Shelf/New Requisitions Thread?

Dunno if we've had one recently. Apologies if so. Got a new phone so I can show my GN's in all their glory as opposed to doing them shelf by shelf. Bit messy but damn that's a good collection even if I do say so myself....

finally (was too lazy to make one myself)
got Legionnaires Book 1 now, it's pretty thick.
Would post shelf but it looks like shit right now because I'm reading some of the big books so everything else fell over.

Oh and, is that your shelf, OP? Pretty nifty.

Also got these this week...Crickets and The Blood of the Virgin arc keeps going from strength to strength, Harkham is at the top of his game, it's the best small press floppy out at the moment, he's as good as Jaime now. Literally at the top of his craft. There are some jaw-dropping sequences in the new ish where he shows so much with so little...just astounding work. I got two copies so might storytime if anyone's interested

Sorry, your comment came through as mine was posting--yup, it's mine. Cheers Sup Forumsmrade (Captain Easy Sundays vol2 and Kramers 7 not shown because they won't fit, finally got two brackets for a new shelf, gonna put it up tonight,all those books on their sides look messy af)

I haven't bought shit in like 2 months, gonna get fante bukowski 2 along with a few other things this week probably




To lazy to grab my camera

Bought Bodycount by Kevin Eastman and Simon Bisley, it's a TMNT comic published by Image and collected by Heavy Metal. It was alright, for the 90's it felt like Bisley wasn't giving it his all

Also all three issues of Monkeyman and O'Brien, Arthur Adams' Dark Horse comic.

Been on a print buying spree lately. Just got a print from Ichabod the Optimistic Canine and Stupidfox. Still waiting on my Nucleus and Andy Price orders. The latter is getting annoying since it's going on two weeks now. Things I've ordered after it have already arrived.

I need to stop because it seems like I find a new favorite artist every day. Just emailed Meg Park to see if she had any prints from Alver available. Also found an artbook from something called Fonky Poulp. A bit of research showed me it was a submission at Real Time Film Festival. Anyone have any idea where I can find it to watch?

And anyone here buy children's books as art books? Haven't bought anything from him yet, but I love Jon Klassen's style. I'm planning on buying this print in my next batch.

Feels like we've had less of these threads lately, prolly because of SJ

I haven't bought anything recently but just put in an order for the new DC collections of Ostrander and company's WASTELAND, and Wolfman and Colan's NIGHT FORCE

those are really nice

There's a Where's Waldo style Star Wars book by Ulises Farinas I've been meaning to get.

Wasteland was cancelled wasn't it?

Thanks, I'm waiting on the Mall print and this one by Teagan White right now. Not really Sup Forums I guess since as far as I know, most of these people are just artists. Are picture books Sup Forums or /lit/ anyway? Might see if I can get a thread going later on.

It also looks like DC pulled the pre-order for Jack Kirby's Kamandi omnibus off Amazon

Went to three stores looking for magazine boxes and struck out three times. Picked up two packs of back issues and found the 2000 AD mags had arrived in the mail, when I returned home.

Since it was solicited? I hope to fuck not. Sure you're not confusing it with Night Force? That was resolicited just the other day after initial cancellation

yeah I noticed that as well.

nice tablecloth


Any new (re-)solicits?
Annihilation Omnibus pls

Latest purchases. I was excited to hear that Devilman is getting an English release. About time.

Pretending is Lying is great. I really need to pick up Crickets at some point to see what all the fuss is about.

Fantastic Four by Matt Fraction Omnibus vol 1 for €80 worth it?

no wait haha, I'm an idiot, I somehow thought Hickman


Damn man, Spurrier really went all-out with comics during the last few years. Last time I checked him he had written maybe a dozen works alltogether, now it's around 50 different kinds of work (comics, novels)

Not really... He's done a couple more in the last several months I suppose. He did a ton of stuff for the brtitish market.

> Vagabond
Mu niggah. Got my hands on the 4th a few days ago.
Also + for Megg

What does that Heavy Metal collection have? Or just a list of artists involved

They've all been reprinted but even those are selling fast...Harkham has gotten insanely good, the difference between the Everything Together collection and the Blood of the Virgin arc from crickets 3-6 is like night and day...I always liked his work but now he's one of my favourite cartoonists. Glad you dig pretending is lying, half way through it, all the different visual styles are very effective.

Still got these on the to read pile (apart from Flintstones) so they're unshelved, Black Rat is avant-garde to fuck, completely different from Little Tommy Lost (which I fucking LOVE) and Ron rege's What Parsifal Saw is very, very good

These are all the comics I have acquired since I got back into reading last month. Any suggestions from here?


>IST ships my order the same day I make it

I finally did it anons, kind of did it on a drunk impulse buy, but I did it! But fuuuuuuuhk I did not realize how bike these fucken books are! Also bought hillbilly vol1 by Eric Powell but haven't had a chance to read it yet

>IST takes a week to tell me one of the items in my order is actually out of stock and then another three days after I respond to the email to remove the item and ship out the rest.
>And I paid extra for the faster shipping.

I've had that happen before. I order from them often, and they clearly have a very particular processing routine. I've found that if I order ASAP on Tuesday when new releases come out, and the order doesn't contain anything out of stock, there's a high chance I'll have it by Thursday. I've ordered out-of-stock items three times, and each time it happened exactly how you described.

i live within a few hours drive if i pay for the fast shipping and early enough in the morning i can get it sometimes with in less than 48 hours

It has a ton of artists: Bilal, Michael Dorey, Arthur Suydam, John Howe, Val Mayerik, Nicollet, E.E. Davis, Barbe, Azpiri, Alberto Breccia, Juan Gimenez, Sicomoro, Schuiten, Horacio Altuna, Petillon, Voss, Zoran, Dick Matena, John Workman, Nino, Preiss, Arno, Pepe Moreno, Alias, Caza, Chichoni, & Richard Corben.
Most of the stories are a couple of pages long. I'm unfamiliar with most of them, but I'll definitely be looking into some of the authors.

Would you recommend just starting with the Blood of the Virgin issues?

Cool thanks, obviously google searching " Heavy Metal Greatest Hits" wasn't helpful

Here it is with the rest, might rearrange it later (and take them out of the plastic)

Here they are with everything else, might move them to the right later

You could have done worse..

New Harrow County vol out tomorrow

oh crap I don't know why I thought it came out at the end of next month. Thanks for the heads up!

It's not a lot, but it's growing.

That's what she said!

So since they're not reprinting the Colossal Conan I went for the first of the new three omnis instead.
I can't say I dislike it.
Now debating whether I should get that first Johns Green Lantern or the Death Note Black Editions.

Yes, definitely. He's blowing jaime out the fucking water as far as the alt scene goes. There's an announcement in the back of #6 that they're all back in print, I mean I have 1 and 2, the D& Q issues with the Black Death story (which is good) but 3-6 are indispensable . I'm after the Julie Doucet 365 book, if you have that I'll swap you it for a first printing of Crickets 4! (They've all gone into second printings now, I bought two copies of 3, 4 and 6 when they came out, the first prints I mean, and sold my second copy of #3 for £140 on ebay, believe it or not, this was before they were reprinted.)

Been ages since I posted in one of these.
Recent pick-ups

First shelf

And Second

Nice, you have more Omnibuses than I do.

Clean up your shelf please.

Shelf View #1

Shelf View #2

>all those omnis
>all of them Marvel
>no Cosmic Marvel expect Infinity Gauntlet

Been trying to motivate myself to buy these but it's always hard when I could buy things I haven't read yet instead. I'm paranoid that they'll go out of print before I buy them.

For the love of God get another shelf. That thing's a calamitous collapse waiting to happen.

Hey, Kirby FF's pretty cosmic.

God I want an Annihilation reprint so I can justify getting Conquest and all the War of Kings ones.

>God I want an Annihilation reprint
same, even thought about picking the single stuff but that's almost OOP as well by now
>so I can justify getting Conquest and all the War of Kings ones.
no justification needed, I'm getting them anyway and so should you because War of Kings and Realm of Kings are going OOP now as well, especially War of Kings.

>glueing your books to the sides and ceilings of your shelves

Do you guys have the thing where the spines are shrinking or something along those lines?

The covers are starting to droop onto the spine itself and I have no idea what to do/how to stop it

It comes with the territory of actually reading the book.

Jeez. That's unfortunate if Kamandi isn't getting a reprint. I'm still hoping Fourth World happens.

Conquest being better than Annihilation is all the justification you need.
And the WoK omni trilogy is effectively a Nova v4 and GotG v2 omni set, so if you like Abnett and Lanning's stuff, it's worth it.

>Conquest being better than Annihilation is all the justification you need.
You tale that back, you!

Here's the stuff I bought myself for my birthday. Nothing too special but I'd been wanting them for a while.

is it just me or is that Batman box a bit of a weird mixture

Yeah it's a bit of a weird one that was put together for the 75th anniversary.

>Story popular with casuals as a babby's first Batman story because of all the characters in it
>New hotness they're trying to push as a modern classic
>One of the most famous and damaging Batman stories ever told
Makes sense to me

Bought a bunch of shit over the weekend.
Thank God I don't drink or smoke or do anything actually known to be addicting or I'd be dead now, the way I splurge.

Not shown- the Perez WW omnibus I lent to a friend same day I got it.

is that phantom stranger run any good?

Looked to a couple of the LCS (the one I go to is a small chain throughout the city that was having a big sale) to find Witch Doctor.
The action comics was apparently some replica from a loot crate or something so I got it purely for framing and decoration.


Phantom Stranger is the most underrated comic of the past few years.

These were all in their clearance section, so each was $2-5
Their clearance keeps ending me up padding the fuck outta my shelves with stuff I wouldn't otherwise give a chance (sometimes I wonder how good of a thing that is)

I personally liked it. Changed origin to be Judas (yet another answer for Phantom Stranger's multiple choice)
I remember there's this moment where (spoiler) he gives his chain of silver coins to one of the sons of Trigon, and they spend a page watching that demon slowly get engulfed in the guilt that Stranger walks with daily.

Total cost me about $325

I'm betting if I included the original total these all had it'd be near $600-700

but he's right


>Serenity Rose
I saw it on a discount table and it stared a goth girl so I bought it (Volume 2 btw). Been sitting under my stack for a few months until Saturday. Absolutely loved it. After I read his bio and realized why the art was familiar, he worked on Invader Zim.

Definitely picked up the rest of that series.

Nah, he should get a dog instead.

for 2-5 bucks there's no loss at all. Even if you only enjoy half of them and the other half you end up throwing away it's a good deal. You go to a library you can easily end up with the same in late charges if you are me and forget easily (cause I take out 10 books at a time). And as a bonus you can sometime run into hidden gems that you would look past most of the time

It sometimes screws me over cause I'm an idiot who'll grab something without realizing it's the 2nd vol in some story and I'm just like paying $2 for the 2nd DVD in a TV show box set.

most trades are made with that in mind though, so they have an introduction if you need it.

That's what I was worried about, then after the announcement of the new moviei got even more worried and decided it's time.

Yeah man, it takes a lot of work but I like the aesthetic. Honestly I have no fucking clue how phone posting works. It always does that shit when I post a picture on my phone.

Sup Forums keeps deleting tyreads when I try to show it to them so maybe I can show it off here.

Possibly the least manga type manga I've ever seen.

Writer from NY, artist from The Philippines, printed in Canada, story is a Lovecraftian horror involving an LA teen in New England.
Still reads right to left, sold in the manga section of bookstores, and published through the company that published the Afro Samurai manga and other things.

I bought it out of pure curiosity alone, still need to actually bother to see if it is any good to read.

What are the page sizes?

33 cm tall, 22,5 cm wide. Don't know how that's in inches.

Is there any chance of Annihilation getting a reprint?
Do you have anything to back that up?

>Christopher Rowley
>C. Rowley


That'd be like 9x13 rounding up.
Which is a bit above average paper size but not as big as that sexy hardback makes it seems standing next to your other trades.

The threads probably get deleted because it's not manga.

The other man to marry Lovecraft's wife no less. Actually they described many of the same deities but named differently; and she claimed to have nothing to do with it.

Well they're still big beautiful pages.

This is broadly up to date.

You've got nothing? Poor guy.

Birthday last week, so I picked up the Rick & Morty Vol.1 hardcover, Gyo, Uzumaki, Umbrella Academy 1 & 2 and The Goon Library #4.

Not all of it's arrived yet though...

How much come in library editions?
Like is it Absolutes and it's an oversized version of a average sized trade? Or is it more like an more tall than fat omnibus that prolly equals 3-5 trades worth?