


Wait Zendaya isn't Mary jane after all?

Him being a street level hero. That's where Spider Man works best and that's what these movies keep getting wrong about him. Spider Man 3 and TASM 2s biggest problems were them taking Spider Man out the street and trying to make him into a big hotshot superhero.

Nobody wants to fucking see Spider Man steer a weapons plane to prevent it from hitting NYC.

>Implying they cant reverse engineer them

The movie's plot wouldn't be happening if Vulture is just trying to sell a limited small stock of weapons to a bunch of randoms.

Michelle Gonzales, I would guess.

No MJ.

>The movie's plot wouldn't be happening if Vulture is just trying to sell a limited small stock of weapons to a bunch of randoms.
It's exactly what is going on.

That's the story.

Hmm, I don't think this is what made Star Wars print money

>Him being a street level hero
So I guess that Peter going on adventures with the FF and being a member of the Future Foundation and being a teacher at the Jean Grey School and leading a team of junior X-Men was shitty just because it "took him out of his element".

Spider-Man makes a great street level hero, but that's not the only level where he works. He's incredibly powerful and smart, and can work perfectly fine in national or global scale conflicts. So tired of casuals pretending like they know everything about Spider-Man.

>Nobody wants to fucking see Spider Man steer a weapons plane to prevent it from hitting NYC.
Speak for yourself, user. Looks like a good scene to me. And it's not even the first time Spider-Man would have kept a plane from crashing into the city.

>taking Spider-Man out of street level
>even if that's true, implying it's their biggest problems

No I mean she might be loosely based off of Michelle Gonzales from the comics.

>So I guess that Peter going on adventures with the FF and being a member of the Future Foundation and being a teacher at the Jean Grey School and leading a team of junior X-Men was shitty just because it "took him out of his element".

Spider Man was in short limited team ups both those times(also that X-Men book was shitty) so it's passable. Even then they're nothing compared to the street level stories. Hell, the biggest problem with current Spider Man is the fact Slott turned him into Iron Man and has him globetrotting around the world.

>Speak for yourself, user. Looks like a good scene to me. And it's not even the first time Spider-Man would have kept a plane from crashing into the city.

No it looks shitty and tell your masters at Sony that they fucked up because nobody wants to see Spider Man saving a plane. We didn't like it in TASM2 and we dont like it now.

Iron Manlet Cinematic Universe at its best!

People compalined about that when Avengers was coming and it didn't happens
They complained again about that for age of Ultron and they did it again in Civil Wars and everytime he never stole the show.

Yet people keep predicting he is going to do it in the next cross-over despite always being 100% wrong.

>Blue and orange poster
This need to stop

It's an improvement over Orange and Teal.

>Spider-Man and the X-Men
>muh shill dismissal
>thinking i was talking about ASM2 when i mentioned spider-man stopping a plane crash from happening
>thinking that peter stopping an arms dealer and preventing plane crash destruction automatically rockets him out of street level to be on par with parker industries
>so clearly not having a good idea as to what street level actually means

Ah, hello Sup Forums. I thought that might be you.

Watch the trailers. You see he's doing Street Level stuff. He stopped a bike thief, helped an old lady with directions, & stopping bank robberies.

His main villain is Vulture who's going around salvaging tech from various Avenger operations. They then cobble new tech out the remenants & even steal a cargo plane full of Stark-Tech for the Avengers.

They're not selling stuff to Hydra. They're just a bunch of disgruntal folks that were laid off by Stark buying their workplace.

>He stopped a bike thief
Pretty sure that was just a guy on a bike.

Isn't that enough, though?


I bet you ride a bike too. typical.

This. What the fuck are you tards on about? Everything in the trailer has been classic Spidey street level stuff.

This isn't Hydra or the Hand let alone Loki, Ultron, or Thanos level. From what they've shown us it's classic Spidey villains doing classic textbook Spidey villain type things that really only threaten NYC and a couple of neighbourhoods at that while the Avengers are presumably off dealing with global threats..

Well, I mean I used to, but the chain broke.

In the same trailer is said that Spiderman is taking charge of "minor problems" that go unnoticed by the Avengers.