Story time

Secret Warriors






>moon girl
baka desu senpai










hell yeah


Why is Frank so goddamn scrawny in this?

Did the even explain why everybody sided with Hydra overnight? I know wanda and vision are being controlled.



So inbetween Hit monkey living with the mercs for money he's still with the howling commandoes? Neat


based karnak

Deadpool blindly sided with Cap without knowing he was Hydra. Who the fuck knows why these bozos are

I want someone to explain to me how she is driving from current sitting position


Isn't everybody mind controlled by that monocle guy?

>Who the fuck knows why these bozos are
Dr Faustus brainwashing everyone not trained to resist brainwashing, and the personnel of SHIELD getting it extra thick with a side dose of mind control nanomachines or someshit

Strong looks pretty good with a beard and I think Magik is growing her bangs back.

well this wasn't so bad


It's like each page sucks away a bit more of my will to ever read another comic.


>an entire issue about nuHumans and the commandos

can we move this event to /aco/ or something?

Classic Heroes = Bad
Diversity Heroes = Good

>Real name is Dante

Almost as bad as Iceman being in love with someone called Romeo

Wanda because Marvel hates her.
Vision because it enables them to further dehumanise him into a generic robot.

>both tittle had a good concept but their execution was awful

I cant believe i was excited for the howling commandos but it ended up becoming Dun Dun Duggan mid life crisis the book.

Why the fuck does Marvel keep giving Garron work?!

>Gee, name, are you sure that's name? I think that's name's dad!

Such clunky exposition, Jesus


I thought this is a meme, made up by Sup Forums.

Y'know, normally I'd get all huffy about "manspreading" but Karnak would absolutely spread out just to be a dick. I mean, he specifically called middle-back. Probably trying to teach Kamala a lesson about how life is meaningless.

What did Kamala mean by this?

I ask seriously. How the "Stop manspreading me!" fit in the context?

She is so uninterested by the event she has to make up problems

They just can't stop. They can't.

Strong Guy became old

Thanks for ST, op.

THought id hate the book, but it is suprisingly not as bad as i thought.

Oh hey, is that Vampire-by-Night?

It's just sitting with your legs spread and taking up extra space, it fits in the scene where everybody is sitting the back of a cramped car.

Most of SHIELD is. I don't think Dr. Faustus' mind-control would work on the Howling Commandos though.

Oh, so royals left and now the retards are running the show, huh? Frank, you're supposed to be a cop. How do you not see what's happening. I am disappoint.

You'd expect dugan and man-thing to not be mind controlled at least

>Oh, so royals left and now the retards are running the show, huh?
The royals were the retards.

so hundreds of super-powered inhumans literally just gave up their city to some hydra agents?
this is some lazy writing

Secret Empire #0 says that Dr. Faustus hypnotized everyone working at SHIELD except Sharon Carter over the intercom...

How the fuck he managed to do that to supernatural characters like Man-Thing, I have no idea...

Shit, replace Beast and this could be a solid X-roster.

Events user, you can't really just have Attilan watching Inhumans get rounded up but you can't have them do anything that might contradict what is happening in the main book. That's why tie ins always suck, and if its like CW2 Rosenberg may not even know who he can and can't use.

"Manspreading" is just when you spread your legs out while sitting to the point that its invading on the people next to you's personal space. Karnak took the back-middle spot in a small cramped car and then proceeded to take up way more space than he needed, no doubt just to be a dick because that's how Karnak rolls.

Kamala is cramped because of Karnak and wants him to stop. Karnak points out that since she can shapeshift, it's actually her that's using up more space than needed.

The issue is okay but i really don't like the cover. It is a mess.

Well, Dugan is an LMD, so he could just be reprogrammed.

> Never show compassion to an enemy
Karnak is a good and wise teacher

>Has the power to take any size
> Won't because "muh manspreading"

Is this page made to make Ms.Marvel looks like a bitch?

>it's another mutants jobs or shills for Nuhumans episode!

Name one competent Inhuman other than Maximus. One.

This was a fun issue.

The Devil Dinosaur visual gag was pretty funny though.

>no you can't join our mutant orgy

Yeah I actually kind of liked this. Had some pretty funny bits and actually made Inferno somewhat decent.

Karnak acts like he's under an influence of a substance.

>Whole family fucked off to space
>Finally can drop the edgy persona and get high
>Hydra attacks

My assumption is that, like most of shield, they got brainwashed. I mean, it's even in the recap page guys

was she hiding her tail or something?

There is a method by wedging the gass pedal with an object, but that's stupid and dangerous. This model of a car is also a stick shift, so its hard to imagine her shifting gears.

creepy karnak is creepy

All I can see in that last panel is Quake giving a blowjob to an invisible dick

Am I mistaken or is that my girl Tabby?

I know there making the Titles extra large to mimic the civil war movie but Jesus. Just reeks of try-hard.

Did Moon Girl seen a full grown man flying by smacking him with a thin tree branch?

...All while doing a girly skip jump that an anime magic girl would do?!

the branch is also on fire

I would just stand there and let her rake my eyes with it

>Hey remember how no one liked IvX? Let's do MORE!

This shit can't get cancelled fast enough.

>Karnak had Beyoncé on repeat
Truly, a master torturer

It wasn't drink bleach bad, but I woudln't call it good by any stretch. High points were Karnak, and the guest appearances. Low point is the generic fasisim. Meme of the book is unfortunately Manspreading.

do people still get triggered when manspreading is called out?

It was okay, not terrible

That question is framed like you're either trying for asinine points, or are incapable of reading the thread you're in.

Looks like they didn't expect them to try and take over the city, maybe they thought they would get a deal like Steve gave the mutants. Plus there ain't much to do when your only leader is the first captured.

Why is the "man" part necessary? why not just say "stop spreading your legs"?
Does pointing out that a man is doing provide with any other connotation?

Who is the guy that look it come from a 90s porno?

because its a thing strictly done by guys

Spreading has always been a thing and looked down upon no matter who does. Manspreading is just term that got popular in recent years and brought up when ever a guy does it as if to add some type of significance. It makes no sense and is just as dumb as mansplaining any thing like that.

Not sure, I thought it might be forge adding a goatee to his large mustache.

Everyone does it fuckboy, and you dont need another word which meaning is the same as an already existing word, adding the word man only bring a bad pejorative.

>Everyone does it fuckboy
99% of the time when the issue comes up its a guy doing it hence MANspreading. you clearly dont get out much

>99% of the time when the issue comes up its a guy doing it hence MANspreading
lol, okay buddy whatever you say.

Maybe if guys didnt do it then they wouldnt get called out on it. Its pretty simple really. it was enough of a problem that it needed its own label

Yes because the person calling it out is usually a woman with a purse the size of a suitcase taking up 2 extra seats or wearing so much perfume you feel like your being tear-jerker but mentioning either one of those makes you a sexist pig

When did he come back from whatever hell he was in. That's the last I remember seeing him.




Also, guys have balls fucktard