Tumblr isn't "that" bad

Hey mods, ban me from every board for at least two weeks, I want my life back and don't want to be trapped here anymore.

Niggers are sub human.

Nigger learn some self control

You know a good way to get a ban? Story time a comic called One Fox Two Babies.

Post CP

How is getting banned supposed to stop you from coming here? It's not like you can't still lurk.

That ass would be ace if not for those 90's mom jeans

>Tumblr isn't "that" bad
Tumblr is only as good/bad as you make it.
It has a bunch of great niche porn.

Just start posting some horses if you want a ban that badly.



Why is Venom the greatest villain?

Back then they weren't mom jeans.
>slutty jeans today are going to be the mom jeans of tomorrow.
Are you ready to see 80 yolds wearing thongs?


tumblr isn't just for looking at big booty bitches?!

Just post a bunch of unrelated shit.
Off topic threads will help you get banned.


Yes, but only for a couple of days.

Nigger, there is only one way

Rita got a sweet deal out of that divorce I see

Just hope Zedd managed to hold on to his Zord

>he doesn't have self control

my fucking sides kek

Getting banned isn't going to stop you from browsing.

But I will eventually lose interest.

How does I evade range ban?

Impersonate barneyfag. The mods will ban you for ban evasion.