For me, it's Canada. The country that produces the best cartoons

For me, it's Canada. The country that produces the best cartoons.

Other urls found in this thread:

Canada has literally made so few good cartoons you could probably count them on one hand. Two if you're feeling generous.


Name me one (ONE) bad Canadian cartoon. Johnny Test notwithstanding.

Does not matter, Johnny Test permanently sinks it.

Shame on you Canada. This is actual proof you suck as a country.


Sure they have some bad cartoons, but the US has produced plenty more shitturds.

6teen was a pretty good show.

They make killer smartphones too.

Dude, I grew up watching Teletoon. Pretty much EVERYTHING on there was (and still is) shit compared to US animation (which is pretty shit itself, but Canada can't even reach that low bar).

i hate canada by Sup Forums.

all is forgiven.


>name me one bad Canadian cartoon

I'll give you 56

Almost Naked Animals
The Amazing Adrenalini Brothers
Angela Anaconda
Atomic Betty
Bad Dog
Camp Lakebottom
Captain Flamingo
Counterfeit Cat
Crash Canyon
The Dating Guy
The Day My Butt Went Psycho!
Donkey Kong Country
Draft Planet
Dr. Dimensionpants
Free Willy: The Animated Series
Fugget About It
George of the Jungle (2007 reboot)
Hose Houndz
Iggy Arbuckle
Jacob Two-Two
John Callahan's Quads!
Kung Fu Dino Posse
Life's a Zoo
Mega Babies
Mona the Vampire
My Dad the Rockstar
My Life Me
Ned's Newt
Nerds and Monsters
Oh No! It's an Alien Invasion
Packages from Planet X
Pig City
Rated A for Awesome
Ricky Sprocket: Showbiz Boy
Robinson Sucroe
Rocket Monkeys
Scaredy Squirrel
Sons of Butcher
The Tofus
Total Drama (especially the sequel seasons)
Tripping the Rift
What About Mimi?
World of Quest
Yakkity Yak
The ZhuZhus

I've seen almost all of these and the only ones I'd even remotely argue about are: Braceface, Jacob Two-Two, Ricky Sprocket, The Tofus, and Wayside.
All of them are definitely mediocre ofc, just not bad

Enjoying your Calarts shit?

Curious if you can name some good ones? If you think there are any, of course.

Cartoons are not halal
*explodes building*


>making anything good besides maple syrup
Scratch that, even Vermont makes better maple syrup.

Sorry, it's American for Sup Forums intents and purposes.

What it really means to be Canadian.

I don't give a flying fuck about the legal definition. I don't work in the industry.

You should. I'm sick hearing bullshit like this.

Canadian Animation is so shit I have never seen it in German television on the bigger channels in the last 5 years despite thier love for obscure shit.

But your screenshot supports that...?

Used to be huge though. I distinctly recall Germany going crazy over Braceface and What's with Andy? in particular, to the point that season 3 of the latter was co-produced with Super RTL.

It sure as hell ain't superheroes.

>pretending American studios take cancon regs into consideration when the Canadian market is tiny as fuck
>believes the 45% rule has an effect on programming when cartoon channels here just get around them by airing shit-tier Canadian shows during the day and foreign imports at prime-time

laughing trudeaus.jpg

Now we have France and Denmark to produce cartoons to go crazy over. And Dreamworks. The Netflix exclusive Dreamworks stuff allows Super RTL to occasionally scratch at the million and compete with the big guys outside of movies. And when I talk about the big guys I'm talking about the channels aiming at adults.

AFAIK Cancon rules save studios a shitload of money if they use them. And Canadian channels used to have FAR more domestic programming back in the day, the regulations were made for that.

Shezow was Australian

Off the top of my head for good, decent and "guilty pleasure"...

The Adventures of Tintin
A Bunch of Munsch
Captain Star
Class of the Titans
Freaky Stories
Inspector Gadget
Jimmy Two-Shoes
League of Super Evil
Pippi Longstocking
The Raccoons
Ruby Gloom
Stickin' Around
Storm Hawks

And shows that were animated by/commissioned from us:

All Hail King Julien
Beast Wars
Beast Machines
Clone High
Dog City
Eek! the Cat
Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law
Kick Buttowski
The Magic School Bus
The Mr. Peabody & Sherman Show
Rick & Morty
Sam & Max: Freelance Police
Star vs. The Forces of Evil (first half of season 1)
Ugly Americans
Wander Over Yonder (season 1)
War Planets: Shadow Raiders

The latter list not so much for "Canadian shows", but more just to point out with the right project/financing, we can do good work.

Just we have less success for our own stuff because of lack of larger funding, loads of legal red tape with acquiring a Canadian Program Certification, and further bullshit with a required "x amount of Canadian programming" requirement, resulting in a lot of horribly done shows that exist solely as slot fillers.

My mistake then. Thought it was ours, or a least a joint project.

Anime like Dragon Ball Z, InuYasha and Gintama are cancon because they were dubbed in Canada.


Ocean>NYAV Post > LA anime talent pools > Texas > Calgary > Toronto.

Prove me wrong.

Your second list has nothing to do with financing, but with the nationalities of the crew (which in turn determines Cancon eligibility). What it actually shows is that Canadians are simply incapable of producing shows on the level of quality American series, which is rather obvious given the relative talent pool sizes in question.

If the government didn't fund and require stuff, NOTHING would get made in Canada in terms of TV, including the first list too.

>Total Drama
Opinion disregarded

Back to your containment board, Lee.

Not that user, it was seriously beyond terrible. Its popularity was quite depressing.

Which is kinda ironic when you say that about "American quality" when the vast majority of American cartoons aren't even made in America, but are outsourced to South Korea, Japan, France, The Philippines, Ireland, several South American countries and Canada. So what would even qualify as an "American" show is pretty limited itself.

But I digress as that had nothing to do with the topic at hand.

The truth is Canadian productions suck because all the talent gets scooped up by America. And it's not just Canadians moving south but American companies coming north to get their cheap Mexico North labour.

Pretty much.


>aren't even made in America
They aren't animated in America is what you mean to say. In my mind, an American show is one where the writers, voice actors, storyboarders, musicians, etc. are all American. So I wouldn't call SpongeBob a Korean cartoon because they outsource only the animation to Korea. As for multinational productions, I consider the country that does more to be the country of origin. So, dare I say MLP is Canadian because the animation, voice acting, storyboarding, directing, and music composition is done in Canada. Only the writers are American.

They are made in America. Only the actual, labour-intensive animation process is generally outsourced.
Stop spreading this meme, user.

Ah, gotcha.

Your shit taste is quite depressing.

>Only the writers are American.
But the writing is the most important part of pretty much any show. And it's also the part that is affected by cultural differences the most.

every country has devi-
>winner of the governor general's award
the fuck.

You do have a point, but that doesn't change the fact that America does very little to contribute to the forbidden cartoon. Think of MLP as being like a big beautiful wall with /mlp/ on one side and the rest of Sup Forums on the other: The American contribution is the mortar that holds the Canadian cinderblocks in place.

The only good shows on teletoon has always and always will be the cartoon network shows

>what is pre-movie SpongeBob

>Spliced is bad
You have legitimate shit taste. That show is, nostalgia goggles off, fucking hilarious. The animation isn't great but it's a hidden gem


This show was better than most of the shit ever made by Adult Swim.

Why didn't cartoon network air this show here in the states.

How's that wall coming along?

>Donkey Kong Country
Plebs out

>nobody has mentioned delilah and julius yet.

And it was the only one.
Because it was the only one.

Because the only reason it isn't outright bad is that it had some of the blandest writing imaginable, so there simply isn't much to criticize it on.
Now, Carl Squared not being mentioned OTOH...

Who knows. Maybe it's 2Real4Kids down there.

The animation was newgrounds tier though.

You could easilly say the same for several of the other shows in the second list of .

Beast Wars/Machines, Arthur, Magic School Bus and Beetlejuice also have largely Canadian crews/casts (before Asian subcontracting) with the writers either being American (like with the Transformers stuff) or Canadian as well.

As such, I'd consider them just as Canadian (if not more so, in some cases) as I would American.

>Copypasting a Wikipedia list

You sure showed him

But those shows are obviously American, common sense says that. Which means your criteria must be shit.

>not copypasting a Wikipedia list when it's correct
You sure showed him

>cybersix aired in america
>fox kids aired it
>fucked it up beyond belief
>changed the theme
>only aired a few episodes
>toonami shouldve got the rights instead of fox kids

I liked Carl Squared, it may have been Flash-based but it certainly wasn't a CalArts abomination like today's, it had its own character designs. And the writing of season 1 at least was surprisingly sharp.

>CN wanting to air a show about a kid and his talking dog going on wacky adventures over a show about a jaded teen from Montreal

Gee, I wonder?

Freds head couldve fit well with shows like regular show

Young Justice was a ratings turkey and AT was a different type of PG

Mah Nibba.

I liked Carl Squared, it may have been Flash-based but it certainly wasn't a CalArts abomination, it had its own character designs. And the writing of season 1 at least was surprisingly sharp.

Regular Show at least had action scenes

I have a high tolerance for many modern day Canadian toons (Almost Naked Animals and Rocket Monkeys)

It was shit. I would take the look of Cal Arts over flash abominations any day

Fuck you man, I kept messing up my post and you just had to go and show everyone that.

Such a high tolerance that you hated Detentionaire, which is the second-best cartoon Canada has EVER made? I'm on to you, truteal.

>Donkey Kong Country

I'm impressed you managed to put it all in alphabetical order, though.

I didn't hate Detentionaire (it was good, but it just wasn't my thing) and I think it's probably the deepest Canadian cartoon (that wasn't written by Americans) I know of

Why didnt cn air Detentionaire, why did they air shit like Almost Naked Animals instead

Is this another truteal then?

Almost Naked Animals was more appealing to children

That was when the show first started

Eh, I could tell it had depth right away, poor excuse


Why is bunny so smug?

Because actions speak louder than words


That show was pure comfy.

god i love cyber six so much

Sausage Party

One of my favorite shows as a kid. Never realized it was Canadian

The only good Canadian cartoon!


6teen was shit, It also reminds me of when cn got rid of toonami and started to show shitty flash cartoons and live sction

Stop mocking us please.

Also Canada has made a couple good cartoons.
Not a lot but they still exist.

>For me, it's Canada. The country that produces the best cartoons.
What was the point of this thread if anybody with working brain knows that only Burgerland and the Japs make good cartoon shows.

Not sure but I think the "for me, it's ___" meme is from the semen slurping yuroscum divegrass part of Sup Forums