Looking back on it, was it really so bad?

Looking back on it, was it really so bad?

I do agree

We got some decent porn out of it though.

I binged it all a couple weeks ago.
No, it's not 'that' bad, especially the latter 2 seasons. If I hadn't watched AtLA prior I might've even thought it was better.
But it definitely leaves a lot to be desired and is pretty disappointing overall. Altho the Korra hate on Sup Forums is vastly over-rated.

>If I hadn't watched AtLA prior I might've even thought it was better.

This. I watched the first season of LOK. I didn't hate the show or anything like that, but I never cared enough to finish viewing the later seasons. ATLA was really good at worldbuilding. With Korra (at least the season that I watched), I got bored with big city setting pretty quickly although I understand that in later seasons, Korra and her friends visited other parts of the world. With ATLA, each style of bending had a unique look and philosophy behind it. Some characters (like Toph or Iroh) developed their own styles and philosophies. With Korra, most of the characters had the same generic MMA fighting style and it wasn't as much fun to watch.

>Aang is an air bending prodigy for mastering airbending by the age of 12, youngest in the monk's recorded history
>unable to learn how to do the other bending until he is trained
>had to be taught the motions by katara
>firebending is notoriously dangerous
>earthbending is his opposite so it's notoriously difficult for him, had to be guided by the spirit's to Toph because even Boomi wasn't the right teacher
>the whole process of the avatar learning the bending is so he can understand the culture and traditions and religion of the people who practice said bending
>all of the culture and traditions and religion and bending is connected and shapes the way they and the avatar view the world and it isn't until he learns them all and understand the views of each that he can act as peacekeeper and bring balance and order to the world

Meanwhile in Korra
>Korra learns earthbending without being instructed
>learns her opposite because her "personality" overrides the avatar cycle
>does this all as a five year old before she can even read
>doesn't use air because she lacks a spiritual connection
>this is never expanded upon
>the show has the audacity to have Korra yell, "I'M THE AVATAR, YOU HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT."

This show was a train wreck frlm the beginning.

Also why does a lack of spiritual connection prevent her from airbending? Is air now more spiritual than the others?

It was good excluding the second season.

every season had just enough to want me to know what would happen, but then each time it does something pants on head retarded.
I guess the real fool around here is me

With ALTA, there was a whole team of experienced writers involved to help reign in Mike and Bryan when they started to go off track. With LOK, they had a lot more control. It's sort of like what happened with George Lucas with the first Star Wars movie where he had people telling him "hey George, this makes more sense for the character" or "hey George, this would work better for the story" versus the prequels where he got to do whatever he wanted and we ended up with Jar Jar Binks and 1950's space diners.

What was the point of this thing

>love triangle from season 1
>Aang coming down as a deus ex machina at the end
>season 1 was good

Much like Samurai Jack season 5, the idiotic fandom correctly hates it but for insipid reasons.

Yeah it's pretty well known that Korra was just Bryke going full prequels George Lucus

>>the show has the audacity to have Korra yell, "I'M THE AVATAR, YOU HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT."

y i k e s

>republic city
>isn't a republic
What did they mean by this?


yes. It's even worse when you have the whole picture at once.

It doesn't have to make sense. It just has to look cool and innovative.

>can't bend the metal because its platinum
>they fuck it up when they are inside by bending all the non-platinum metal gears

wait so does platinum act as some like anti-bending shield?

the mecha looked like utter shit

>can't bend platinum because its so pure that there isn't enough earth inside the metal
>but they can bend mercury
the metal bending was just them pulling shit out their ass constantly. Just like the whole "oh these are special blood benders who don't need the full moon"

it was fucking retarded too. Just like the normal mechs all you need to do is earthbend the ground out from beneath them and they'll sink

Also yes, Korra gets worse the more time passes

>Aang travels the world as a 12 year old kid with other kids during a massive world war and people out hunting him
>it's too dangerous for Korra to go out with an escort during peacetime so they keep her cooped up with the white Lotus in one location to keep her safe
Keeping her cooped up hidden from the world is the exact opposite of what Aang would have wanted

Wasn't this Aang idea or something? God, this show was awful at understanding the old characters.

>>the show has the audacity to have Korra yell, "I'M THE AVATAR, YOU HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT."
This was supposed to contrast her with Aang, who had a lot of trouble gaining the confidence he needed to be the Avatar and save the world. Korra has the confidence from the very beginning but lacks the perspective or sense of altruism and that's what she needs to struggle to develop.

Neat idea. Shame the execution was shit.

The whole phrase is cringy as fuck. This show had terrible dialogue

>all the shit Tenzin had to put up
>her screaming at him in front of his kids
>her deliberately disobeying him
>Korra runs away at the end of season 3 letting the world fall into chaos
>friends and family write to her and she pushes them away
>hides her location and only responds to Asami
>at the end Korra says to her, "You were the only one who reached out to me, who was there for me."

She got really, REALLY fucking stupid the longer the show went on.

Honestly you should've skipped the first 2 seasons of LOK and just watched the last 2, they form one complete arc and tell, whatever Korra's about a lot better than Amon's wild ride. It took me a while to get around to it but the shitty 1st season doesn't do the show justice at all. They still squander a fuckload of good potential (Kuvira especially, and even old-lady Toph) however, but it was enough to get me watching to the end.

I'd still put it lower than Avatar, but it's kind of an unfair comparison because each LOK season is like a separate series and Avatar is treated as one entity.

The CGI got so bad later on, holy shit. I was laughing my ass off at this and all the mini-Mech suit scenes.

No, it was even worse

The problem is that you can make that contrast without shitting on the world building and breaking the established rules. Show her training and loving it. So her talent by how quickly she picks up the bending, show her practicing over years. Show the dedication.

This, constantly committing herself to her training and being dedicated and determined to learn and grow and improve, is how you build CHARACTER. The choices which become your habits and build who you are.

Instead they showed that she was just born with it. That's really lazy and bad writing.

It was done after the Red Lotus incident.

Folks need to pay attention.

all im saying is amon was cool af till the mask came off

That's different.
Mercy in different elemental states is just a rock. You can find Volcanic Mercury and Mercy as metal, liquid and basically rock.

Platinum is an artificial metal that doesn't exist in nature and has to be industrially synthesized. It doesn't come in any natural form other than Platinum.

That's the thing, the stupid five year old toddler scene wasn't required at all. It goes for less than a minute then they do a timeskip. Why not just fucking show the training? It's not only irrelevant but it makes her character worse.

They do that later on, but season 1 of LOK should have ended like how Season 3 did; With her body and spirit broken, abilities neutered and having to claw her way back up. But rather than having her recover her confidence in the span of 3 episodes, they should've taken 3 seasons.

Yes. I tried to watch it a month ago, got through the first half of the first season and was so incredibly bored I quit.

You guys are nitpicking certain story elements, or plot elements, but for me I can't even get that far. I am just not entertained by the visuals or action scenes and I don't care what happens to any of the characters, so I have zero reason to continue watching it. Oh no I hope they win the bending tournament oh no.

What season was that mentioned?

Kuvira was better
>tfw you realize she literally got defeated by the POWER OF FRIENDSHIP

It is not irrelevant, without it we would never assume that she is supposed to be super talented. It is still terrible writing though

I was actually looking forward to that. I was hoping we'd get character development at the end of season 1. But nope, they fucking dues ex machinaed that shit

And then for season 3 they had the opposite of a deus ex machina. Instead of magically giving her something back, they prevented her from making ANY PROGRESS as an individual because of the mercury inside her. And then when it was removed she was back to normal.

Just... FUCK

The blandness of Mako and Bolin, and really horrid unneeded love triangles and obnoxious shipping episodes really drag the show down some crazy notches.

The visuals and animation later gets to be some of the best parts, but the writing often veers on fanfic territory.

god, best girl kuvira is best girl

fucking SHAME

Her surrendering just because she talked to Korra and Bryke trying to tell us they were foils was so stupid.

Also why the fuck did Kuvera invade with just her mechs instead of the rest of the army after they had surrendered the city?

She also did nothing wrong. That was all earth kingdom territory
I hate Mako and Bolin so much. Them as brothers started out good but then they separated them and it just went out the window. Bolin alone is just a fucking buffoon and the Mako is a boring police officer.

Yeah, I really don't get what Korra was supposed to have learned at all. One could argue that Aang had to learn to confront his problems ahead and balance his pacifism with his duty, but by extension Korra's arc makes her pretty much impossible to wrestle with.

Mainly because Bryke has no idea about storytelling or what's appropriate. If you introduce a hot-head prodigy character the obvious arc for her should be something like 'Learning restraint' or 'How to solve problems non-violently and resort to peace instead of matching anger with anger', but Korra doesn't honestly learn anything. The thematics are all over the place, and the only reason the villains are villains in some cases is they're going against the status quo and Korra is the default, making her kind of a regressive heroine at that. She doesn't grow herself nor do her actions grow the moral or in-story events really in positive ways (That aren't just forced mysteriously after the arc ends). That makes her kinda awful in a lot of accumulated respects.

That scene was just, ridiculous. Kuvira gives up her lifelong dream just because she was a sad orphan and Korra listened to her? She just needed a hug from a good mommy to give her milk and cookies and sympathize? I cannot even wrap my head around it.

I saw some of it again recently.

I'm surprised at how decent I found a lot of the first season. If you just shaved down the romance stuff a bit I would not have had such a huge problem with it.

S2 is objectively garbage and S3-4 are pretty trash. They had some cool characters and concepts, but by that point so much damage had been done to all the core characters that it felt like both S3 and S4 were doing nothing but scrabbling to find any way they could of fixing them. Everything felt incredibly forced.

Why was Bolin able to learn Lava Bending again? We only ever saw an Avatar do that up to that point.

Ironically enough she's at her lowest when her status as the avatar is in question. Like, her personality and her character, everything that makes her "Korra" is connected to the avatar. Without her she is nothing/.

You see this in season 1 when she afraid of losing her bending. And in season 3 when she's unable to be strong enough to be the avatar.

Her sense of self is nonexistent without the title of avatar. That's how bad her character was designed

>platinum is artificial

S1 was actually promising

That kinda makes it worse because at season 4 when she rebounds, the only lesson she learns is "I AM the avatar", and never really grows beyond that. Her entire character is about the notion of how she has to adhere to being the Avatar and I think the entire show suffers from a lot of weird narrative moral dissonance.

Platinum as a refined metal is. Which is different than Platinum as an element.
Recall in the original avatar they couldn't bend the Iron warships, that's because Iron as a smelted metal is different in composition than Iron the element.

>Ironically enough she's at her lowest when her status as the avatar is in question. Like, her personality and her character, everything that makes her "Korra" is connected to the avatar. Without her she is nothing/.
>You see this in season 1 when she afraid of losing her bending. And in season 3 when she's unable to be strong enough to be the avatar.

I don't think this is necessarily bad. Those are actually pretty interesting flaws. They sorta even make sense for some kid who was raised in relative isolation, with the objective of making them entirely live up to this position that had been thrust upon them by fate.

The problem is that, like everything in the show, it's just not handled well, and there's no real payoff for any of it.

It's not AS bad as Sup Forums makes it out to be, but watching it is certainly one facepalm after one.

What's extra stupid is that they were so close. I completely understand her surrendering because she avatar can clearly kick her ass because she's back to normal. Kuvira saw her power and realized she changed (not with her character of course the mercury was just removed) and she can't defeat her. It makes sense for to surrender. And she walks back out and all the others are there. She is outnumbered. It still makes sense.

But then they make her fucking soldiers show up! There is no way Kuvira who was worked for years and sacrificing everything, even the man she loved, to get where she is just tells them to stand down. And all the bullshit about doing this for her nation because she was an orphan? That is so fucking out of character for the person they made into a fucking dictator its insane.
ignore him he's an idiot. Earthbenders bend earth, not metal, not iron, not platinum.
You're an idiot earthbenders can't bend metal. They bend earth and only earth. They only bend metal by bending the earth that was left in as impurities. Whether the metal is an element or not is stupid. You know why? Because this same principle applies to bronze



The logic in this show is so stupid its like they did no homework like they used to, they just make up shit as they go. There was no reason to use PLATINUM when bronze does the exact same thing and it's FUCKING EVERYWHERE


Korra's biggest problem is that each season was written as being separate from each other just in case the series was not renewed. Each season was self-contained with a neatly wrapped-up plot that never really progressed, and when it was renewed the next season tried to be bigger and better.

Some crossover was present but they never really explored these beyond the three-act cycle of the seasons.

ATLA was great because each season acted like an act as part of a bigger, cohesive story.

In the origin avatar Toph bent the shit out of those blimps.

She bent the metal cage wherein she was being held captive. She bent steel. She bent smelted iron. She bent all kinds of metals.

The problem with it is, it's not really grown past as a 'flaw' and in fact not treated as one either-
Rather than her over-reliance on her Avatar identity being treated as the problem, it's actually her inability to perform that identity correctly which subtly sends a much grosser message. She only overcomes it and is rewarded when she accepts the Avatar is what she has to be and is 'good' at it again. The moral is really icky that way.

Like imagine if Aang had an obligation to kill the firelord, but rather than the flaw being 'He grapples with it morally' rather it's "He doesn't know if he can be an efficient killer- But the show will come through to show you he CAN kill afterall just like the world demands of him, for the better!"

which made sense for the time period, the metal we used was terrible back then

>Whether the metal is an element or not is stupid
Not necessarily, it works off the purity of the element purity. It's the same reason for a Waterbender it's much easier to bend plain water than it is stomach acid or more filtered liquids.
>They only bend metal by bending the earth that was left in as impurities.
Which goes down in a more refined metal like Iron or Platinum. They just hadn't reached the stage where a metalbender could bend Platinum yet. A bronze or Iron mech would've been exploited by that time.

>Also why does a lack of spiritual connection prevent her from airbending? Is air now more spiritual than the others?
This part at least was present in the original. The Air Nomads were all Airbenders because of their high levels of spirituality.

Not really, Steel isn't that far off from Platinum.
It actually is more sturdy and refined in some cases, making it logically easier to bend Platinum than Steel in some cases.

Or would if the show made any sense.

At least the fight scenes were good
Better than Samurai Jack S5

Kurvira's fighting style too. We never got something like someone using custom-metal projectiles like the dai li again.

Using platinum the way they did is still stupid considering it's supposed to be the prohibition era.

Not any less than the water benders.

>Can bend Mercury
I thought the whole concept of metal bending was bending the impurities in the metal, if you were bending a liquid metal wouldn't all of impurities just seperate out?

They acted like it was a quality inherent only to platinum though. They could have used steel or bronze


also the amount of mercury that was left in korra should have killed her after that much time. Instead she didn't even see any of the symptoms of mercury

my sis dropped it after s1 finale asspull.

just let it die.

God I will never forget that thread. It was fucking amazing. Sup Forums was laughing at the Korra fags so hard.

Only rivaled by season 2. Between the retconning, the fucking spirit tapeworm, Won, using amnesia to restart the love triangle, and all of the bullshit in the finale, it was a golden age of shitposting

So what was the point of it?

same reason they made the avatar world progress multiple milleniums technology wise in less than a few decades

because Bryke thought it would be "cool" and logic and previous worldbuilding be damned

Korra's massive breasts.

What do you mean? Fire Nation had industrial technology in the first series. Coal-burning, iron-hulled steamships. Tanks. Giant fuck-off excavators.

It could have been an awesome fight between Big Blue Korra and that mech

I gotta be honest, season 1 was way better than season 4 imo. Season 4 just feels so jumbled it's hard to follow properly and the villain is never really a threat to Korra. Korras plotline is also really poorly handled and most characters seem to regress once they meet up again.

It had it's good moments, especially in season 1 and season 3. I still think it should have stayed a one season miniseries like originally planned. As the show went on it was obvious the writers were hacks. And then there was the whole pandering to a vocal minority for the ending and doubling down on it and calling people homophobic if they had criticisms.

The only consistently good thing about Korra was it's music.

The only thing good to come from Legend of Korra was the porn.

The first season has the most disappointing villain I think I've ever encountered. Such great build-up and and mythos (an everyday man who has deeply trained his body/mind and fights for a noble cause: equality among benders/nonbenders) and ruined him by making him an actual waterbending petty crook.

steam technology and ironclads are centuries before automobiles and radio and electricity and skyscrapers and planes and giant platinum robots

And a good majority of it is lesbian porn.

his motives make no fucking sense. I miss when everyone thought he was a spirit sent to take away bending from humans with chi bending because we had modernized so much and abused their power

how petty are you fucking retards to have the same threads over and over

>Korra sees how the Spirits tormented, killed, mutated, and assault humans on sight during Wans time.
>To the point humans have to live on the Lion turtles for or risk death.
>Lol im going to open the portal.

She's the worst Avatar ever.

I still have no fucking idea what happened in the season 2 finale
They payed homage to the first season by ruining the villain

>steam technology and ironclads are centuries before...
More like decades or one century.

I think the fudge is acceptable. They use magic to push their technology after all. See lightning benders powering an electrical grid.

wow shit that happened thousands of years ago

And this was before the mercury brain damage
if you know anything about lightning and electrical/mechanical engineering then that scene made no fucking sense

the best part is how the vines are invading everything and Korra just wants everyone to live with it

as if its not going to get worse and the world isn't going to end up fucked up just like it was in Won's time

The only technology was steam and iron. And that was fire nation only. The other nations were still in the bronze age and maybe the iron age.

>See lightning benders powering an electrical grid.
That was so stupid. In TLA the only people we ever saw lightning bend was the Firelord and Azula. And it was always about gathering the energy and launching it out. Light actual lightning.
But in Korra we just have average Joes charging power stations by pouring it in continuously

Korra got worst for me after rewatching. I wish we got a spin off of young Iroh instead. That shit would have been awesome.
I like having other people to share my hate with.

did you forget how lightning was mad and who made it

I never realized how much of a stupid dick Korra was. She's just oblivious to anyone.

I mean fuck remember the anti bending guy? He's going on a rant about bending being a menace and the source of evil and he just walks right into his trap going "What are you talking about? Bending is the best thing in the world!" in front of the non benders and then admitting she wanted to attack him

I didn't think they explained the origin of lightning bending or where it first came from?

yea and you are tho only guys that hate it