Do kids like Steven Universe?
Do kids like Steven Universe?
I asked my 8 year old cousin a few days ago if he wateched it he said "it's not funny" but he loves Gumball.
Not really. I worked at a summer camp last year and asked kids what cartoons they liked. They said they liked Teen Titans Go and that Steven Universe bored them.
probably because it's not directed towards kids
so why are people confused about the ratings dropping?
Define "kids"?
Steven universe is not really a comedy when you think about it. It's really much more of a plot centred show
probably not
but I'm pretty sure its shooting for 12+ demographically anyway, so who cares what kids think of it
Based on the ratings it's a big fuck no
Definitely those below 12, maybe those below 14 but those could be counted as teenagers already.
Honestly I can't remember the last time I laughed at this show. And it's not like it's an action cartoon like Teen Titans or Adventure Time. It's just not entertaining