Zack Snyder Steps Down From 'Justice League' to Deal With Family Tragedy

>The filmmaker's daughter died by suicide in March, prompting him to take a break from work and Joss Whedon to finish the Warner Bros. superhero pic: "I’ve decided to take a step back from the movie to be with my family, be with my kids, who really need me."

The nightmare is over, and another begins.



Let's be respectful towards Snyder now. That's a tough break.

Man, I feel sorry for the guy

Christ user have some respect for the guy

>failure as a filmmaker
>failure as a father

Well, at least he owns that gym


I really am sending positive vibes to Zack and his family right now because I couldn't even imagine what he's going through right now.


There's so many jokes I can make right now.

Good, he deserved it. Hopefully the rest of DShit gets what they deserve too.

While that sucks for him and I hope things get better, I fucking never want to see this jackass' name on another directors cut extended universe movie again.

Guess she didn't like Batman V Superman then

I despise this guy's films and consider them a shit on everything I love about DC but that's a tough break.

Wait his daughter was in Suicide Squad? Which one was she?

It's kinda amazing joss whedon directed and will direct the movie adaptation of the two biggest superhero teams of comics

>snyder leaves
>Whedon marvels star director is now in leads
what the fuck, we sadly get what we wanted in the worse way and the replacement sucks ass too

>Sounds fake
>it's not

Nobody did. This was his punishment.

What do you think will happen to the Wonder Woman director? I'm praying for breast cancer.

>Lose Zack Snyder
>Get Joss Whedon
That's like curing your cancer only to find out you have AIDS.

>star director
>the guy who fucked up AoU
Yeah, no.

>just see that Whedon replaced Snyder
>run to Sup Forums to see the shitfit
>read the actual details of why he stepped down
Well I feel like an asshole. Major condolences to the Snyder family.

>the guy who fucked up AoU
But Ike isn't going to be involved in this.

Fag. I wish his wife had died too.

>It's real

Fuck me that's tragic, here's the best to the guy.

that honestly does suck
>Joss Whedon to finish the Warner Bros. superhero pic
that does explain alot

Knowing tragedy first hand, I can imagine what he's going through right now. Life takes away, life also gives. Hang in there Mr Snyder, it gets better.

Can't stand him, but no one should have to deal with losing a kid let alone to suicide.
I wanted him to an hero, not his child.
Can't help but feel sorry for the guy.

What is this feeling I feel? I feel really bad for Zack, but Im glad he's stepping away, Joss...? I just.... I don't know I feel at all. Am I happy, sad, confused, anxious? This is.......I can't even fathom this. Whedon is like JJ, handsi n Star Trek and Star Wars, now Avengers and Justice League. Im......what the fuck is going on guys?!

Why? People die. Sometimes people commit suicide. I mean it sucks for the Snyder family but I'm not gonna act like it really affects me. These things happen.

Man, that weird fucking guilt when you may have made a monkey's paw wish and this shit happens.

Yeah, even worse, the WB is.

Yeah. Not a Snyder fan at all, but losing a daughter like that is rough.

Normal human beings have a feeling called "empathy." I know this is confusing to you, but it's truly a fascinating concept. I recommend looking into it further.

When I told that user that he should do "something" about the Snyder problem i didnt predict he would do this.

>three threads about the news
>some anons celebrating
>some anons expressing condolences
You are all pathetic.

No one cares what the fucking normies have, fag.

>Marvelfags happy with the death of Snyder's daughter.

Come on now.


Well, that's interesting

>See the reason why

Jesus Christ, that's horrible. Hope he and his family get better.

On a side note, I'm worried about what Whedon might do with the film.



>some user bitching about people bitching
Who is the pathetic now fuckwid

>all these edgy comments
>this much butthurt over 2 movies
wew lad, maybe you shouldve an hero instead of the daughter


If anything he got off easy

>what the fuck is going on guys?!
You're now remembering the report from last week of massive reshoots.
Is everyone's body ready for Avengers: Justice League Edition?

>Look how edgy I am guys! I'm totally cool, right?

>snyder steps down due to daughter suicide
>Joss takes over
This isn't how this was supposed to go bros.

>make shit films
>your daughter deserves to be dead
Damn that's edgy son

Why would I feel sad about someone whom I had no idea existed until ten minutes ago?
That said I hope she wasn't cute, that'd be a bit sad.

Anyone checked with Sup Forums yet? This feels like meme magic.

Now she wont he able to see wonder woman...

>Marvelfags complains about how edgy Snyder's movies are
>Celebrating the death of his daughter and wishing death on his wife
Full circle, huh?

I'm not gonna act like I feel bad over the internet. If I actually knew Snyder or interacted with him In some way I totally would, but again, these things happen.

Fuck off Sup Forums. This was Sup Forums's doing.

You are only feeling "empathy" because you are supposed to.

>lacking basic human compassion
>care only about getting ur dick wet
>forever a nice guy
autisms a bitch aint it lol


Remember it? The article mentions it and talks about how Snyder worked with Joss on the reshoots. It says Joss Wrote them. Oh wait it's a...

>Article is posted and Sup Forums only replies to the headline episode


Maybe if he spent more time being a dad instead of making shit movies his daughter would still be kicking,

>The nightmare is over, and another begins.

Kek. The movie is just gonna be more of a mess now because it's gonna have two very different directors slapping their work together.

Oh yeah i wonde how Sup Forums is reacting to this

Not even autism. Is pure internet tough guy. In an anime board.

It's always a sad thing when the world loses a bit of eye candy.
It's like when hippies cry about the whales and trees or whatever they care about now. Except less fruity.

I wonder why Whedon is getting so involved with DC now? I know he had that Wonder Woman movie planned years ago but I thought he was a huge Marvelfag?

He's only got one actual DC comic writing credit (the Sam Loeb tribute issue that had a tonne of writers from both the big two)

lurk more faggot. If you had been to Sup Forums even once you would have seen the constant threads shitting on Hack Snyder and shilling for marvel. All that memeing finally paid off.

Sup Forums is not giving it any chances

a lot of people here are edgy virgins, so dont be surprised at the "ironic" mean-spirited comments

when your movies are so bad even your daughter can't stand them

Poor guy. No one should go through that.

Because after AoU he doesn't seem to like Marvel anymore.

>maybe if he spent less time shitposting he could reach his potential
like pottery it rhymes

>Zack Snyder's daughter died
Fuck! That's just terrible!

>Joss Whedon directing it

>. “I want the movie to be amazing and I’m a fan, but that all pales pretty quickly in comparison," he says. “I know the fans are going to be worried about the movie but there are seven other kids that need me,” he says. “ In the end, it’s just a movie. It’s a great movie. But it’s just a movie.

>In the end, it's just a movie

fuck all of you capeshitters obsessing over bullshit fanboy flicks to harass and bully people

It's pretty damning that it took this for him to back off the work and say he needed to spend more time with family. But one never knows every single thing, as his daughter was college age and one only prods so deeply when their kids are grown.

He is doing a Batgirl movie. So looks like WB wants Marvel's leftovers to try and replicate their success.

Poor guy, that's horrible.

Being this edgy, you must be a really jacked guy in real life. Imposing, mainly, all that.


He's doing the finishing touches

Well, there are many creators that suck at Marvel but who rule at DC; Whedon is trying to find out if the same will happen to him.

I lurk all the time. Sup Forums has always felt more pro Snyder than Sup Forums. Sup Forums is the birthplace of kino which they ironically use to describe Snyder's movies. If any place would be legitimately sad at the loss of Snyder I would have put my money of Sup Forums. If any board were going to meme magic something like this into happening, I would have put it on Sup Forums.

Maybe if he made a Superman that inspires hope she wouldn't have done this.

your days are numbered Stan, you fucking kike

but why based Affleck isnt directing the reshoots?

How do we know that Whedon didnt plan for this?

So what, did he show her early footage of JL?

well with that logic you should kill yourself.
that way we have less of a warm body to contribute to global warming.
you know since youve contributed nothing of value :^)

Affleck is recovering alcoholic iirc.



I just hope Joss has necessary running time to pu them all in a farmhouse and do indulgent dream sequences.

They've always wanted the success without doing the work or doing it their way. Or doing it the old way. Suicide Squad would have gone over better in the 90's, but that was a whole other time.

Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!! Snyderfags btfo

holy fuck the DC movies people are like the Sopranos

>this thread

shut the fuck up.

>She killed herself
Heck, I would have too.

Jesus, that's one step too far trying to recreate TDK's success, Warner Bros.

>ITT school shooters

So the Suicide Squad exists in real life.
