Sonic Forces: Sup Forums edition

So with all the games out there that let you create customized human characters, Sonic Forces is one of the first major games(to my knowledge) that lets you create your own customized animal characters. Considering that (approximately) about half of all Sup Forums characters are non-human, I thought it would be fun if we compiled a list of all the Sup Forums characters that could be created in Sonic Forces.

As a reminder, the species available are:

Ideas for characters don't have to be strictly Sup Forums-related, but try to keep them Sup Forums for the most part.

Admit it, we're all gonna make him.


Speaking of, does anyone ahve saved images of those characters Sup Forums made, I think, during that marathon, years ago?
I distinctly remember an echnida girl and a bear.

Absolutely we are, I probably should've made that the OP image instead, actually.
I'm not making Sonichu, though.

If the character be made shorter or taller than the default, I might try seeing if I can make a good Gumball in the game. Also Nicole.


>current year
>playing anything but bird or bear master race
All ring-related abilities are for scrubs who get hit.

Fuck yeah bro.

I'd love it if they made accommodations for a Coldsteel character. I'm talking about customization options up to and including the JNCO (Jinco) jeans and torn ear.

I have a stupid amount of them from years ago. Like Dreamcast era.

Sad you can't get a bat.

On a level of 1 to 200, how mad is he going to be when someone makes one of his characters in the game?

Did he even make anything BESIDES echidnas?

I am a lapsed sonic fan. I haven't drawn any of my Original the Characters in years.

You bet your ass I'm hyped for this game.

Not of note. And he didn't make echidnas, Sega did. He just made shitty varients.

>no Echidnas
what the fuck

Knuckles is the last echidna, it would make no sense at all if more appeared. They also wanted to spite Penders.

>needing a crutch homing attack in a series that has never been about the combat

Alright, when I was reading Sonic The Comic when I was just a little jimmy... Not gonna lie, I made an OC. His name was Jack the Rabbit. He was a Dutch breed that ran fast and dug (Because he's a rabbit and that's what they do) and I am so making him in Sonic Forces

I'm not even sorry.

Because people will complain that you can't make a big tittied bat girl.

That being said, this engine is so going to get commandeered by the community to make porn.

>no Hedgehegs
once again, SEGA disappoints millions

user you are cute

Did the comics ever introduce any other bat characters for comparison?

yes but they were all pre-Pendering (so they won't ever be seen again) and pre-Rouge (so they all look pretty different)

sometimes they looked like this

Any news of the comic?

It's dead Jim

If Echidna are a playable species as DLC or something, how mad do you think Penders will be.

I remember the days when we had Arlo the Armadillo and Mighty the Armadillo at the same time. Did they ever give some retcon explanation for why they looked completely different or did they just kind of ignore it?

coldsteel, scourge, sonichu & boom sonic are pretty much my top 4 for orginal the character

Yeah, they just handwaved it by saying Arlo's a western Armadillo and Mighty's an eastern armadillo.

>Sega specifically excludes Echidnas from the species list because they don't want Ken throwing a shitfit at them because someone made a character that vaguely resembles one of the Secret Grandpas

As crazy as that sounds I honestly wouldn't doubt it. I also wouldn't be surprised if the whole Penders ordeal completely soured Sega on Echidnas altogether and we'll never see another one besides Knuckles.

My main

As of current Japanese Sonic game lore, Knuckles is the only echidna.

So Sega has embraced the most ridiculed aspect of its fandom. Is it desperation?

I prefer Lizards and Bats

Maybe. But if it's fun, then it shouldn't matter

I really liked that design, but it needs more America.

>Is it desperation?
Basically. It won't matter though, since the franchise's reputation is in the shitter and even if the game is good it won't shake its now decade+ stench of failure. Sonic Colors didn't shake it, Sonic Generations didn't shake it, and Sonic Forces and Sonic Mania won't shake it.

Sonic Boom set them back. Even if it was for a sub-line of the franchise and was developed by an outside studio, you still put the Sonic name on it so it's still a stain on the franchise.

Colors and Generations were bringing it back kinda. Not to a casual level obviously, but they weren't being ridiculed across the industry. Lost World was a step in the wrong direction, and Boom was just a cliff dive.

Japan doesn't even really like Sonic.

What sucks is that a bad game will always overshadow the good ones. Nobody talks about Colors or Generations much but people are to this day still making jokes about Sonic 06. At this point Sega doesn't need a string of good games to restore Sonic's reputation, it needs a string of amazing games.

They're better off keeping the games in the 2D realm. Sonic's had some good 3D games but even the ones that stand out tend to bring in side-scrolling segments which the franchise has always done much better. Sonic just doesn't work as well in 3D and they've been struggling to make it work for over 20 years now with varying degrees of success but they've never quite mastered it.

Even then, it's not like Sonic Team has a clue on how to make good 2D games anymore. I think the big problem at this point is Sonic Team, desu.

To be honest, I've always dreamed of playing a completed fixed Sonic 06, and with the project that's porting it to unity, it looks like it might be possible. I genuinely think it could be a great game if the issues are touched up, since it always reminded me of Sonic Adventure. The story will still be a train wreck but that's besides the point.

Good gameplay can save a game much better than a good story:

Great gameplay, shite story.
General verdict: Great game.
>Of Orcs And Men
Great story, unplayable gameplay
General verdict: Shite game

Sonic has never been about the story, all of the best games, people loved for the gameplay and the music. I mean, to paraphrase John Carmack

>Story in a Sonic game is like a story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important.

It won't matter if the stupid town fetch quests are still there. I hate those even more than the buggy ass gameplay.

Ideally I'd say all but Sonicman's quests would be nixed, or at the very least made optional.

Which will be more popular Coldsteel or Sonichu?