It was really fucking good

It was really fucking good.

#WWScreening discussion Post?

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Be more subtle next time.

I don't believe you.

None of the other DCEU movies have been good. What makes this one good?

Scared of it happening to you, grandpa?

>All this good word of mouth about WW
I'm so fucking hyped.

>If they used Hashtags then that means OP is a shill.


A lack of WB meddling with the final product helped. I actually liked BvS Ultimate edition and MoS.

I will say that the beginning of the movie was pretty slow but once Diana and Steve go to London it starts to pick up.

Oh and I liked how Diana's base of operations in the present day is in Paris: The City of Love.

Thank you based Patty.

more like the city of muslim refugees

>All this good word of mouth about BvS
>All this good word of mouth about SS

You fags never learn do you?

>>If they used Hashtags then that means OP is a shill.

At the very least it means he's an idiot

Except this time actual critics got an early screening to along with an embargo that was actually moved up.

If you don't want to see then whatever but don't try to pretend that the word of mouth that WW is getting is comparable to BvS and SS.

What's it like getting this mad about a hashtag?

>I actually liked BvS Ultimate edition and MoS.

Opinion discarded.

>actual critics
>buzzfeed, io9

>I actually liked BvS Ultimate edition and MoS

Yeah, you totally sound like a person of fine taste

>Except this time actual critics got an early screening t
So did they

These aren't major critics these are early twitter reactions

> to along with an embargo that was actually moved up.
Just like FOX with X-Men Apocalypse right?

What's it like being a shill?

I thought shilling was against the rules

I saw it too, and it suffers from synder syndrom.

I liked that...

They went with the child of Zeus origin. Rucka fans BTFO.

Ares wasn't a giant and did Injustice attacks.

Spy Steve a cute. :3

Yeah I liked that She was Zeus' kid too. I was actually pretty surprised that Ruckawas cool with it going by his reaction to the movie.

Chris Pine really surprised me as Steve. Not saying that he's a terrible actor but he really did a good job as Steve. [Spoiler]His final scenes with Diana were upetting.

When is the new embargo date?

>actual adult people saying they started crying in the first minute

The shilling is off the fucking charts

29th, but at 9pm PST so it's almost just 1 day earlier

You might not believe this, but not all movies that feature characters from the same rights holder are made by the same people.

>>If they used Hashtags then that means OP is a shill

When you use the hashtag that Warner asked you to use on places that don't even work with hashtags, it means you're a shill

>I actually liked BvS Ultimate edition and MoS

The real problem Rucka had with Azzarello's version wasn't her origin perse, but how pretty much he raped the fuck out of stuff Rucka expend years working on.
The shit he did with the Amazons was vile and tbqh the nu52 pretty much apart after the first two arcs.
People here only praise it because how fucking horrible 70% of the nu52 actually was.

I was looking at all the women during the Diana x Steve parts and they were smiling like crazy at all the parts especially the part where they dance then later kiss. I'm hoping we get more superspy Trevor in the comics. Steve deserves a bigger role when you look at other primary love interests for the Trinity like Lois and Selina.

Place your bets on the RT score

I'm expecting it to land somewhere in 40%

Aww shit nigga,and it opens on june 1st in spicland.

same score as ghostbusters

>but how pretty much he raped the fuck out of stuff Rucka expend years working on.

That was done years before. And not in a reboot.

Rucka's current run has seemed really petulant, like he can't tolerate someone doing something different with Diana than what he did in his first run. It seems whiny, at least to me.

59-60%, alternating


They had insane chemistry and it really is a shame that we won't see the two of them together in another film.

Got it.

Yeah then that's on me then because I just assumed that people got pissy about Zeus being her dad.

>scared of marketers

If it's good it's good, it'll help BFTO the people who keep saying "the Cape bubble is gonna burst".

But it doesn't really matter because I'll be filtering anything WW.

Even if they did New 52 amazons all those people would love it (I didn't mind them, but I'm talking about the people that loathe it in the comics)

All of them turn into fanboys that will love it just because it's Wonder Woman on the silver screen

Chris supposedly chose the real because it was a one movie deal.
I dont blame him. Its great he made the most of it but i would hate a Peggy situation. Just have the real blown uo past its natural conclusion.

Yeah, I was really sad that Steve died after giving her the watch because he wished they had more time then said he loved her. ;_;

I keep saying this line being posted

"It's not what you deserve, it's what you believe"

Or something like that

who said it and what's the context?

>it'll help BFTO the people who keep saying "the Cape bubble is gonna burst".
They've been saying this since Thor 1. They'll never stop.

I don't know, Wonder Woman didn't claim harassment against people online and isn't universally hated like Ghostbusters

Pre-release screening impressions are almost always shills no matter what site they're on.

Yeah, having it be a Peggy-like situation would have sucked. I much preferred it the way it happened. And at least Diana's not a perma-virgin like movie Steve.

I know this is the RT score autism thread, but I have some questions for those who saw it.

Is the clay origin shown, and/or is there a confirmation about a god being her father?

How much fighting with her sword actually is there? Is there more fighting with the lasso and fists than there is with the sword and shield?

Do they fuck up and make her bulletproof?

I hate this mentality. Azz is the one who's petulant. He admitted to not knowing or caring about Wonder Woman at all. He didn't just erase Diana's history which is fine because it's a reboot, but he totally threw out her entire mythos and supporting characters because he couldn't be bothered to read Wikipedia.

When Bendis does this everyone shits on him rightfully, but when Azz does it, because people hadn't read Wonder Woman before it's suddenly OK.

It's not a bad comic at all but if you actually read through Wonder Woman's history, it'll become blatantly obvious to you why people are derisive of Azz's run, and that it's not so much the run itself as it is the people who seem to think there's nothing wrong with what he did.

As I always say, what he did to the Amazons is the same as making the Kents into racist right wing Christians. The Kents are not the most interesting characters in the world but they serve their purpose in that they show you where Clark gets his values and his great outlook on life, which is the same role the Amazons serve.

>I actually liked BvS Ultimate edition and MoS.
In the trash your opinion on WW goes then.

Dude that scene broke me along with the scene where she blamed him for not letting her kill Ludendorff after he killed everyone in the village.

And that e-mail she sent to Bruce at the end got me too. 'Thank you for giving him back to me.

Batbro actually came through for her. ;_;

Yeah, her reply to Bruce really hit me too.

>changing CORE aspects of a character and their mythology
>something different
Don't act like it was just some minor teeny tiny changes. It'd be like is someone made Ma and Pas Kent convicted rapists and murders and then just expecting people to be fine with it and calling it a minor change.

Azzarello changed core aspects and based Rucka fixed them.

Stop talking to yourself

Her father is Zeus in the DCEU.

Honestly it's a good mix of Sword fighting, lasso, and bare fist fighting and as for the bulletproof thing: She gets shot, well it was more getting grazed by a bullet but whatever, on Themyscira but she heals pretty quickly. That being said she blocks the bullets with her bracelets and during the No Man's Land scene she has to use her shield to deflect the bullets.

I too really enjoyed Wonder Woman™

I will be sure to watch it twice, maybe even a third time. Thank you Warner™ Brothers™, a subsidiary of Time Warner™

We being flooded with marketers again? Because OP offers very little for discussion

Should I buy the Ultimate $100 ticket from Regal Cinemas to watch how many times I want?

I really like what they did visually with Doctor Poison. The fact that she had her original costume with the goggles in one scene was great. She also had a minor part, but I felt like it was just enough without overexposing her. I also liked that her toxins didn't just outright murder people but she could also make ones with special effects like the comics.

You should, but also make sure to buy a second one if you plan on watching it more than 9 times™ You wouldn't want to be cheating any money out from Regal™ or Warner Brothers®™

Remember to tell all your twitter followers about how much you enjoyed the movie too™

Not op but I saw it too, what do you wanna discusss

Holy shit this is the most shillingly shill thread I've ever seen on Sup Forums. Well done OP.

>Blind praise
>Hashtag right in the OP
I heard it was shit.
Were the leaks true? Is Gal Gadot completely overshadowed by Chris Pine? Did Zeus create humans? Did Wonder Woman sit out Zod, 9/11, and the Holocaust because she was sad about her bf dying?

I'm not that guy, but I think I speak for most of Sup Forums when I say we're all still sort of skeptical about Gal Gadot.

All these critics are praising her, but it all seems like a farce, almost. Is she REALLY good as Diana? Is she really? Does she actually, genuinely bring the character to life? Does she genuinely do Diana proud?

>OP makes a thread to discuss the movie for people who watched it.
>WTF Why didn't he outline every talking point we should discuss about the movie?

>Her father is Zeus in the DCEU.
God fucking dammit. I've ALWAYS wanted to see the stuff from the beginning of Perez's run done in film.

Why is Johns so obsessed with that crappy new origin?

Well the amount of people who might have seen it is limited and his original post offers nothing but "Its good" with no indication how or why. So yeah, I'll call him a fucking shill. Fact is, people are right to be skeptical about this movie

Yeah, but they're all shit so far and disappointed people despite that. And that answer wasn't even relevant to his question.

>I heard it was shit.

From whom?

>It's actually really good
>Continues to say how they liked BvS and Suicide Squad
If you're trying to convince people you're not a shill (or that you just don't have garbage taste), you're not doing a very good job.

Wonder Woman says it Ares during their fight scene at the end. It's a callback to what Steve said to her during an earlier conversation.

I) think this movie's silly humor and quipping will mesh well with Joss Whedon's Justice League.

>Well the amount of people who might have seen it is limited
The thread is for people who have seen it to discuss it. Why the fuck are you even here besides being a giant faggot?


Alright, I want to know why Diana sat on her Amazonian ass for a 100 years and did nothing after this movie. Theres no way she doesnt look like a complete bitch, prove me wrong


Pre-release buzz, before outlets like Buzzfeed started bombarding it with praise.

Also the leaks that revealed just how utterly retarded the plot gets.

what the fuck happened in this thread

>Every news outlet will shower this movie with blind praise because it stars a woman
>The main female protagonist supposedly ignores the Holocaust, Vietnam, 9/11, and Zod's Invasion because she was sad about a man

She does a great job and hits the emotional scenes well. I under being skeptical but you will feel dumb feeling that way at all after this. Especially that scene where amazon general dies and she cries

People trying to discuss a movie in a civil manner. One or two raging Mouseketeers shitting up the thread. The usual.

You have a collision between retards desperate for this movie to be bad and retards desperate for this movie to be good.

Everyone's making excuses for why this good praise doesn't count or why that good praise does.

This site is just a place for two cults of braindead idiots to shitpost at each other endlessly.

He obviously isn't obsessed to much if he let Rucka retcon it

What's the Tornado or Martha-tier scene of this one? It probably involves Ares, correct?

To be fair I actually thought that it worked out pretty well in the movie but I can understand why people wouldn't be pleased by it.

People who haven't seen the movie are trying to tell people who actually saw the movie how much it sucked.

Yeah, that totally happened for the last 3 female led-action movies.

I'm not trying to start shit, but hopefully between this and Logan, mickey gets a wake up call and starts trying to make quality movies again


it's a shill thread alright

Do shills get paid for talking with other shills?

Alright i'm in, WB, Disney i'm a free agent, sign me up.

GitS doesn't count because it's a weird foreign property for nerds and commits the sin of cultural appropriation.
Wonder Woman is both stunning and brave.

Fact that she was a woman < whitewashing.

I have seen her crying in Criminal and it was terrible

Does she just frowns her eyebrows, have her mouth agape and the eyes a little wet?

Reddit loved it, Mouseketeers BTFO


She isn't OH MY GOD SHE'S AMAZING but she really did surprise me with the work she did in this movie. She isn't wooden and like what said when she can handle the more emotional scenes.

I'm not trying to overhype her acting but I do wish that people would actually give her a shot.

>OP makes a thread blindly praising an unreleased film, complete with #hashtags
>Only criticism is "the beginning is a little slow"
>The rest is "I really liked the part where she cried, Gal Gadot is an amazing actor"
>People call them out for looking like a blatant shill thread
>"Wow, honestly, ugh, this is a thread for people to respectfully discuss this unreleased film, if you Mousketeers could just fuck off, honestly I'm feeling so attacked right now, maybe you should see #WonderWoman in theaters #June2nd and then come back for some civil discussion"

Yeah, D*sney shills.

Go pick up your dime from the Mouse, intern.

No offense, but that doesn't inspire any optimism.

You're being baited.

>Linking to reddit
>Reddit loved it
Have you seen DCEU reddit? they're the most delusional people in the world.

I had an inkling, but Poe's Law and all that.

>mickey gets a wake up call
>made over 10 billion last year
>had a growth share of 26% with half the films of the films of their lead competitors last year
>has already made 2 billion on just two films this year with 4 more billion dollar projected films coming up
>made over a grand total of 70 billion in films, television and merc last year alone
>43% more than the next competitor
>wake up call

They can hit the snooze button and be late for class and still be doing fine.