Sonic Forces: Sup Forums edition

So with all the games out there that let you create customized human characters, Sonic Forces is one of the first major games(to my knowledge) that lets you create your own customized animal characters. Considering that (approximately) about half of all Sup Forums characters are non-human, I thought it would be fun if we compiled a list of all the Sup Forums characters that could be created in Sonic Forces.

As a reminder, the species available are:

Ideas for characters don't have to be strictly Sup Forums-related, but try to keep them Sup Forums for the most part.

Admit it, we're all gonna make him.


Speaking of, does anyone ahve saved images of those characters Sup Forums made, I think, during that marathon, years ago?
I distinctly remember an echnida girl and a bear.

Absolutely we are, I probably should've made that the OP image instead, actually.
I'm not making Sonichu, though.

If the character be made shorter or taller than the default, I might try seeing if I can make a good Gumball in the game. Also Nicole.


>current year
>playing anything but bird or bear master race
All ring-related abilities are for scrubs who get hit.

Fuck yeah bro.

I'd love it if they made accommodations for a Coldsteel character. I'm talking about customization options up to and including the JNCO (Jinco) jeans and torn ear.