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lol OP what are you talking about? IRON MAN HOMECOMING OF THE IRON IN THE MAN WICH IS TONY STAR WICH IS ROBERT DOWNEY JR also spider-man is going to be the best movie ever

No. I've never spoken against Andrew, I think he was a great Spider-man, but ASM2 was a garbage fire. It tried to do way too much shit. You can't develop the characters if you don't have any time to spend on them.

Take two plotlines. Three if you're ambitious. Weave them together.
Don't clutter the film with dumb shit like Aunt May worrying about paying the rent.

Not a fucking chance in hell. Both ASM movies were dogshit.

No. it was a garbage can movie and it was a cheap looking knockoff of the Raimi-suit.

When I look at the Homecoming costume, it doesn't look bad to me. But then when I look at it after looking at the AS-M2 costume, the Homecoming one looks like shit in comparison.

I like the eyes on this one better than those on the Raimi suit.

I respectfully disagree. I think the Homecoming suit is on par with the Raimi suit. It actually succeeds with flying colors with what the ASM suits tried and miserably failed to do: Do something different from the Raimi suit AND still keep within the classic, iconic design. Big difference with the Homecoming suit is that it's doing both at the same time.

ASM1 suit tried to do different, and it went too far and looked terrible. ASM2 suit was a panic induced cop-out from the backlash of the ASM1 suit and just copied the Raimi suit to an unimpressive degree of craftsmanship, but threw in some minor ASM1 elements and those Todd Mcfarlane eyes.

The ASM2 suit is very overrated and the Homecoming suit is the one we deserve and need.

>homecoming suit is high-tech nonsense with an AI built into it

Why? All it needed was the shutter lense eyes and the maybe, maybe the web armpits.

I think this stuff will all play into Peter's arc, where he'll realize that he doesn't need Tony and his fancy gadgets to be a hero and do the right thing.

Hense why (minor spoiler) Tony takes away his new suit and gadgets, and he has to take on the Vulture all by himself.

Fuck off you sod the first one was fine.

Because the tech angle is a way to differentiate him from the last two Spider-Men. This is the third Spider-Man in 16 years, he needs something different from the last two and this is as good an angle as anything else.

>inb4 but he could just be comic Peter

That doesn't mean anything, comic Peter is a character written by dozens of different writers with dozens of different interpretations over half a century. Trying to be everything is how you get ASM2, where it ends up being nothing but references.

This Peter is more techy then normal. That's a concept you can play with that's different from the other two, I can dig it.

Fuck no. The plot of that movie relied on Peter randomly breaking a calculator. Let it burn.

He'll probably give it back, or at least give him a simplified version, at the end of the movie. Cause' there's no way Peter can make a professionally tailored suit given his resources, or lack thereof.

I unironically loved this movie

You need a coherent plot not just a bunch of cool stuff

I liked the actor but didn't like the movies.

I liked it mostly because Andrew and Emma are fekkin adorable.

>garbage can movie
so we are just ignoring that it was the best spidey costume we have ever seen?
And the best Gwen we have had in years? (I am a sucker for Emma Stone. That chick is fiiiine)

man, that costume was spot fucking on.

ASM2 is literally the perfect suit wth you talking about, Homecoming is good but all those lines and unecessary details make it inferior

Hmm while it was never really fantastic movies.. I more or less liked the amazing spider-man movies.

Although Andrews whole "Oh it is so hard being a 8/10, photography interested, smart skater. Whoever will want meeeee??" quickly got irritating. That and the whole subplot about Pete being the chosen one and his dad more or less made spider-man. Ya know.. the plot that never went anywhere.

Oh and what happened to the hundred of spiders whos bite could give a normal person spider-powers? Are we just to believe that during the silk-extraction (or whatever it is called) not one person got bitten?

>no CGI suit
Already better than Homecoming

>so we are just ignoring that it was the best spidey costume we have ever seen?

Yes, because it's just a cheap knockoff of the Raimi-suit.

>And the best Gwen we have had in years?
For many, she's the only Gwen because lots of folks don't even bother with Spider-man 3 anymore. But I like BDH more than Stone.

>ASM2 is literally the perfect suit wth you talking about
The Raimi suit was perfect. Nothing in the ASM flicks surpass it.

Forgot my image and link to BDH should've been cast as MJ and Dunst as Gwen though.

The first one was literally a remake of Raimi's first one, but dumber.

Please, defend the scene where Peter lets a man get robbed over a Yoohoo drink. It's literally the scene in Raimi's movie, but completely fucking stupid.

no, fuck you

you were crap and a excuse to retain movie rights. you even had the gall to make the spider-man theme song your ringtone, you tacky cunt

>TASM2 had the best Spidey costume

Just stop this meme. Look at the shitty logo. Look at the shitty basketball head.

MCU Spider reigns supreme.

Also no armpit webs and no movable eyes.

Fucking trash suit.

The eyes are canonically static in the comics and are only noticeable to the readers. So the movable shit really pisses me off.

Also, the logo in the MCU is futuristic dog crap, and don't get me started on the shitty black lines everywhere.

Let's not forget that ASM2 not only gave Parker webshooters, but they gave him webshooters that managed to work well with the costume and not stand out like a sore thumb.

God the new costume is shit.

Peter's father coded the spiders' venom to the Parker DNA. If anyone aside from Peter got bitten they'd just die.

>movable eyes.
This was never an issue until MCU. Movable eyes should not be a prerequisite for the quality of a costume's visual aesthetics. It's autistic to think otherwise.

>didn't even fix the names
boy talk about lazy

Garfield was a good Spider-man, but a shitty Peter Parker.

ASM2 Suit is great but I cannot stand the fucking MacFarlane eyes. I hate all the unnecessary shit on the MCU suit but the Ditko style expressive eyes really sell it to me.

Though I guess the shitty Peter Parker part really wasn't his fault.


MacFarlane eyes are great. The bigger the better.

im sorry. I took you for granted. The MCU will n ow quip rape you and set you back for years to come.

Big eyes are the best eyes

>but a shitty Peter Parker.

Look everyone, a casual

epic meme bro

I glad I'm not the only one who holds this objectively correct opinion

>The Raimi suit was perfect

The eyes were too small and the decorative webbing was too raised.

Bigger eyes are cooler AND more functional

>The eyes were too small

A matter of opinion.

>the decorative webbing was too raised.
So was the ASM2 suit. Difference being that the Raimi suit actually gave the visual impression of webbing whilst the ASM2 suit just looked like checkering.

>ASM2 suit just looked like checkering.

you're an idiot

A huge factor really is the ugly blue lines. I mean, they say they're part of his web-pit, but they look like shit.

It's like, why bother making your high-tech suit when you only make it look MORE like pjs?


...I edited it. I still don';t know how I feel. It looks DECENT I guess, but odder. I really do think the black parts are a problem in that regard.

But since I couldn't get rid of those as easily, I did something else...

...I (tried) to fix this.

Still looks kinda weird.

And if ya don't want that nasty looper logo, have this.

In conclusion, the lines are garbage. The mask in this photo is too, but was made for the prupose of unmasking for the scene, so it's suppose to be loose. I think the suit could look very good, but for some reason, due to overcomplicating the design with lines and little details, it's made it worst.

Does anyone else think it looks good without the lines?

Those aren't nearly angled to be McFarlane eyes.
Big eyes is the way to go. I like Ditko eyes but it doesn't even allow for actual eyes to fit in there.

If the belt/torso area was moved down some I think it'd look a lot better, though I personally don't mind the lines myself.

Its the eyes on Homecomings suit, they're so spot on. Warmer colors as well. Still ASM2's overall design is kino

Bad choice of words. Point is that it doesn't look like webbing. Just squares and rectangles. Face it, it's not as well designed or put together a costume as Raimi's. It's a cheap looking knockoff of a of it for a movie that was made with little to no creative integrity behind it.

You can enjoy the costume. There's nothing wrong with that. Do so, and continue to do so. But while you do that, we'll go ahead and enjoy a superior incarnation.

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He was always way better than all other Spidermen. I really hate the new try hard Spiderman suit.

Hans zimmer theme was great

I can see why you'd think that, but I thought he was okay.

It's hard to make a dorky nerd character now that dorky nerd shit is "cool". Parker is supposed to be uncool, which is why I thought his skateboarding was alright. He's 15 years behind the trends.

doesn't spiderman ever get hot in that?

>Parker is supposed to be uncool, which is why I thought his skateboarding was alright. He's 15 years behind the trends.
Yeah, but it came off the complete opposite. Even if that were the goal, they did it poorly.

I just want more Electro ;_;

Aaron Paul were the fuck are you?

go back

hate to break it to you, but lots people still skateboard
i got the impression that his boarding was unironically intended to make pete seem cool

>Have movable eyes in comics
>No movable eyes in the films

The previous MCU costumes are trash.