How come Tony Stark can get away with having his identity known but Bruce Wayne can't?

How come Tony Stark can get away with having his identity known but Bruce Wayne can't?

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Because Batman is a whiny Bitch.

It's funny. Marvel a lot of them wear a mask but most don't have a secret identity. While DC has a bunch with no mask but having a secret identity.

>How come Tony Stark can get away with having his identity known
Did you miss the part where his house was blown up?

because status quo

There are very few non-Spider Characters who maintain the Secret Identity trope.

Because they're different people.

And his GF kidnapped and experimented on, or that some guy went out to deliberately destroy Tony and Howard's legacy.

>If you can make god bleed, the people will cease to believe in him. And there will be blood in the water, and the sharks will come.

Literally every one of his appearances after the first film Tony's had to deal with personal attacks because he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

Do people know who She-Hulk is?

Batman is a vigilante who takes the law of Gotham into his own hands which is illegal.

Iron Man and the Avengers usually have the blessing of the government to operate as they see fit. They tend to deal with world ending threats rather than petty normal crimes like Batman.

Batman takes on world ending shit a the time.


Mostly because what makes a secret identity nearly impossible in a realistic sense (people would know the suit came from him, and there WOULD be an investigation on this suit-clad hero breaking international law,) and being able to handle the legal ramifications of Iron Man's actions are a lot easier when there's a public face and persona to defend.

For example; he probably got subpoenaed after the Ultron fiasco and an investigation was likely launched into it. The only reason he's not considered a complete mad scientist is because people saw Iron Man on the scene, taking responsibility by personally fighting at great risk of his own life to handle the problem, and they knew that Stark himself was in the suit. The only thing a secret identity does in his situation is remove personal responsibility for his actions, and all the benefits and consequences that come with it. When people know that it's YOU that saved the world and nearly died trying one day, the public tends to be a bit less ornery when you fuck up the next.

For all the shit people give MCU Stark, he's surprisingly honest and transparent compared to his comic counterpart.

When he's with the JL. When it's his own show, he's in Gotham trying to clean up the city.

Marvel heroes used to have secret identities as the norm. It's half the reason civil war happened.

Besides, most marvel characters are currently mercenaries, govrrnment agents or dicking about. Marvel is severely lacking in vigilantes and crime fighters right now, which are the types to keep secret identities.

Batman can get away with the secret identity thing because he mostly operates at night, and nobody believes Bruce Wayne could do the things he does.

Iron Man's secret identity was impossible to take seriously not only because Tony ran off every time Iron Man appeared, but because everyone knew Tony Stark was a genius who built the suit. The idea that he could be in the suit must have occurred to somebody sometime.

In general Marvel secret identities are even more labored than the older ones. Like Peter Parker just happening to be on the scene every time Spider-Man does something is harder to keep up than Clark Kent reporting on the Superman beat. They can't get rid of the Spider-Man identity but most of the others have fallen apart.

Because Batman actually has competent villains

What's the last Batman movie where Gotham wasn't being threatened with annihilation or a massive terrorist threat?
He fights organized crime for like 10 minutes in the last half dozen movies as I remember it.


Not in the movies he doesn't.

because Marvel's great and DC sucks

Reminder that Spider-man is now tony stark in everything but name.

Batman's victims are serious threats, Tony fights a bunch of dingleberries and D-listers

This too. Villains in the MU are generally pretty relaxed and focused on themselves. DC villains seem much more malicious. Joker and Bane would go after Batman while Doom and Magneto are focused on whatever new scheme they have to take over the world.

But all that is still confined to Gotham. Not the entire world.

Stark has a power armor and generally doesn't fight small time criminals and organized crime groups that would see to it he and the people near him pay for the interference.

Bruce tries to police Gotham, lives there, has businesses there as well as friends and family so he can't exactly let the people trying to tear it inside out know his contacts and address.

Because he fucking murders every villain, so they can't do shit against him.

Starsky and Hutch could take down 90% of Batman's rogues. Admittedly they'd probably end up killing half of those..

Every Batman film after Begins has taken his exploits out of Gotham.

Batman could. He just doesn't WANT to.

Fear, darkness, and superstition are Batman's forte. He WANTS criminals to question whether he's a demon, a man with superpowers a vengeful ghost, or just a character that crime bosses make up and dress up as to keep henchmen in check and make the media feel like they're winning the war on crime.

Sup Forums stop.

TDK had him go to China to kidnap a businessman which is illegal and something Iron Man doesn't do.

TDKR had him be dumped in a hole on the other side of the world.

Batman isn't constantly racing around the world to fight Ultron and Doom like Stark does.

So say that like its a bad thing. Most of them need a lead salad.

a known weapons manufacturer suddenly possessing a high tech suit of combat armor is much more plausible than a rich idiot with no day job beats (mostly) poor people up at night.

meaning, it couldn't be anyone else so why hide it?

Spider Man is like the last Marvel villain with a truly vicious and vindicative rogues gallery.

I wish we had a book exploring this aspect. Modern batman comics don't really do this and the last time I saw something present batman through a supersticious lens was the year one movie.

You just posted two examples of him going around the world though?
Begins had him travel to the League, and BvS took him to Metropolis. Having a secret identity and going around the world to do super hero stuff aren't mutually exclusive. Batman does it all the time in both movies and comics with other people with secret identities.

>he probably got subpoenaed after the Ultron fiasco and an investigation was likely launched into it

Not really. Literally nobody outside of the Avengers except for Hill and Cho should know that he was even responsible for Ultron's existence. The entire world is probably under the assumption that Ultron was purely a Hydra creation that was released.

The TDK point was literally about how the China men thought Batman was confined to Gotham but he proved that he isn't.

Fucking Sup Forums stop.

I'm none of those movies does he deal with a world ending threat. It still doesn't change the fact he operates 90% of the time in Gotham chasing down cases the cops are supposed to do. That is completely different from Iron Man's motif.

Back to your containment board.

But cape Batman, from the comics, does it all the time. All the time! Fuck off Marveldrone.

Your argument is that because Batman has a secret identity he's bound to Gotham while Iron Man gets to deal with world-ending threats because everyone knows hes Tony Stark, when both the movies and comics show that isn't the case.

When he's with the League you damn casual. Again he operates mostly in Gotham as a vigilante. Iron Man does the literally exact opposite.

Sup Forums I'm not going to keep repeating myself. Batman has a secret identity because he's mainly a vigilante in Gotham. Iron Man does not need one because he's a government sanctioned Avenger.

Because Tony kills his villains.

But Batman is on the League and helps with world ending threats all the time. Iron Man doesn't have a secret identity because the character is a cocky asshole, not because he has a membership card with the Avengers. It has nothing to do with memberships or the ability for one to take on more powerful threats or not.

I'm not repeating myself again.

Batman's powers rely on mystery. Paranoia. Is he real or just an urban myth? Is he a man in a suit or a nightmare? Is he an alien, a mutant, a demon? Or is it all just bullshit stories?

Iron Man doesn't have time for all that.

When I watched 'The Dark Knight Rises' I found I had lost patience for that kind of movie and thought "Tony would have beaten the shit out of that guy in six seconds flat".
sup servine

Because he barely has any loved ones and the few that he has can either take care of themselves or can be (most of the time) protected by his money and gadgets.

Fun fact: IM and Batman are the first capes I cared about. I wonder what that says about me.

Marvel is shit, that's why.

IM doesn't even have proper villains, you mong. If Batman's villians will know who he is, everyone who is close to him is fucked up.

That you were born in the very late 80s and grow p with the iron man cartoon and batman movies and cartoons

>you were born in the very late 80s

No, but I am pretty sure my emotional development stalled around age 16 - and that might be generous.

dead parents

>I'm none of those movies does he deal with a world ending threat.

I mean... not that I'm defending that particular grab-bag of turds, but -

>microwave weapon capable of slaughtering an entire major city in minutes

seems pretty deadly and likely to cause huge social, financial and political upheaval even if it's only deployed successfully once or twice

>super-organized crime org publicly takes hundreds of hostages and threatens to slaughter them if the law isn't turned off

seems like it has the potential to spread

as ridiculous as the premise is - the terrorists would be dead in hours as soon as the military were able to deploy special forces, and in any case Gotham in these movies always seems to operate as though it's in a total vacuum and no state or federal government really exists - if used successfully, that's again a major financial center and population base that is *without the rule of law*

Kowloon x1,000,000

>close focused super-nuke

i mean


you need this one explained

even the idea that there's this weapon out there would be terrifying, and the terrorists actually achieved what the mob in the previous movie failed to do, getting the law turned off - for months (which again, to be clear, is ridiculous and displays a near-total ignorance of reality)

but even though Batman successfully saves the city, he's also forced to demonstrate that the weapon was not a hoax - so he actually fails and the arms race to develop them begins right after the movie

there's probably gonna be some small conventional wars as a result, and the viability of the weapons is no longer in doubt, so the genuine world-ending threat remains

Because Batman's superpower is fear and people knowing who he is humanizes him. You get less of the "OH MAN IT'S FREAKIN BAT" reaction from the street thugs who look at him like he's a fucking god because, as far as they can tell, he fucking is.

>>microwave weapon capable of slaughtering an entire major city in minutes

Um... no, it wasn't. It could vaporize a quantity of water if it wasn't too far away from it.

Tony Stark: "Hmmm. I guess I could make a better version. How soon do you want it?"
Bruce Wayne: "I don't need a better version, I just want to turn this one off!"
Tony Stark: "Oh." CLICK.

>if used successfully

Which never happens. Criminals are untrustworthy by the very dint of what they do. If they could work together properly they wouldn't be criminals.

>close focused super-nuke

The arms race to develop them? There was nothing 'special' about the bomb, except that it hadn't been designed to be one. It was a fusion reactor which had been turned into a thermonuclear device. We already have those.

So no, this is bunk as well.

This image is absolutely retarded. Expected for Marvelcucks.

The League isn't government sanctioned Sup Forums you fucking moron.

Bane has always known Batman's Bruce Wayne

Cause tony isnt a paranoid sociopath

the league has been UN sanctioned since it was reformed into the JLI

>United Memetions

>Um... no, it wasn't. It could vaporize a quantity of water if it wasn't too far away from it.

Were you watching the same movie? The quantity of water it was going to vaporize was *the entire city's water supply killing everybody*

>Criminals are untrustworthy by the very dint of what they do

>Criminals are a cowardly superstitious lot!

Fuck off. If criminals aren't capable of organization - and the movie made it plain that in that context they were, so your argument is balls - then there wouldn't be any organized crime. But there is. So you're wrong, user.

>There was nothing 'special' about the bomb

It was a FUSION device, not a FISSION device. What was special about it was that it was SEVERAL ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE MORE POWERFUL THAN ANY OTHER BOMB EVER DESIGNED, stupid.

You build one of those the size of the warheads on ICBMs instead of the size of a beach ball, it'll wipe out whole countries in a single strike. No launching of hundreds of ICBMS with dozens of submunitions each - one hit, one kill.

>but nobody would -

yes, they would. MAD.

Tony doesn't have a no kill rule. Regardless if he feels bad after, if your enemies know you will drop them, things change.

Holy shit Sup Forums go away.
Tony's gotten into a bunch of secret identity shit in the comics before. He even tried pretending Iron Man was just his bodyguard for a while.

I don't even read Iron Man and I got that much just second hand from cameos and references in other books.

Man. Mallen's death was some scary shit.

>The quantity of water it was going to vaporize was *the entire city's water supply killing everybody*

Absolutely not. Haven't YOU watched it? It vaporized water ALONG the water mains, never all of it at once. Why do YOU think it was on a subway train? The reason it was so dangerous was because the psychoactive agent in the water only became active when the water was vaporized. It was supposed to drive everybody in the city crazy with fear - but that was only possible because the water had already been laced with the compound.

...My friend. Is it possible you are unaware of the fact that thermonuclear devices already exist, and have existed for decades?

The bomb in Gotham was NOT 'orders of magnitude more powerful than any other bomb ever designed'. Two words: Tsar Bomba.

...seriously, don't you know anything about this stuff?

Haven't read any Iron Man comics, so I can't say for sure about him beyond what I know from the movies, Batman is a vigilante who violently beats the shit out of criminals.

why has no one ever followed the batmobile to the cave in a helicopter.

Technically speaking Tony has no offiicial no-kill rule, but in practice he very much does.

Mallen was very much an exception.

>Detonate a car in his face
"I'll kill you, I'll fucking kill you!"
>Blast a giant hole through his chest
"I'll killl you, I'll fucking kill you!"
>Blast his head to smithereens
>Body still tries to get up

Because Bruce Wayne is a fascist who uses fascist tactics and would be a smear mark on Bruce Wayne's integrity.

Tony Stark is a lame-o libertarian cuck.

Iron Man is a vigilante who violently murders terorists in personal overseas military action.

>murders terorists

Uh. I am pretty sure that sentence just should not exist.

Not that user, but that describes me to a T.

The salient point isn't that Batman saves the world like Iron Man, it's that Iron Man DOESN'T fight street-level crime like Batman. If Stark used his Iron Man identity to play cop on the poor people of NYC, it'd probably get him in some shit - that's why Spider-Man (usually) has a secret identity and gets shit on by the Daily Bugle.

But it should also be noted that Iron Man DID have a cover identity for the longest time - he was Tony Stark's bodyguard. His public outing is a relatively modern development in the comics that the movies then ran with.

>I only watch the movies

Batman has a secret identity because he intends to maintain one, specifically because he works /mostly/ in a specific, limited area against vindictive enemies he does not effectively eliminate, thus requiring a separation of his crime fighting identity and personal ones to avoid reprisals.

Stark will go seek out problems far from home and intervene in them, or engage them directly when they attack him. He doesn't have a utility belt, ninja moves, or detective skills, he has heavy military grade weaponry in his gold and hot-rod red rocket armor, and he is completely unsubtle. He isn't policing anything, he's personally intervening in any mater he deems worthwhile, and without any intention to fight crime per se.

There's no reason for the batman identity. People already target bruce wayne frequently anyways, it actually might be more of a deterrant for all the villains who love targeting wayne.

Because Batman is a detective, and Bruce Wayne and his billion dollar company are invaluable for that purpose.

One puts on a super cool robot uniform

The other dresses up like... a bat? for some reason?

why would a villain have villains?

He doesn't get away with it.
That's the whole point of both the 2nd and 3rd movies.

>Literally every one of his appearances after the first film Tony's had to deal with personal attacks because he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

In fairness, most of those attacks were on Tony Stark, not Iron Man. The "secret identity" wouldn't have helped since they would be targeting Stark anyway.

>Spider Man is like the last Marvel villain with a truly vicious and vindicative rogues gallery.

Daredevil, dude.

Also the X-villains are a nasty bunch but most of them have been on the team by now.

I don't see how it could work outside early years.

Ignoring his JL exploits, there are just too many instances of goons and super villieans managing to overpower him or set him back. The fact Joker is still alive and well should prove to any goon that batman isn't going to murder you for your deeds.

>no secret identity because his civilian persona has more enemies than his superhero persona

those terrorists really saved his life by pushing him to become Iron Man before the other enemies got to him

Tony kills anyone who tries to fuck with him.
Batman doesnt kill.

Besides all the stuff already mentioned, Bruce Wayne wants his Wayne and his Batman personas to influence society in different ways.
Wayne is there to help you if you do good stuff, Batman is there to punish you if you don't.

user said rogues, plural
dd only has bullseye, who whores around trying to kill all kinds of heroes anyway, so doesn't even count

Daredevil also has Kingpin (yes he's a Daredevil rogue now). And the Owl? I think.

And Stilt-Man. Don't fuck with Stilt-Man.

Daredevil had a stint where he went without a secret identity and everything was mostly fine.

>both of them

Fuck off, you wee little gobshite.

>Tony kills anyone who tries to fuck with him.

This is Sup Forums, not Sup Forums .

>And Stilt-Man. Don't fuck with Stilt-Man.

You mean this Stilt-Man?

>IM doesn't even have proper villains

Thrown into the opposite situations, they'd both be fucked, to be honest.

Because Marvel is wonderland, nothing goes wrong ever

DC is real world.

But being Stark's secret and mysterious "bodyguard" used to be Iron Man's status quo.

>a talking alligator
>a guy with a tophat
>a guy who likes puzzles
>a clown
Yeah that's pretty dangerous

>DC is real world.
The absolute state of delusional DamageControl fanboys.