Is she right?

Is she right?

No even close.

>immigrants and their children are held to a higher standard
Isn't that ideal? If you're letting people immigrate into your country, shouldn't you want to know that it has benefited your country?

No, they just feel that way because they're insecure as fuck.

Everyone judges the fuck out of whitebread shitheads.
It's just that it's that they're in the majority, so people don't bat an eyelid when it happens.
But the moment someone turns around and judges a minority?
It's obviously got to be wacism!

Yes, but on the other side of that ideal, you should start shipping out all the whites that are useless because they're shitting your country.

user, we just call that prison, and we use it to bolster some production.

Personally coming from an immigrant? Who gives a shit? Do your best and live your life.
That's the American Dream for me. Gaining a victim complex is exactly the opposite of what I want to do in this country.

But her parents and their culture DID mess her up.

She's living in a first world democracy, yet is still dressing up as an Islamic terrorist to school. It's the same culture that most likely made them want to move away from their country in the first place, only to propagate their same horrible death cult somewhere decent.

It was really close but then it missed the point, at least for me.

I can't speak for everyone, but as a child of two immigrants the reason I feel pressured to do my best is not because I feel I disrespect my culture, but my parents. My parents sacrificed EVERYTHING to go to a new land just so I can have the potential they never got in their country. They had to work with two jobs while going to college at the same time, just so they can get a degree for a high paying they don't even like. All so I can live my dreams and do what I want.

I'm not scared about what people think of me or my culture, I scared whether or not my parents worked in vain.

Then they just blame his parents.

Good on you man. Need more people like you out there.

I don't see why it needs to be held to that kind of extreme.
In the first scenario, you're making a deal with someone.
>I'll let you immigrate into my country if you improve my country
But in the second, no deal has been made. The person who is native to the country isn't asking for anything.

>society expects me to be a competent individual

damn what a great burden

She is. Anti-immigrant people look for any excuse and will make blanked statements whenever one immigrant screws up.

gr8 b8 m8


>The person who is native to the country isn't asking for anything.
but that person IS shitting your country. What kind of exchange is to bring someone from outside to improve the country but still keep the one who's shitting it.

>Meanwhile the nice apple-pie kid is in the corner sniffing glue and nobody is asking what culture is messing him up
Yeah, I believe Americans have a word for this? Does "White trash" rings any bells? Have you never watches shows like My Name is Earl and Trailer Park Boys? That's nothing but messed up white people.
Sorta how everyone expects mass shooters to be white now? Or how whites are the only ones that can commit hate crimes?
I try my best.

She means good off white kids though WASPs being the open secret kind of fucked up is a big stereotype too.

The best one?

Too bad 1st world countries are so he'll bent on taking in all the worst that third world shithole have to offer.

Yeesh user, you type like you're from a third world country.

Exiling natives seems like it'd cost a lot more time effort and money than deporting immigrants when they fuck up.

I think a better question would be what kind of immigrant would want to go to a country who offers that kind of Exchange.

Depends on if the exchange makes the process easier.
I'm sure a ton immigrants would LOVE a native exchange program if it got them through years of waiting.
I meant there are people willing to be hunted like criminals and have their family's lives torn apart to get in and remain in the country. I'm sure a good few would be fine if they just had to "switch places" with Cletus or Tymalius.

Stop blowing up Ariana Grande concerts

They did that. The end result was America.
...And Australia.

Ah come on user, that concert was a blast!

>hunted like criminals
Who is hunting immigrants?

aborigines: When britain is sending their people, they're not sending their best.

>shouldn't you want to know that it has benefited your country?
Tell me user, how are you benefitting your country?

>But in the second, no deal has been made
Nonsense, he lives in a life of luxury by no accomplishments on his own while wasting away opportunities while the immigrant actually makes something of himself.
Who comes off looking like an entitled shit in this scenario?

I'm a native to my country. By an ancient birthright, I belong here with my people.
If I did nothing other than preserve the culture and heritage of my people, I would benefit my country.
Meanwhile, the addition of immigrants would change my country in some way. Shouldn't I want to be certain that this change is for the better?

Immigrants weren't born here, and have no right to be here. Those born here do.


I live in the South

To everyone north of Virginia and west of Texas I'm an inbred hick

She can deal with terrorist jokes

>he lives in a life of luxury by no accomplishments on his own
And that's an opportunity awarded to him by the work of his ancestors. He's literally entitled to the fruits of his ancestors' labor because they gave it to him in inheritance. Why should you take someone's inheritance and give it to someone else?

We're not your people. What culture and heritage are you even talking about? Seriously who the fuck cares about that crap?

Immigrants usually make more money than their native born counterparts. They should check their privledge.

>civil border patrol
Well if the person is an illegal immigrant they are a criminal, so I can see why someone would treat them as such.

>Who comes off looking like an entitled shit in this scenario?

>who cares about culture and heritage

Literally every brown person on the planet

>seriously who the fuck cares about that crap?
Most of the world, I'd argue. It's only recently become popular in Western countries to not care about your people.

>Seriously who the fuck cares about that crap?

White neckbeards.

Then they wonder why white women are out fucking black dudes while they shitpost on Sup Forums screaming "muh heritage!"

>Edgy serial murder/drug addict/rapist all of a sudden grows a heart because someone called him a racist
This mission was really fucking stupid.

>Giving a fuck what anybody else/ your country thinks about you
You stupid faggots; I may not be able to speak for he governing bodies of other nations but I'm pretty damn sure most of em don't give a single fuck about you or any other individual. Idolizing people in charge is no different than idolizing your parents just after you've turned four.

people who really care about that confederate flag?

>Seriously who the fuck cares about that crap?
People whose minds haven't been so warped by Marxism that they can still find pride in their heritage and culture, recognizing they are just the latest ring in a grand story going back generation after generation.

Multiculturalism is a failed experiment everywhere it's been tried. Its the polar opposite of "integration", which the character in the OP is obviously failing at, since she's still dressing like a filthy mudslime despite the fact that no one but her parents would stone her to death if she took it off.

Of course, immigrants should benefit the country. But so should the natives. That's how a country grows, by keeping the people who are useful and getting rid of those who aren't. Thinking a person can be a parasite just because they had the lucky coincidence of being born there is the mentallity that destroy countries.

>Seriously who the fuck cares about that crap?

Historically? Pretty much every human civilization that has ever existed up until the modern era.

It's not a "lucky coincidence", and quite frankly says a disgusting amount about your twisted worldview that you would even say something like that.

Ariana Grande is cancer. Terrorism is cancer too so they belong together

that's just the classic lefty doubletalk
it's okay to fly a conflicting flag with the US flag, unless it's the flag of a dead nation like the confederacy that can't hurt anyone anymore
it's wrong to oppress women but it's okay when women wear symbols of muslim oppression and claim it's empowering and voluntary
whatever else we do at least we're consistent

Yeah, but the thing is that they would find an excuse no matter what. It doesn't matter if you're literally perfect, they'd still find some way to bitch about you and your people.

This. Speaking as someone who has stakes in a lot of camps, everyone is judging everyone else. And there are people on all sides feel like there's a double-standard against them.

Then don't immigrate.

Why? No other country has the obligation to take them in, whereas the immigrant's home country does.
Is this what cultural Marxism does to your brain?

>be black
>Have a culture manufactured by outside forces fir the maximum destruction of self
nah, fuck culture or at the very least embrace white culture.

Can you explain to me why pride in your heritage is good and you're paying homage to a grand tapestry, but if someone brings up slavery or genocide or shit like Jim Crow, then that shit happened a hundred years ago, and its time to let it go?

Untrue, Asians are perfect and only crime is they are loyal to a fault.

Whites have no culture to embrace.

MODS just delete this thread already!

Are you saying it's destiny then? You were destinated to belong in this country?

Uncle Ruckus, Go home!

>letting assholes keep you from a better life

I know that there are people who hold both of those views, but the user you're talking to has not expressed that he holds the second opinion you mentioned.
Personally, I think a person should take the good and the bad from their heritage and use both to improve themselves and the next generation.

>Fuck culture.
>Embrace the outside force
I agree with you on the former but not the latter.

its called Manifest Destiny

White culture is so spread out and consumed so much by everybody, people don't really notice.
Tv, Movies, literature, history, education, food, clothes, technology, etc.

>taking what they want with no remorse
>Invent, Create, Build
>fishing, golfing, boweling

as oppose to black "culture"
>Taking what they want with no remorse
>Destroy, Destroy, Destroy
>Shooting, Drugs, victimizing their own

i don;t know man. Maybe my views are just fucked.

Surely such an obviously false statement won't be given a significant amount of attention by the gentlemen of Sup Forums

Well yeah. You wouldn't be yourself if you were born to another family.

Why there isn't better life in your native country? Unless it's war or extreme poverty, you'd be just exchanging a bunch of country problems for others.

>He's literally entitled to the fruits of his ancestors' labor
No he's not. Being born doesn't entitled him to nothing.
>Why should you take someone's inheritance and give it to someone else?
Cause he's a lazy fuck, complaining about hard workers just cause they came here to work.

Then don't complain?

>woman in hijab speaking without being spoke to
>has hands exposed
>has mouth exposed


Get the stones.

Its THEIR country, faggot.

If you're at a stranger's house, you act your best
but if you're at home, you can be a slob all you want

How is he not entitled to something given to him? You're advocating theft.
>here you go, son. I worked hard so you could have a better life
>gee thanks, dad

>Its THEIR country,
No it's not, they stole this land.

I thought that was thug culture

No, I am the son of middle eastern immigrants who moved here legally and I can tell you bullshit like this makes me cringe

as it stands, that's pretty much black culture.

Is it funny that I knew exactly what this was going to be about from the thumbnail alone?

>? Does "White trash" rings any bells?

Yeah, "white trash" exists as a term for white people to differentiate "bad whites" from "good whites". it's not used collectively as a term for all whites. It acknowledges that "bad white people" are rare enough that they need a special term.

People don't go around tossing "white trash" as a random insult to white people as a whole. That's more stuff like "cracker" and "peckerwood"- although even those terms originally referred to lower income rural white people as opposed to white people in general in much the same way "White Trash" does.

The closest analogue I can think of is "ghetto" as applied to black people, which is generally more often used in a more specific person-by-person context than "nigger" and other collective terms.

Whites have no culture because they decided to share it with the world, so now what's seen as universal is actually what was once white culture.

>they stole this land
What country are you talking about and why are you assuming we're all talking about it?

I think you're misunderstanding what my post was saying, user.

Let me explain the chain of replies to you, to help dumb it down via greentext:
>Chick in OP says that immigrants have to always be at 100% or else people will blame any personal faults on her people rather than her
>user says she's right that anti-immigrant people will make blanket statements based on one immigrants failings
>I say that they'd make those blanket statements even if you were at 100% all the time, so it's stupid to let those comments get to you or change the way you act to accommodate those types of people
>user says that you shouldn't immigrate to a country where there might be people that would make these blanket statements
>I say that it's stupid to not immigrate just because the place you're immigrating to might have a handful of assholes in it
You follow?

>am the son of middle eastern immigrants who moved here legally
Speaking of bullshit... you're anonymous idiot so noboody cares.

Whose land?

American blacks, sure.

Because the problems in a third-world shithole are a lot worse than the problems of The Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.

And you were born to your family by happenstance. That is, a lucky coincidence.

congratulations you know how Sup Forums works, and you pointed out the obvious
Thanks for the (you)

The USA cause this comic is set in the USA and it's about the history of the USA immigration

>American blacks, sure.
ever been to france?

I believed you mean conquered.

Who did the land belong to before the "Native" Americans got to it?

How do black frenchies differ from "white" frenchies?

Cause nothing was actually "given" to him, he was just born in this country.

>American blacks, sure.

Not even American blacks. Goddamn, You know that is screw up.

they are more likely to play Street Fighter V

and also burn cars

FuCk FrUmPf N fUcK wHiTe PeOpLe