Iron Fist is a critical flop

>Iron Fist is a critical flop
>Wonder Woman has positive reviews

When did Sup Forums became the worst board? Are casual Marvelfags to blame?

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The reason Luke Cage and Jessica got good reviews while Iron Fist got bad reviews is identity politics, though.

Honestly, you say that but DC fans are just as bad.

Company wars is cancerous and should just stop entirely.

You know, I keep seeing you use the 'Critical flop/success' term in a bunch of threads all over the board today. What gives man? You having a blue Monday or something?

All you need is some Patty cakes bro.

sad pathetic triggered WBaby

>>Wonder Woman has positive reviews

But there are no real reviews for WW out yet.

The only reviews released so far are from people literally sponsored by WB. Like, they actually admit it because they're legally bound to now.

>Honestly, you say that but DC fans are just as bad.
I fail to see how.

This thread is literally a product of it, unless you're saying they're both bad.

Open your eyes then.

We aren't allowed to be excited for Marvel Movies or acknowledge they were great after they come out, because if the MCU produces any less than a Stanley Kubrick art house masterpiece its shit whereas the DCEU can make turd after turd but we're all expected to be unconditionally hyped for every new film that comes out.

If a new Marvel Movie isn't an “Avengers tier” pop culture defining revolution then they claim it was a dud, that "People aren't even talking about it", that "I don't even know anyone who cares Marvel movies anymore", that "the bubble has burst." Chastising it with increasingly brazen parroted criticisms that dubiously never go into any more specifics or detail than what can be gleamed from the trailers.

All those box office bucks and records broken don't matter either, because making more money isn’t proof of quality (“muh bayformers”), but when it comes to DC, "hey look at all the money BVS and SS made despite everyone claiming they were shit!"

And all the pop culture adoration for the MCU with everyone on social media, TV and the streets singing its praises doesn't count because popularity isn’t proof of quality, but, by god, you better believe there’s a sales chart waiting to be posted at a moment’s notice detailing Halloween Costume, Hot Topic and Toy sales should anyone doubt the DCEU’s popularity.

As for those critic reviews and movie aggregate sites, don’t bother bringing them up because “Disney bribes everyone with Mouse Money” and Rotten Tomatoes (despite being owned by Warner Bros) is clear proof of this, but at least we can still count on the Oscars (with judges who don't even watch most the movies awarded) to recognize true greatness.

And should you ever wear one of these trolls down into admitting or even implying the MCU is better than the DCEU that doesn’t mean jack squat because DC still has better Batman cartoons, better Batman comics, better Batman video games and better Batman Lego sets than Marvel.

>This thread is literally a product of it
Again, I fail to see how.

Few comments in and we already have a "CRY DCFAG" and "only paid critics liked WW".

Maybe partially, but Iron Fist was legitimately terrible. No fight choreography, hamfisted plot, you name it. JJ and Luke Cage were at least passable.

Acutally, I think I'll just steal some forty cakes bro.

Because Sup Forums was right?

Wonder Woman and Iron Fist are a mess

Wonder Woman fags are even worse than Snyder MoS/BvS fags

I mean at least Batman is a cool guy, but forcing yourself through Gadot's laughable "performance" just for some on-screen Diana is just sad

In any case, Wonder Woman at it's best won't be as good as Iron Fist at it's worst. How can anything in that movie POSSIBLY be better than Howard and Ward Meacham?

No, it's just one user, you can tell by the way he keeps repeating the phrase Critical Success/Flop. He's in a number of threads spouting the same.

This single user in no way represents DC's fans, I'm confident that he's not even a comic or cartoon fan, just a shitposter starting company wars, it's best just to ignore him

Iron Fist was great

Critics just hated it because he was white

Blunder Womyn is a massive pile of shot though

I suppose last year when the DC fans were crying "MARVEL SHILLS" and "CRITICS WERE BRIBED" when BvS was a critical flop was apart of my imagination. It's still going on to this day.

That said, it doesn't matter. Company wars are pointless and you can enjoy whatever you like.

>Liking Iron Fist
>Criticizing things that aren't even out
"B-but DCfags are just as bad!"

they aren't "just as bad"

they're much much worse

I'll say THIS I BADLY would like Wonder Woman to be good/critically/financially sucessful (I don't think it will, because I don't think most of the audience of cape films goes to see movies with women in leading role) but good pre-release buzz for a DCEU movie means less than shit, every movie in the DCEU had people walking out early screenings tweeting about how w/e the fuck they just saw was about to change the game completely.

>all these anti-DC memes
Let me guess: mods deleted the other company war thread?

Btw GotG2 was a flop too.

Very different from people here crying that if you dislike Iron Fist shit fights, you have to go to tumblr.

>GotG2 was a flop

They're not "sponsored", they were invited to the premiere. The invited hundreds of critics and industry people and comic writers, including critics who trashed the previous DC movies and allowed them to freely voice their opinions on social media.

This week there's going to be nationwide pre-screenings for people selected at random so if they still say it's good, you're out of excuses.


Nope, every single person that likes WW was paid, and every single person that disliked Iron Fist is wrong. This is just the way things are.

This is the new Sup Forums

Don't bother, they're from Sup Forums where people are so deluded they see nothing wrong with assigning scores to games before they're even out.

I've seen them literally discussing how [x] game was a 7/10 when even critics didn't have it yet.

I don't think that user said anything about Iron Fist.

Perhaps you should be less asshurt about being on the losing side of a dumb company war? None of this stuff matters, bruh. Rather than attacking a bunch of strawmen to make yourself feel better, just watch good movies or do other stuff you enjoy.

Recently I watched Green Room and The Witch. They were pretty good, maybe you should watch them too?

>No fight choreography
Iron Fist had either the best, or second best choreography of the 4.

Mate, he's samefagging. Just ignore him. Watch Blue Ruin, it's made by the same fellow who made Green Room (if you haven't seen already, of course).

I was clearly talking about these two
Are they strawmen?

I guess you'd have a point if MCUfags regularly flooded the boards saying MCU was kino and Fiege was the most ingenious man of our era. I think you're confusing MCUfags with DCEUfags, cuz the latter is absolutely insufferable

>tfw the barely alternative anime/manga spotlight has moved on from One Piece to Jojo.

Happy for all the Jojos out there but it hurts knowing One Piece won't be relevant in the west again until there's another Marineford tier arc.

What was the big thing that made people in the west take notice of Jojo?

Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums are to blame. If you engage in company wars shit you are literally cancer and should get the fuck out

>I was clearly talking about these two

Except the user the guy you were replying to was quoting didn't say any of that, so, clearly, not everyone you're talking to is coming at this from the same place or with the same logic.

As for those guys? Only one even said Iron Fist was good, the other just said WW will be worse.

I've seen it, thanks for the advice though. Anyway I know this person is probably impossible to reach, but it'd be cool if just one of these companywars peeps could just calm the fuck down and learn to not care that the company that owns the company that makes their favourite comics is being badmouthed for making shit film. FFS Warner Bros isn't even DC, it's just the guys that own DC.

Anyway, the BLAME! movie just finished downloading, so I'm gonna go see if it's any good.


>What was the big thing that made people in the west take notice of Jojo?
Its incredibly distinct weirdness made it a meme-magnet. As somebody introduced through the PS1 game, I've actually found it somewhat reaffirming to see people losing their minds over something I've known and loved for so long.

As for One-Piece, hopefully it will get some Western spotlight as we move into the final arcs.

>Except the user the guy you were replying to was quoting didn't say any of that, so, clearly, not everyone you're talking to is coming at this from the same place or with the same logic.
Man, people in this thread are doing exactly what I said. It isn't hard to add 2 + 2.

>As for those guys? Only one even said Iron Fist was good, the other just said WW will be worse.
Maybe you should read with more attention.

>but it hurts knowing One Piece won't be relevant in the west again
That doesn't matter because they're doing something right. They're still the highest selling comic after 20 something years.

>Sup Forums worst board
>not Sup Forums
>or Sup Forums
>or Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>fucking Sup Forums
Nope. Shit thread. OP is a faggot.

Yeah but like said it was nice having something I've been into for ages getting some attention, NVM finally getting some games localized. Hope that doesn't stop.

See how bad Sup Forums has become? Worse than those.

Man, you really get triggered by the term "success".



I don't trust early reviews for fantasy movies since Warcraft was actually pretty good.

Or maybe it's because reviewers are just shit now and it's natural to be skeptical of some apathetic hipster's opinion

In another thread i was talking to a guy about how Snyder must've misinterpreted TDKR since he stated that Batman kills a ton of people in it, and he eventually started REEEEEEEEEing about i must be ignorant of the comic if i disagree with those words, and that if anything it's the fault of Frank Milker's poor writing if people don't get that his Batman is a frequent murderer

You tell me. The mental gymnastics to rationalize these movies are insane

Perhaps it's the work of an enemy. I'm sure the strawman of your choice is to blame.

Can't say anything about WW since it isn't out yet but as for Iron Fist, the critical reception was rightfully criticized. For a very simple reason that every negative critical review all took umbrage at the casting of Finn Jones casting prior to the shows release due to him being asian. Compounded by the reviews all mentioning that same pisstivity.
However when the public watched it the response was more grounded and the only main problems they had where shitty fight scenes, boring plot and bad writing.
Wonder Woman's may end up having the reverse effect, where critics will have a circle jerk over the first female lead superhero film while audiences may not enjoy it.

As a Marvel fag, I couldn't get through the first episode of Iron Fist. After he walked into oncoming traffic and did a back flip was when I quit.

I really hope Wonderwoman is good just for DC's sake.

>the only main problems they had where shitty fight scenes, boring plot and bad writing.
That is still pretty terrible.

>even the crew working on the show admitted they barely practiced or came up with choreography on the day of the shoot
>n-nuh-uh, iron fist t-totally h-had the b-best fight choreography

It is but it's terrible for the right reason, not the fact the main character doesn't have slanted eyes.

>Thinking Sup Forums company wars are worse than Sup Forums console wars

>Marvelfags are now celebrating the death of Snyder's daughter
>"The two sides are the same!!!!!!"


Mh mh, you really have the high ground here, you're totally not using the tragedy as shitposting fuel and those people are totally genuine [other company] fans

Apparently this is breaking news, i thought it was weird i didn't hear of it. Jesus, she was only 20

>If you don't like people celebrating death for pure companyfaggotry, you are just as bad as them.

>I'm not a baiter if i use these baiters' posts to pretend they genuinely represent my fictional company enemy

"No True Scottsman".

I hope Joss whedon's children commit suicide because he worked on Marvel movies

pls someone screencap this anonymous post as evidence that one side is cancer

>Everyone that doesn't agree with me on movie preferences is literally evil

>Iron Fist
>suffers from the same problems as every other Marvel Netflix show, but gets extra worse reviews because everyone wants IF to be asian

>Wonder Woman
>suffers from the same problems as every other DC movie but is given a lighter review because they want the movie to succeed.

Marvelfags have diseased minds. This is nothing new.

They aren't called Marvel Zombies for nothing.

Did you watch WW?

Quote the post that said that, please.

Gee, i dunno, the part were you said that fans of a rival company are unironically celebrating someone's death? As if this isn't Sup Forums, were events like this will inevitably attract dozens of idiots trying to be funny or exploiting the situation? You're no bettere than them , you don't give a fuck about the kid, you're just happy you have one more reason to attack "marvelfags"

They made the ongoing anime, and it's currently playing on Toonami, so it got the One Piece treatment.

I mean, I'm glad Araki is finally getting the Western notice he should always have, but at the same time, my friends who watch more entry-level-shit yet are somehow less socially aware than I are now continually quoting shit from it that I know for a fact they haven't seen or read beyond Facebook memes.

Jesus, the memes never stop. They're starting to make me hate a thing I love so dearly.

>Gee, i dunno, the part were you said that fans of a rival company are unironically celebrating someone's death?
And aren't they? The Draxposter, famous Marvelfag, is happy as fuck. Am I to blame for their faggotry now?

The "Draxposter"? Do you realize how fucking retarded you sound, assigning identities to fucking reaction images on a site BASED on recycling the same reaction images over and over? Here, i have the pics too, go on and label me, surely only one fucking Marvel fan could keep these pictures on whatever

Even better, screencap this post and go in another thread crying about what a meanie i am. Remember to point out i pissed on the Snyder kid's grave, as a Marvel fan, because that's what we do

The guy doesn't change the name of his images. But okay.

IT MUST BE THE WORK OF AN ENEMY trying to make Marvelfans look bad, right? The powers-that-be want to end the reputation of Marvel fans.

IT'S ALL SHITPOSTING AND BAIT. Get it in your tick skull

Just like people making conspiracy theories to explain iron Fist negative reaction and WW positive reaction. Shitposting and bait.

I can only assume that you have both never read any Iron Fist, AND never watched any martial arts or wuxia film period. The fights were laughably amateur, Danny was miscast, the plot trots along at a snails pace, and it refuses to have it's own mythology and goes "Hey, remember that cool thing from Daredevil?"

People who like Iron Fist would probably like hemorrhoids too.

Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums

these are the roots of our problems


Iron Fist was panned because SJWs didn't like a White CIS male representative of Asian culture.

SJWs are giving Wonder Woman good reviews because she's a woman who don't need no man.

we became the worst board when we let Sup Forums do whatever the fuck they want here

>However when the public watched it the response was more grounded and the only main problems they had where shitty fight scenes, boring plot and bad writing.
I'm imagining someone rationalizing that.

"Oh, c'mon, the series is not even that bad. Aside from shitty fight scenes, boring plot and bad writting, it is pretty good."

Dat'sa nice pasta

Considering JJ's choreography consisted entirely of camera changes and people jumping backwards, and LC's was just drunken punchouts, yes Iron Fist had the best choreography after DD, by virtue of just having it.