Are there any Muslim waifus on Sup Forums?

Are there any Muslim waifus on Sup Forums?

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Dust is the only one I know.

>forgetting about Kamala

Is Kamala not?


don't do this to me user

Kamala is top Waifu material.

She can jihad me anyday

Funny the Hijab is supposed to be more modest and stop men from having lewd thoughts, yet hijab on a cute girl only increases my lewd thoughts of her.

Like a Nun's habit.


kids these days

She's boring

They all blew up.

Fuck you she's cute!

Does Mia Khalifa count?

Shit taste my dude.

That's all she has going for her

they're all bombs

She's not a cartoon or a comic, dumbass.

>showing her hair

Disgusting. Why do they try to westernize Islam like this?

>Patrician taste my dude


She's actually very bad at being a pornstar

Lebanese people are mostly Christian.

Because no one was climbing all up Dusts ass talking about how cute she was.


>showing skin


>She's boring


>inform various chan boards that she only did 10 scenes and actually retired years ago
>all of them are surprised because they don't know shit about her other than that she did a porn once in a hijab

Kamala, who Marvel is running into the ground

Dust, but she is in the x-men, so she is either dead or irrelevant

Faiza Hussain, who wields Excalibur, makes occasional cameos whenever MI13 is involved (so once every five years). But it's still better than being written by Claremont.

can't think of any other ones.

There's a reason why for that.

You ever notice that GI's had a great time abroad during World War II, and would often bring home those beautiful foreign war wives?

Well, lets just say that the women of the middle east are so bad, men turn to goats and little boys as alternatives to dealing with them, and that our vets are miserable both in and out of country.

Kamala is the palatable Muslim.
Doesn't dress in anyway that shows her beliefs or devotion to them, if she has any, outside of special occasions. Doesn't really look to her god for strength or guidance. Just a cute brown girl really. And everybody wants or wants to be a cute brown girl at one point or another.

But if you want an actual practicing Islamic waifu, then Dust is your girl.

Kamala's the only redeeming thing Marvel has left.

Mah waifu

Why are there so many filthy mudslimes here?

This artist is great, what's with the picture quality though?

I don't think she's actually Muslim.
Nadia Ali is superior any ways.

>come into a thread asking for people to post muslim characters
>surprised to see muslim characters


Superior tastes.

Don't know if i'd call Ali superior, but she gets my dick going something fierce

I'm talking about Sup Forums, you autist.

>futa on male

No, post more, I'm hungry for more

Bitches name is Wafa
Wafa is your waifu?
I can't even be mad, right now.

Based on what?
Having a Hijab fetish doesn't make you muslim. If anything I assume mostly nonmuslims have the fetish. Like how most people with a brown girl fetish aren't brown.

>his ass' fw

no please don't

did she ever appear again or just a one appearance only superhero?


No but there's a husbando

>Kamala's the only redeeming thing Marvel has left.

That's probably why they are so keen on ruining her.

She's as Muslim as bacon-wrapped shrimp.

> no true scotsman

oh this will go well

>tumblr girl painted brown
>real muslim

still better than that other hijab wearing comic.

the one with all the ridiculous gorn.

or the other other comic (same guy) about the maybe public gang rape fantasy.

>unironically needing a smuggie explained to you
You must have the IQ of an Islamist.

>the one with all the ridiculous gorn

pls no bully

It's not that they don't get it, it's more like pretending not to get it to avoid facing the point.

>What I really want is a woman who will drive a truck into as many people as possible before being shot by the police!
Shit taste tbqh.

Hey you fags jerk it to redheads and they forced OTHER innocent people to ride a car with a bomb in it all the time.

You fucking Irish monsters.

I'm surprised you didn't just skip straight to "BUTBUT THE CRUSADES!"

are people still mad about this?

Oh are you implying you have a long history of horrible violence on innocents?

Arab girls are super fine, Muslim girls is dipping my feet in too deep.

No he's implying the history is largely irrelevant.

No, I'd imply that the mudslime hordes had raped and murdered their way all the way to Vienna, and that Jerusalem made for a logical choke point to ensure that Europe continued to exist.

>The IRA
>Irrelevant history
Next you'll be saying the Cold War doesn't have anything to do with our current situation.

Emara looks cool.

I was talking about the IRA- which wasn't even half a century ago- and you totally deflected to the Crusades by spouting papal propaganda. Did you rehearse your end of this "conversation" on Sup Forums or something?

>implying the cops ever need that much of an excuse
Dude, police will shoot you because they're bored. Doesn't really matter what you're doing at the time.

So now that we've established that people are awful, can we get back to drooling over cute chicks in hijabs instead of spewing Sup Forumstard shit? Please?

To be fair what DOES the IRA have to do with our current situation? Or atleast my current situation being an American. I honestly don't know how relevant the IRA was to America when the IRA still existed. If they don't exist that is. Are they still a thing?
Also it's not as though being a red head is strictly an Irish thing. Or being Irish is a red head thing.
I mean I know you'd probably answer with a Not All Muslims meme but this is more of a Not Even Red Heads thing.

definitely looks cool.

people just really pointed out it's anime influences ("rpi-off")

>To be fair what DOES the IRA have to do with our current situation? Or atleast my current situation being an American. I honestly don't know how relevant the IRA was to America when the IRA still existed. If they don't exist that is. Are they still a thing?
The same thing Islamic terrorism have to do with brown comic book characters. You're supporting the genetic make up of horrible murderers.

Islam isn't a race.

Does Kamala and Emara think Ariana Grande is the bomb?

Since when is religion genetic?
I hope you're happy.
I'm trying to get shit done and your shitposting made me realize I need to make Powergirl in a hijab.

>Implying they're not so in-bred that it might as well be
>Just like the Irish

Burka Avenger, or whatever she's called?

>I'm trying to get shit done
No you're not you liar.

you got it right

Police only shoot you when you're breaking the law and/or acting like a retard and running/fighting when the cop says to stop.

Anyways learning about Islam has made me appreciate how neutered Christianity has become and how better it's character is.

I still want to watch her show. Two of the episodes will be done by the guys who made that "The Reward" short.

I am. I didn't say I was doing a good job of it.
Yeah but a bunch of angry black guys can't just suddenly claim they're Irish because they think Jesus is a white supremacist.

Now let's not be naive. Though boredom seems like a bit of an overstatement.

>I am. I didn't say I was doing a good job of it.
>Yeah but a bunch of angry black guys can't just suddenly claim they're Irish because they think Jesus is a white supremacist.
Yes they can do they it every St Patrick's Day.

>Police only shoot you when you're breaking the law and/or acting like a retard and running/fighting when the cop says to stop.
It's cute that you think that.
Sad but cute.

Personally, the reason I believe so many police shootings are occurring is because the standared whose allowed to be a policeman has lowered and while they do not inherently mean bad, people are naturally cowardly and reactionary. So when these policemen are in a situation where they go "Oh fuck, I might actually get hurt" they instinctively react to the nuclear option.

Add the fact that more and more people are getting angry at the police, policemen are getting scared and a vicious cycle is formed.

>took this long for shit-flinging
this is like a record or something

Wearing green and getting shitfaced one day out of the year doesn't really seem that comparable to changing your name to Al Hariq Shazezzzeezahezzzzzzzz

she was raised a leb catholic
but she cant poo in loo

>You don't have to follow Islam to be a Muslim!

I bet you think people who have never gone to mass are Christians too

did he convert in prison

>Wearing green and getting shitfaced one day out of the year doesn't really seem that comparable to changing your name to Al Hariq Shazezzzeezahezzzzzzzz
You think that because you're retarded.

There is no central authority on Islam and no single interpretation of the religion. "Follow Islam" is basically a nonsense phrase because you can pick up the book and go "Oh well I'll just interpret this thing however I like, who's going to excommunicate me, the pope??!??"

So that's a 'no' then. I even said 'please' and everything.

So this is it, huh? This is what Sup Forums is now. I want these edgelord kids to get off my damn lawn.

>There is no central authority on Islam and no single interpretation of the religion.

Oh boy, it's just like the old "There's different forms of feminism, therefore feminism can't be criticized!" defense.

The problem is that the Qur'an is pretty explicit about its governing rules, up to and including killing any apostates who reject the Qur'an by rejecting any part of it.

I bet you're the type of people that say women/black people are systematically oppressed because your teacher said so, even though we live in a society that was fine with a black man beating a white guy-TWICE- for president and a woman just barely loosing that office by a few percent, with half the country behind her.

Deal with it. The more you say 'oh brown people are oppressed by white people' the more that becomes reality. As a kid in the early 00's race was important to me as hair or eye color- i.e. not a fucking bit. Now as an adult I have to rank a person's worth by their appearance and physical attributes, fearing what would happen if they were to be offended.

>Like a Nun's habit.

Or a Catholic schoolgirl.

Or a Japanese schoolgirl.

Or a mousy librarian type.

What's boring about her user?

>Disgusting. Why do they try to westernize Islam like this?

You can show hair in Pakistan. Their former female Prime Minister did it all the time.

>a craven, savage blight up on humanity who's practitioners delight in the death and murder of non-believers in any way, despoil and abuse their welcoming hosts, and descend entire nations into barbarous madness in the name of Allah
>...but I can't resist a qt in stockings

Forgive me Father, I am not strong enough.