Why is it that a lot of female characters seem to be so much more poorly written than most male characters?

Why is it that a lot of female characters seem to be so much more poorly written than most male characters?

There's a lot of things you have to avoid while writing female characters, otherwise some blue haired woman will complain and flood your company's twitter page about how sexist the portrayal is.

Yeah, that's probably a factor

Meanwhile, male characters have all manners of hell written upon them, but irl men don't complain

Really makes you think.jpg

>Implying that all male characters are not poorly written.

Because if you make a well written female character some small group of feminists is going to find a reason to bitch about it and the whole movement will follow.
The only way to avoid that is giving the character no special characteristics at all.

Because they're written realistically. Just how it is.

I don't want realism, I want a waifu.

Most writers are men, and men don't know how to write women.

Only correct answer here

Western feminists are a joke.
They complain about stupid shit like why there isnt a female emoji or portrayal of fictional women in games and comics.
Go fucking liberate the women in middle eastern countries. They actually need it.

Don't pretend that men don't go through these characters with a fine-tooth comb to prove that they're all Mary Sues in a way that they never do for male characters.

The need for flaws in women vs men for fiction is horribly imbalanced on the Internet.

Why write them any different than men, in this day in age? Except for obvious things, of course.

Because when most writers have a problem of deciding a characters sex and gender after the character is written. You should do a list of characters values, morales, etc THEN decide their sex, gender, race, age, etc. Those factors primarily decide how your characters values came to be, not the values themselves. Premeditating your characters descriptions begins to pidgeonhole how you write types of characters, and many male writers have women issues and those wholey shine through when they write female characters in the aforementioned manner.

deciding a characters sex and gender *before* the character is written.

That and many of them have a natural bias to write certain archetypes strictly as one sex or the other.

But they ARE all Mary Sues...

>Why write them any different than men, in this day in age?

Because what you're born as will inform your upbringing and who you are. The notion that the entire world is somehow all post-racial and post-gender is fucking absurd.

>inb4 Tumblr

Whatever. I'm not saying that every woman needs to want to smash the patriarchy, but them being born is going to inform their personality no matter what the Internet says.

Men are natually protective of women. Which means they will be biased to shield them from harm, even fictional.

It goes way beyond "protective". It's called the pussy pass.

Guys can't write girl characters well.

Girls can't write.

While you're right, the economic status you're born into and the chance exposures you have with others during formative years influences personality on an astronomically different level than what genitalia you have

>Because what you're born as will inform your upbringing and who you are. The notion that the entire world is somehow all post-racial and post-gender is fucking absurd.


>While you're right, the economic status you're born into and the chance exposures you have with others during formative years influences personality on an astronomically different level than what genitalia you have

I don't disagree.

I'm just saying the "just write men exactly like women" argument is dumb and basically amounts to "Women should never ever be written to have an issue with men or feel pride in their gender because something something bad writing."

Pussy pass exists because protectiveness. Sperm is cheap, womb is valuable. Until some societies bloated to ridiculous numbers very recently, no society could've afforded judging a woman as hard as it judges sperm.

because most writers are men thus they are sexist

Because most writers these days write them as females rather than as characters

because either they're manic pixies, helpless airheads or bitches. They don't get to be a real character, just a cardboard cutout. Imagine if all male characters were jocks or nerds.

Steven Universe uses female writers and the girls in that show are either shitty or ripping off some already existing anime girl

They're just poor writers in general

Steven Universe has girls who are flawed - Amethyst is indolent, and Pearl is neurotic, for instance.

Nobody was saying SU girls are mary sues though, just that they are written shitty or as a ripoff of some already existing anime girl and that females are writing them

>"Who cares if they're poorly written? Look, flaws!"
Why can't the SU fagboys just stay in their circlejerk?

Because people are afraid to write a girl character with flaws other than "she's a bit manic".

It's so hard to think of a main female character who's personality isn't being "always right".

I blame the 90s.

The feminism thing does play a role.

People try to be super careful when they write women, and the writing suffers for it.

Men, on the other hand, they can just do whatever they want when they write for them.

No, nowadays men are pretty much required to be written as worse characters so the women shine in comparison.

Because if you write a female character well (i.e. how a female actually may behave), Tumblr, Twitter and half of Sup Forums as well will throw a fit. That is by the way what you're seem to be doing, given that Mabel largely acts like girl her age.

>It's so hard to think of a main female character who's personality isn't being "always right".
Wild Thornberry actually did this one good. Eliza has been shown being naive, careless in her actions, and has even been wrong several times. Her sister Debbie is selfish, short-tempered, and oblivious to the world around her. If you changed them to being male characters then their personalities and traits wouldn't change because they were written separate from their gender.

>Why write them any different than men, in this day in age?

Because they are in fact different.

>That is by the way what you're seem to be doing, given that Mabel largely acts like girl her age.
The problem is not this (Although it's not thematically appropriate, since this cartoon doesn't feature kids act their age) it's that she's given refuge from fallout of her choices and is always right, while Dipper suffers for his mistakes. You don't become automatically right just because you don't know any better.

>While you're right, the economic status you're born into and the chance exposures you have with others during formative years influences personality on an astronomically different level than what genitalia you have

Utter and complete bullshit.

I don't know what you mean, since Mabel was many times more interesting than Dipper.

Personally I thought they should have gone more wild with Dipper's antics.

This is the primary factor. You need to have women in the show to cover demographics, but writing them incorrectly will tank the brand so they have to be written generically.

> inb4 "get more womyn writers shitlord"
It doesn't matter the gender of the writer all will get flack if they write the character wrong.

all in your head. it's your own bias/perception that makes you think they're not well written.


I don't want to go off-topic here but there's a good deal of truth in that. Most of these SJW/hyper-feminist loudspeakers are people who have been sheltered and unchallenged for the majority of their lives yet they're always the one talking about suffrage and privilege as if they've been the ones having to deal with it.

It's not just that. MEN are unwilling to give women flaws and be rightfully punished for said flaws when they do misdeeds. Men love worshipping pussy too much. And IRL they do it until civilization itself dies.

Stupid men gave women rights and of course that includes the vote and women vote for welfare and within that politicians that eventually bring in Rapefugees like how Europe is enduring right now. Women are lucky they got pussies because that's the only reason that men permit them to get away with everything and destroying a way of life.

Women suck, but men suck even harder because men are the enablers of women's shit. And this is reflected on media, politics, academia, etc.


Arent they all jocks and nerds?

>Meanwhile, male characters have all manners of hell written upon them, but irl men don't complain

Men do complain, especially IRL when they're falsely accused of rape for example, it's just that the human species doesn't care about men.

Women care about themselves.
Men care only about women.

So because of the way nature wired the species? Men are screwed. If a man suffered injustice at the hands of a twat? No one will really care and if the twat is "punished" it's a total slap on the wrist. Back in the old days it was a husband who was jailed if his wife had unpaid debt. So basically the species can be summed up as:

"Punish men for women's misdeeds and all to avoid accountability for women."

>Men are natually protective of women.

No, they aren't. Manosphere's evolutionary speculations are just as bullshit as evolutionary speculations in general. Societies where biological survival could actually be a concern tended to treat women as a mix of workhorses and cocksleeves.

Protectiveness towards women is socially engineered, though on the other hand it seems to be associated with societal success and development.

crawl back under your bridge, Sup Forums troll

>Societies where biological survival could actually be a concern tended to treat women as a mix of workhorses and cocksleeves.
And to treat men as workforce and cannon (or, well, spear) fodder.

So i guess we write non binary characters only?

>it's an /r9k/ thread

SU has lots of problems but its characters are way more multi-dimensional and flawed than most kids' cartoon characters, and if you look for it, you can claim all characters are a ripoff of some other character. The SU characters all have major differences from the characters people say they remind them of.

Most of the characters Sup Forums go nuts over are generic self-insert characters like Marco, Dipper, Wirt, Finn, etc. who range from shitty to mediocre and are pretty much the same character. Most male characters are just not that well written either. Dipper got more attention than Mabel but his arc was pretty shitty too and kept circling to "muh Wendy muh spaghetti spilled" which was shit. The only character who was decently written in GF was STan who was a male character but that was one fucking character.

Meanwhile a character like Star Butterfly like her or not is about as complex as any male character, she suffers and has flaws she pays for.

Most cartoon characters are not wrriten all that well or their shows jump the shark and they turn to shit, it's not a male vs. female thing. However most writers are men and it's true that people often can't write characters they see as different from them in some way well.

>Being this mad just because somebody said "I don't like thing"

I'm not mad faggot, I'm saying you're wrong. You have to be a retarded to say generic anime harem self-insert boy from 2010s cartoon Y is better written than a lot of female characters when it's just copypasta of the same old bland protagonist beats we've seen a billion fucking times. A lot of male characters Sup Forums points to as well written just aren't well written.

male characters have agency.

female characters tend not to.

is that why everyone of a certain gender acts exactly the same?

Star has agency, so do Marceline and Bubblegum and the Crystal Gems. This kind of thing is less of an issue these days than it used to be. Even bannable offense show has female characters with agency who suffer for their flaws.

You can't show a woman get beat down or fail or have character flaws. This makes them boring and safe.

Canonfodder yes, but a lot of those backwards societies use women as heavy labor while the men relax.

My brother did two tours of duty in Iraq, and he came back a feminist after endlessly watching women labor in the field while the men would sit in the shade and sip tea.

Maybe because there are more make content creators and we struggle to understand women because even they don't understand themselves?

This is just like real life. Men are expected to work hard and woman are expected to have things handed to them. This has been the case for thousands of years and even feminists make it worse by demanding woman get handed jobs.

>so do Marceline and Bubblegum and the Crystal Gems
Those characters are dicking around doing nothing to advance forward for the majority of their respective series though. If they do have agency, then they aren't written to show it. Or the shows themselves aren't written to include a complete, overarcing plot, only the illusion of one.

>all the archetypes for men still hold true to this day and are still being displayed in media only in slight variations
>a huge amount of female archetypes are now considered sexist/backwards

It's really a struggle of our society to redefine what it means being a woman, or even harder, being a female hero, since we can't use the old archetypes. Hack writers just put a female face on a male archetype (pic related)

Great female characters/heroes in media (my opinion):
>Mr. Brisby
>Lilo (lilo and stitch)
>Mulan (eeehhh.. not so sure actually)
>Lyra bellaqua (his dark materials)
>hermione (kinda...)
>some of the girls in the cronicles of Narnia

other suggestions?

>Great female characters/heroes in media (my opinion):
> first character is "Mr."

You had one job

That is because most men in the richer parts of the middle east get all their money from oil and so don't have to work a day in their life. It's a Shit culture born from not having to do anything.

The Boss from MGS and Krei from lot of 2 are amazingly strong and respectable woman that are 100% and not just men with faces

>The Boss from MGS

God fucking shit no to that one. She is literally a Man with Tits and disgustingly unrealistically competent. And all the vagina worship this twat got ruined Metal Gear for me. I don't care, I do not believe a woman is:

- A World War 2 hero.
- First USA citizen in space
- Has charisma to the point her shitty beliefs that don't even make sense influences the entire franchise.

The Boss was garbage. Pure Gynocentric filth and I'm glad Kojima is finished with Metal Gear so that I don't have to hear anymore about this twat who was still referred to in follow up games after her debut where she actually died. The follow up games just kept on saying "The Boss is so superior and genuinely great you must understand and worship her!" Not even Big Boss got that level of worship (in fact they even admit that some of Big Boss' feats were entirely made up lies, but The Boss? Everything with her was legit as advertised to a sickening degree. At least Big Boss felt more humane).

>in a way that they never do for male characters
Male characters are poorly writtten in that they have the characteristics of a bowl of oatmeal or they're a stereotype.
Female characters are poorly written in that they're usually Mary Sues so as to not offend tumblr/twitter/HuffPo/etc., lest they be accused of rape, colonialism, patriarchy, misogyny, white-washing, etc.



*Mrs. Brisby

Just giving you a hard time user :P

Star is one of the most annoying characters of all time, she's a literal ADHD autist.
>The episode where they have to take care of Buff-frog's babies
>"lol boop the baby! xD"
>"lol feed the babiez cake! xD"

You mean like real girls?

have you even seen CCS?

mulan is fine.

any time you forget their gender means they're well written, unless, in mulan's case, it's the main point of the story. I never thought of lilo as a female protagonist. just a protagonist.

Most writers are males.

means nothing.

the thing between your legs doesn't automatically give you more insight on what it's like to be that gender.

It does.

I don't know about SU but in AT Bubblegum and Marceline's relationship has advanced forward a lot and it all comes from them interacting with each other and developing as characters from that interaction

They sure as shit have agency dude

>the thing between your legs doesn't automatically give you more insight on what it's like to be that gender.
>Males don't have more insight on being male than females!
Are you serious right now?

Considering men and woman are different in a neurological way I think it probably does make it easier to write about a man as a man.

>It's a /r9k/ desperately tries to defend the shitty show he likes post

This. With female characters you don't have the same freedom of writing of the male characters, so is easy to just make then generic son no one complains.
Also is more easy to female characters to be successful, all you need to do is make her cute or sexy and give her some generic personality. Doesn't matter how generic the final product is there are people who will buy it.
Now to make a male character successful you actually need to either put a real effort in the characterization give him a motivation and a personality, otherwise they will be just some blank self-insert that no one really care.

klasky csupo shows had some better than average characters now that I think about it, like in Rugrats or As Told by Ginger. Is it because Klasky is a female producer?

>they will be just some blank self-insert that no one really care

here are especially on Sup Forums a huge chunk of the male protags are just blank self inserts but people usually don't complain they just use their blank self insert to ship with their waifu or waifus on the show trying to turn everything into a harem

Those "obvious" things can be more nuanced than you think, and play a role in behaviors and decisions in ways you wouldn't think conventional because you're not a woman.

source: I've tried writing female characters and it's hard as fuck not to make them dudes with tits and no dick.

>reddit spacing

Ashi ruined Samurai Jack, women ruin everything they're a part of.

>dudes with tits and no dick

what makes them into that

it's not like acting neutrally is male

Because you don't like women so you hold them to much higher unreasonable standards then men.

No, you don't like women, you only like women when they act in very specific ways. You do not hold men to the same standards.

Men hold women to much lower standards, as correctly explained. Stop consuming so much feminist propaganda.

Except that's wrong.

Culture is no longer divided like before, gender gaps no longer exist.

Wirt is probably the more complex male character in the entire decade (in the cartoon at least). Seriously is kinda strange find a character who don't care about have relationship with others person just because he don't want it. (in the cartoon)

And Beatrice is a very good female character (curiously it was written for a man). In fact the three main characters and with only ten chapters and four camics (which are canon) they get to be at a level of complexity at least equal to the characters of Steven Universe.

But they don't cry and sing overdramatically about anything.

Star is disney shit and will never be at the level of Finn and Wirt or other good female characters like Beatrice, Pearl or Nicole.