Didn't do anything with his life after meeting Jack because his existence would get poofed anyway

>Didn't do anything with his life after meeting Jack because his existence would get poofed anyway
wow, was Da Samurai the smartest Samurai Jack character?

why didn't jack just kill every single person he meets because apparently non existence is equivalent to death to you retards

It might as well be.

He owns the bar and humbled himself, seems like he grew a lot of wisdom from his past days were he thought he was the hottest shit.

many of them got killed in the battle with Aku, but yeah why feel sad for them they got deleted two minutes afterwards

>They actually risked their lifes fighting Aku in the last episode to be erased from existance
Holy shit...

It's worse, because they don't even get to go to the afterlife.

Maybe they got to go to their own timelines afterlife. What if there's more than one time line in their universe now due to all the time fuckery going on.

Only Ashi is erased from existence. For all you know the rest of the people live in happiness in the future without Aku

It isnt "worse". Ejaculating doesnt kill a million babies, you prevent them from existing. You didnt murder a million babies.

Like, anyone that brings up the afterlife in this discussion is a retard because nobody died at all. Non existence isnt death

Ashi was erased from existence because her father was literally Aku, who paradoxically didn't exist long enough to be able to inseminate the leader of the cult.
The rest of the characters may one day exist, just in a world without Aku or Jack

Ashi fading away established that Aku's form of time travel was the most powerful - one capable of actual time travel and not timeline splitting like DBZ

You're right. They get to live

then why does the time portal SHE made exist?

>>The rest of the characters may one day exist, just in a world without Aku or Jack
>muh alternate timeline

That's actually what he did though

You're thinking of it as death rather than a reboot you retard.

Aku's future never happened. So what is the problem here exactly?

Nice Fanfiction. Are you the same people who bitch at others who make up better endings than what Genndy gave us?

>by going back to the past and erasing their existence Jack completely invalidated both their bravery and their sacrifices
Samurai Jack was the true SHOGUN OF SORROW all along.

You actually do kill a million babies depending on what you consider life to be. If you consider it to be any living organism/cells with human DNA, then yes you killed them. Same thing when you pick at a scab.

Because the truth is that the timeline branched every time time travel was used in the show, many timelines were doomed to """nonexistence"""

Sperm is not a baby you fucking idiot, it's a potential baby at best. Those people already exisited.

>"Gotta get back...back to the past...Samurai Jack."
>Wow Samurai Jack went back to the past, I can't believe this, Genndy is a hack

Where were you when you started to support euthanasia?

would you rather be killed right now, or have never existed in the first place.

>Jack completely invalidated both their bravery and their sacrifices
Except it was through their bravery and sacrifice that Jack could save both the past and future from Aku.
Without them Ashi would have killed Jack and everyone would either live in despair, get cursed or turn into an Akuling.

>would you rather have a slow painful death or just bloop out of existence possibly being rebooted in another
That's not a tough choice.

The problem with this argument is that all those people in the future did exist prior to Jack defeating Aku. Jack effectively wiped them from existence.

This isn't time that has yet to be written, as is the case with your analogy, but rather time that was written, erased, and then rewritten differently.

>possibly being rebooted in another

No one cares for your fanfiction

At a YMCA in China feeding starving children.

Nobody cares for your "Jack is a murderer!" alternate headcanon, either.

I bet you're the kinda guy who thinks Mario is the villain.

And no one cares for your changing the past = death one either but "dying" painlessly sounds a lot better than a slow agonizing death.

It's left ambiguous, but the future itself is saved from Aku's evil. Either they don't exist in the future, or they exist but slightly different personality as they never endured Aku's evils.

SJ has a lot of determinism.

Depends on what "not existed" means. Because Jack still has the scars from that experience and Ashi literally faded away at the wedding in his timeline. If "not existing" means I experience life and then watch as my existence and universe is removed from the grand scheme of things like writing being erased from a piece of notebook paper, I'd pick the alternate option because it'd probably be less severe and other people in my world would have to suffer that fate. I wouldn't want to be a story hidden in eraser dust and overwritten.

>the real past was the friends we made along the way

Mario always breaks and enters into Bowser's properties, assaults his workers, and kidnaps his girlfriend before Bowser takes her back offscreen. Mario is a fucking douche.

*wouldn't have to suffer that fate.

Jack is an asshole for not letting go of the past, and rebuilding the future.


How retarded do you have to be to actually believe this shit? It's more of the fact people are shitting on this garbage writing and the lack of closure. For god sake, jack's last words to scotsman was "I'm seeing someone".

This is some SHITTY FAN-FIC writing. Genndy literally wrote this entire season about a "beautiful" half-demon girl who gets along with animals and is the main characters love interest who has the same powers has the main villain. This is the garbage writing you are defending. You think Genndy gives a shit about those other characters? He just wanted to force a bittersweet ending, and what does he care? he has a ton of brain dead fans like yourselves who are willing to defend anything he does because "MUH KINO" and are unwilling to criticize this garbage. Unless he comes out himself and says "well yeah those characters are still there, everything you mention is pure speculation, because there's already proof that they DON'T EXIST in the future that is AKU.


>kidnaps the mother of his children

I think this is the thing. Half the audience didn't expect Jack to go to the past for that very reason. He'd save his mentors but doom his friends. A big assumption I think people made with that insane "YOU'VE FORGOTTEN YOUR PURPOSE" was that the big rejection of that would be the people he helped on the way and the meaning that comes from that.

For a bunch of Samurai ghosts to troll him into Sudoku when he could have just gone into a portal and undid it makes the entire idea of those children living or dying irrelevant. They were gone two weeks later regardless.

> some people actually believe they all wanted to sacrifice themselves for a better future

>A better Future that won't exist anymore

>because there's already proof that they DON'T EXIST in the future that is AKU.
You mean the future without Aku.
And no, there is no evidence of them not existing and Ashi doesn't count because her very genetics are tied to Aku.

The fact that the ending renders every characters actions meaningless is why it is a shitty ending.

> there is no evidence of them not existing

Jump-good guy came to be because his village was destroyed by Aku's drones. In fact many of the aliens who came to earth are because of Aku's meddling. The list goes on, but basically these people existed in AKU"S FUTURE.

Guess what user? There's no more Aku.
How would these things even happen in a future without Aku? They would be different and the circumstances would change. We are talkign about thousands of years here.

>B-b-but they could still exist but just be different

I guess this one of those situations where the black guy really dindu nuffin.

I don't think a lot of them would exist if it weren't for Aku. Changing something that big in the timeline leads to a lot of the characters not needing to travel or meet each other. All the aliens are likely gone for sure. Someone like the Scotsman wouldn't have been born in the same tough times and become the same person. I don't know much about his family, but if Aku was actually reigning terror and genociding people as many posters imply he did due to him being "evil" that means there's going to be a lot more human genetic diversity at the root for many communities and the odds of any family tree panning out the same way it did in Aku's world over the course of thousands of years is asinine.

>Jump-good guy came to be because his village was destroyed by Aku's drones. In fact many of the aliens who came to earth are because of Aku's meddling. The list goes on, but basically these people existed in AKU"S FUTURE.
So Jump Good guy now lives in a town has a job and now lives the good life.
The aliens like the moth people now crash land on earth and actually receive help.
>The list goes on
You have no evidence user. All you can prove is that their experiences didn't happen not that they won't exist.

Hell the Lava Monster was probably sealed around Jack's time so he's free to live it up.

Is a person still the same person if they have a completely different life?
I'd say no, your experiences make you

The people who care about this are autists who deserve to be shot

>how can we enjoy things when there's stupid shit to complain about?

Same soul same person fuck you fuck off

>I'd say no, your experiences make you
It forges your personality but it doesn't forge you. Needless to say they would exist but they would have the same personalities like Trunks in Dragonball

>So Jump Good guy now lives in a town has a job and now lives the good life.
>The aliens like the moth people now crash land on earth and actually receive help.
>Hell the Lava Monster was probably sealed around Jack's time so he's free to live it up.

LITERALLY Fan fiction, Holy shit you're not even trying to hide it anymore. You're implying all these events in the 4 seasons are going to happen again just without Aku is possibly one of the stupidest things I've read on here.

>You have no evidence user.
There's evidence, it was talked about and shown but you choose to ignore it. Your fan-fiction is shit.

You S5 Apologist are fucking pathetic.

>people defending this shit ending
Why are you like this

You still think all these people were robots who would never be created without Aku? Didn't you notice that only Ashi was his creation?

Then why did Scotsman offer Jack to marry one of his daughters?
>a "beautiful" half-demon girl who gets along with animals
>who has the same powers has the main villain.
and doesn't ever use them for her personal gain
how is that a Mary Sue?

No, they didnt exist until jack got cast into the future.

Jack being cast into the future changed time, aku's future took the place of the future that would have happened if jack killed aku.

Like, if I ejaculated and a time traveler appeared and said NO STOP I'M ONE OF THOSE it wouldnt make the act of ejaculation murder. I would just be changing the timeline.

>LITERALLY Fan fiction
As is your
headcanon even though it doesn't abide by any reasonable logic.

>it was talked about and shown but you choose to ignore it.
Then prove it.

It's how you differentiate the newfags from people who actually watched the old show

Like people who spout the "first three episodes" meme

>>a "beautiful" half-demon girl who gets along with animals
>>who has the same powers has the main villain.
>and doesn't ever use them for her personal gain
>how is that a Mary Sue?
This was meant for

SJfans have Sanic-tier devotion to their show. Everyone was blinded to it by the nostalgia rush, but the autistic devotion we should have seen in the threads, art, and offsite material from places like tumblr is making itself clear and it's only going to get worse in the coming months as the fanfiction gets jacked up to 11 over what happens when people get erased, and love stories about Jack and Ashi. Brace your anus.

Have you guys ever considered that it was just ONE timeline that might not exist anymore? What about the infinite amount of timelines that didn't get to exist as a result of Aku's reign? Is it fair for them to not exist because you're playing favorites? For all you know, the Scotsman could've had thousands of daughters instead of the hundred that he had, and Aku was preventing him from doing that. Perhaps the moth people form a peace alliance with earth. Maybe even Ashi and her sisters get born to a not crazy bitch of a mother, and they live a happy life of togetherness and all that jazz. We may never know, but preventing one timeline from happening is always worth stopping a timeless, immortal evil. If you agree or not, I don't fancy it too much. I'm just offering a different side of the argument.

look, the ending had plenty of flaws. I'm not implying otherwise. But this "muh existential crises" nonsense is the stupidest nitpick you could choose about this ending.

he went back to the past in the most shittiest way possible, that's the problem most people have

-Can't say goodbye to his friends in the future
-Literally gets forced by Ashi to go back
-Loses love interest because muh sad ending

Do you not know what the Butterfly effect is, user?

As an addendum to this: when aku made a portal to the future, it was to the future of the timeline as it was then (because jack hadn't yet been cast into it). When jack went into the portal, it genocided that timeline and replaced it with THE FUTURE THAT IS AKU.

Timelines are destroyed every time somebody used time travel. It's a non event, and what all time travel fiction is based off of unless its a 100% closed loop predestination thing.

Not that guy, but it's pretty logical. We saw Ashi actually get erased and Jack still has memories of his trip. It's akin to erasing a drawing from a piece of paper (although this drawing has feelings and a family) and then claiming you now have a clear piece of paper and the drawing never existed because you only decide to determine existence by what currently exists on the piece of paper.

Well he didn't think his friend would fuck him and his daughters over so badly and not even feel slightly remorsful

The butterfly effect doesn't work the way you think it does.

Okay, but consider this:

The Woolies, for example never had too much to do with Aku. Their whole thing was that they were enslaved by an alien race. Without Jack there, They would never have been liberated.

In addition, the jungle tribe of monkeys who taught Jack how to jump will have never learned how to defend themselves from predators without Jack's direct influence.

In addition, there was the Spartans, the rescue of Scotsman's wife, etc. that all occurred without Aku's influence, but for the sake of argument we'll just say that anything involving robots didn't happen because Aku guided the world's technology to amass his own robot armies.

Aku has been directly responsible for some things as well, aside from his daughters.

If we are going with the assumption that robotics never advanced far enough to make those other things a problem, then it must follow that the peaceful robots who enlisted Jack's help fighting the Mondo-bot also never existed.

On top of that, it is shown numerous times that Aku employs slave labor, and without that happening, there are entire networks of human trafficking that never come to be, so you can bet that there are entire generations of people who never exist because of Aku.

So, either everyone has to live in a future with Aku and no jack because the time lines split, or the future changes and no one exists anyway. There is no happy ending where Ashi is the only casualty.

fucking back up your statement

>time travel is now equivalent to murder

Great scott.

>Their whole thing was that they were enslaved by an alien race. Without Jack there, They would never have been liberated.
They would have never been on earth to be captured either.


Time travel doesnt cause casualties.

If you think that, than the biggest casualty would be the original timeline before Aku changed the future by getting rid of Jack.

I just realized that this logic means Marty McFly is a time genociding monster

Why kind of an excuse is that? It's a cartoon and for the purpose of the story we can assume they still exist without overthinking it with actual philosophical concepts.

>says it's logical
>proceeds to say why it isn't


Yep, this just confirms you're a another retarded SJfan.

How can they be dead if they never existed? I already explained to you why but I'll do it one more time and dumb it down for you.

-Jack was thrown into the Future, where Aku rules the world.
-According to the dogs, Aku has been ruling for thousands of years
-Aliens, monsters from all around the universe is now comes to earth as Aku wants to rule over them and have them worship him
-Many people throughout the years have cultures and still manage to survive in the hellhole, though they still live in fear
-Jack comes and inspires hope into the people in the future
-They begin to fight back
-Series shows their still beauty in the world worth saving even in this world of Aku
-Aku is about kill Jack, Everyone goes to save jack's life
-Ashi literally throws Jack(without any choice) into to the past and kills Aku
-Undo the Future that is Aku therefore that Future no longer exist
-Therefore All those people who may have been born int the events of Aku ruling the world no longer exist.

Lets say A bounty hunter from earth went and got married with an alien girl and had children and one of those kids grew up and befriended Jack. Because Aku no longer exist, That kid would no longer exist because the circumstances for their parents to meet have drastically changed.

Do you understand now you idiot? this is why no one cares about your fan-fiction.

I was referring to how it's logical to state that Jack effectively killed those people by killing Aku.
I think that's different since McFly doesn't travel thousands of years into the future/past and undo or change drastic events that define a timeline without correcting his original mistake of making a change.

Congrats, your counter argument and "proof" is literally as much headcanon as everyone else.
Can you prove aliens wouldn't visit the planet? After all the bug people landed on earth completely independent of Aku
Can you prove those people would then crossbreed with said aliens?
What about the dogs? Can you provide an evolutionary background to show where specifically Aku intervened.

just fucking stop posting

>I think that's different since McFly doesn't travel thousands of years into the future/past and undo or change drastic events that define a timeline without correcting his original mistake of making a change.
Marty doesn't correct things he changes history for himself and the people in his town. Possibly more but we don't exactly see much more.

I can't

Well marty got rid of those instant pizza hut pizzas so fuck him, I wanted those.

I thought you could prove they were gone completely or do you admit that your post is as much headcanon as everything else in this thread?

>Literally reference things that happened in the show
>Explain why these particular circumstances came to be because of the World, Aku rules over

SJfans Everyone.

So what you're saying is that you can't prove it.
Also about the aliens, we only know that the criminals were invited by Aku and absolutely nothing of the more peaceful races.

You can't claim you have proof when what you provide has so many unexplained holes.

>well how?
Ashifags everybody.

>we only know that the criminals were invited by Aku and absolutely nothing of the more peaceful races.

Did you even watch the show?

Aku welcomed criminals but there we other races that came were expected to completely worship him (or thrown into the mines) Jack met plenty of people who weren't even criminals, what are you even trying to say here?

>So what you're saying is that you can't prove it.
Am I being trolled right now?


JACK LITERALLY says this in the show, infact that's the whole fucking premise of the show! THATS why Jack is trying to go back to the back to the past to UNDO THE FUTURE THAT IS AKU.

>wah muh existence
their memory still lives on in jack, just as if they died rather than stopped existing. plus it's not like they could exist to be butthurt about not existing anyway. negating a shitty future is worth creating hope for a better past.

Until we get confirmation from Genndy that Aku's presence was the reason all of Jack's human friends existed these people are just outraged about their headcanon of what happened in the last episode.

>Bitches about other people's headcanon and while making up his own

>Aku welcomed criminals but there we other races that came were expected to completely worship him
Yes, as in, when they reached earth and were greeted by his machines. Can you prove that they came solely because of Aku?
Because it looks like your entire argument is based on your personal headcanon and the fact that you want them to all die.

>Am I being trolled right now?
Typical Sup Forums argument
>backed into a corner
>better call them a troll, ignore what they said and post the same thing again!

I'm kinda surprised that people are only now thinking up theories about what would happen if Jack went back to the past and killed aku. Surely you guys should have know it could have happened just from the intro.

>personal headcanon

Everything I wrote was DIRECTLY from the show. They even show that Butterfly effect exists in the show because Ashi vanished. Not to mention the fact Aku shit the bed when he realizes he was going to be destroyed when Jack made it into the past.

So since we established the fact the butterfly effect exist to a degree in the show, and the fact the whole premise of the show was to show how Jack wanted to undo the future Aku messed up, and I already explained numerous times. The Drones attacking, the aliens that lived on earth and was affected by Aku, the fact that Aku's future was made up of many races, relationships of all sorts were made, WITH the fact we are talking about thousands of years here.

A future without Aku and these things simply would not be, because he was destroyed in the past and therefore things are going to be completely different because of his destruction in the past.

>Backed into a corner

Right, This is coming from the same guy who has ignored everything in favor for his headcanon and then keeps repeating everything like the typical retard you are.

Lemme guess, next you're gonna say "U MAD?!"

>All powerful godlike entity that no one can touch
>"I'm sure he didn't affect the universe that much"

Nox did nothing wrong.

missed opportunity

Ashi vanished because there was an essence of Aku inside her so her existence is directly linked to him being present in the future. Everything else is just headcanon idiots screaming "HE DELETED THE SCOTSMAN REEEEEE"