Questionable Content thread #911 - Butts and nothing but Butts

This is not gonna end well.....

Other urls found in this thread:

what do the first two panels have to do with each other, or the last two panels?

>girl robots all have cute and sexy human bodys
>guy robots are all 50's style round/blocky bots

Wow, sexist much?

Someone is gonna get triggered.

He gave her a name and a vaguely distinct design and a stupid quirk, so buckle up everyone, she's going to be the next Hannelore/Marigold/Claire/Bubbles/Brun (in that order) and take over the comic and probably end up working at the coffee shop for some stupid reason. Because Jeph is a terrible writer who thinks introducing new characters he finds "cute" is an effective solution to his sizable cast of characters being shitty and boring and uninteresting.

Why is he introducing....

Oh fuck, Jeph just got a fetish for autism.

the fuck's a yelp?

A kind of bird.

A app with user submitted reviews of restaurants and stores.

is this robot wearing flip-flops?

Melon is pretty damn cute.

Cute for a mtf boy trans robot

Site where angry morons complain how they were slighted for minor shit all the while thinking that uttering the word "Yelp" can get them free perks like an extra glass of liquor or a hat.


>Cute for a mtf boy trans robot

......Okay, I seriously want to see how Jeph is gonna fuck this one up. His handling of gender issues is sketch, but this is just a bushfire waiting to happen.

>trans robot
Why not just switch chassis?
How could that even be an element to their character? They'd just say "This unit has been formatted incorrectly- please transfer the neural network to the appropriate fembot-class chassis." and whoever mad them would either do that or toggle whatever gender identity code they needed to.

Speaking of, wouldn't it have just been easier to cut Claire's head off and put it on a fembot body instead of going through HRT and shit?

I look forward to seeing the Robot Hegemony come back up in about 10 years.

you forgot may in there. And maybe momo

for real or are you just bullshitting us?

I wonder if there are transvestite robots, who have gendered chassis but specifically choose to wear opposite gendered style clothes, makeup, and hair over them.

I sometimes feel like with transgender being the hip current thing, transvestites like good old fashioned drag queens don't get the same kind of attention they used to.

>I sometimes feel like with transgender being the hip current thing, transvestites like good old fashioned drag queens don't get the same kind of attention they used to.
I'm looking in my reaction folder and I have nothing that would express my mixture of amusement, rage and apathy.

does this work for you?


Oh, I have no idea. I only read the comics, not Jeph's media stuff. I'm just assuming since the comic has a high concentration of queerish characters. My bad, anons