This is Elric

This is Elric.

Say something nice about him

Other urls found in this thread:

No. He deserves his suffering.

who's the artist to this?


>who's the artist to this?
Olivier Vatine

Are you sure? Seems to have a very different style and his bibliography doesn't list anything related to Elric

Facebook page
ElriclaBD facebook yadda yadda.

This one, is by Mike Mignola himself Pic is Michael Whelan

Do you really believe that? Answer me user.



Thanks user, some really great art ITT

You're welcome.
Would love to see some discussion going on but c'est la vie





I know nothing about the saga, not even the novels

I only know the character from a really great painting by Brom

I still ended up liking the guy even though he owned slaves, fucked his cousin, and wore a stupid hat.'re missing out.
Stormbringer best sword. And at the same time, the biggest cunt to ever cunt.
And Elric is flawed and "edgy" but genuinely likable.

Who wants to redpill this fine user on Elric?

>, fucked his cousin,
This bothers you? The Japanese do it all the time.

He wasn't as big a loser as Turin



Remind me. What happened to Turin?

It's sorta like when they finally got around to adapting A Princess of Mars.
At this point everyone knows the tropes but not the story itself, so what they'll end up making will either feel really cliched, or will be changed to the point that it's hardly the same property. I'm surprised they didn't do it during the swords and sorcery craze Hollywood went through after the Lord of the Rings though.


So does the south, and both a culturally fucked.

>I'm surprised they didn't do it during the swords and sorcery craze Hollywood went through after the Lord of the Rings though.
That craze gave us Eragorn. Thank god it didn't happen then.
>At this point everyone knows the tropes but not the story itself, so what they'll end up making will either feel really cliched, or will be changed to the point that it's hardly the same property.
French adaptation is pretty good so far so i'm still holding out hope.
And Princess of Mars/John Carter was handled by the absolute worst sects of Disney. It had very little hope of succeeding.
Well they already have plenty in common with Melnibone then.



Be honest with me /co. How many of you DON'T actually know who this is and are just appreciating the art.

It's okay. We're not gonna hurt you.




>[...] In these books, Elric is written as a deliberate reversal of what Moorcock saw as clichés commonly found in fantasy adventure novels inspired by the works of J. R. R. Tolkien, and a direct antithesis of Robert E. Howard's Conan the Barbarian.
>Moorcock's work is complex and multilayered. Central to many of his fantasy novels is the concept of an "Eternal Champion", who has potentially multiple identities across multiple dimensions of reality and alternative universes. [...] This cosmology is called the "Multiverse"
That's real nice. I was just looking for a fantasy thing to read, thanks for making me look into it, man, I'll get myself the first book.

Do iittt.
Just keep in mind that the saga was written out of order. But you're in for a wild ass ride.

Check out Corum afterwards.







Hoyl shit and I'm discovering so many good artists with this thread.
(That one's Mathieu Lauffray.)

Should I go by publication order or else?

Chronological. Publication order is pointless these days.




And that's me done posting images for about 30 odd minutes. Need to make dinner.
If the thread is up, i'll post some more.

Also, Stormbringer hits hardest when you go chronological.

You won't be dissapointe.

Have one for the road

Turin's dad was the rear guard as the forces of men and elves retreated from a massive field engagement with the armies of Morgoth. He killed fourty armored trolls in his last stand before becoming encumbered under the movies of the dead. Morgoth found him, sat him on a throne on a mountain peak enchanted to give boundless vision, and cursed Hurin's children with the specter of his ill will. As a result of this his children are cursed to fail and corrupt everything they attempt, and have lives of violence, tragedy, accidental incest, accidental kingdom destruction, and incidental dragon slaying.

>accidental incest
Guess in that department he's better than Elric since it was on accident. Or would it be worse?
But morality when it comes to Melniboneans is very different.

His sister's memory had been suppressed by a dragon and they grew up seperately, and they killed the dragon and themselves over it.


Well that sucks pretty damn hard.

Is this by Amano?

So is this.


he has a brother thats a set of armor thats pretty cool

Been trying to buy the novels for like a year now, but my god damn collector habits won't allow me to get the books from different publishing houses.

You're pretty spoiled for choice nowadays. My publisher of choice nowadays for this is Orion/Gollancz.
It doesn't have the brilliant illustrations of the Del Rey editions nor the gorgeous hardcover variants by Millenium but they collect the entire series and they have a good typeset.




Illian of Garathorn




I'm gonna take off.


>that blue oyster cult reference

you had my interest

but now you have my attention

elric, simply elric


Who can storytime?

Anyone one have a Moorcock comic rec list? Specifically one for Elric? I recently read the Corum comics and was looking for more stuff of his to read.

All of it as well as the french adaptations
Himme a couple of days and i'lls storytime the french one and put up my old downloads that have the whole saga. That's if yuou want to wait. Get the volumes by Titan if you want physical. Best option you have.

I would appreciate that, I've been meaning to read Elric and some of Moorcock's other works for some time now.

>fucked his cousin
His cousin? That's fairly wholesome for a Michael Moorcock protagonist.

My menagerie owning negro


>An example of how lightly sex, including incest and homosexuality, is treated at the End of Time can be found in the early chapters of An Alien Heat. In the chapter "A Conversation with the Iron Orchid" Jherek has sex with his mother, and in the chapter "Carnelian Conceives a New Affectation" he has a same-sex encounter with Lord Jagged. (Likewise, in Legends from the End of Time, the Iron Orchid makes love to My Lady Charlotina.) When Jherek decides to fall in love with Mrs. Underwood to the exclusion of everyone else, everyone applauds his original thinking.
Lord Jagged is revealed to be his father in the last book

And possibly Arioch