Is he a good animator Sup Forums?

Is he a good animator Sup Forums?

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He's insecure enough to ask Sup Forums about his own opinions, but he's good enough; considering the programs he's using to animate,

For once

This actually fits

He's not bad.

[Obligatory fart fetish reference.]

I really like the Marvel Musical vid

I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over the sounds of farts, could you repeat the question?

I said, is he a good *BRAAAAAP* Sup Forums?

I like his music
I guess the animaiton is pretty good too



I respect this guy for actually owning up to his weirdness and not desperately trying to sweep it under the table, but he's a pretty meh animator.

>owning up to
seems like hissy fits to me

Admittedly the last time I even heard about him was when he posted that "yeah I have a fart fetish" video years ago. Did he end up pussying out of it somehow?

I thought it was hilarious when PsychicPebbles and some of his buddies called James on Skype and mocking him for liking farts, prompting AnimatedJames to cry about it in a Deviantart post.

>Allegedly PsychicPebbles called him on Skype, farted into the microphone, asked if it made his wiener hard and started laughing.

AnimatedJames then had a cry about it on his DA blog.

>I couldn't sleep last night, so I drew this. I just couldn't stop thinking of a thing that happened to me that made me feel completely alone and isolated. It was last year, but I could never stop thinking about it ever since, and I'm tired of repressing it. In a nutshell, one day psychicpebbles and a bunch of his friends called me on skype for the soul reason of mocking and ridiculing me like a bunch of 6th graders.

>This pretty much destroyed my self esteem for a while, and even though they didn't mean any harm… what they said and how they acted was still really inconsiderate and immature, and I seriously can never speak to them again without getting angry. I keep having flashbacks to that experience, and it always makes me feel like a freak. And that experience is the reason why I always assume the worst of people. I always assume the person I'm talking to is a complete dick, until proven otherwise. Hence this drawing.


Why does he paint himself paler than he is in real life?

Isn't he homeless now?

animated james has a fart fetish


>Can't handle his friends ribbing on him for his freaky fetish

Man, he is quite the oversensitive snowflake.


Says who?

Despite how much shit AJ gets on he still does make stuff.

I kinda miss a lot of the animation channels on yt, 95% of them have stopped posting anything or are doing letsplays.

>Acting like an autist and screaming like a complete faggot is "owning" someone

Look, AnimatedJames sucks fucking cock, and his art is complete dogshit, but Balish is still a goddamn retard who's definitely Troll Shielding for something he's done.


Ehh, he met them at a NG festival but they're not on friendly terms. I recall James calling into one of Spazkid's old streams to make fun of him.

Interesting point, Luciferino.


It just reeks too much of the dozens of autists, NEETs and fetishists who came out of the woodwork to shit on Chris-Chan when he was the popular lolcow.

He baleeted his dA so I guess this got to him

Don't talk shit about Balish-sama

I still can't understand how these weird, disgusting fetishes can even exist. I can't fucking believe it, Sup Forums. I'm being a spazz here but goddamn it makes me unreasonably angry. I want to call him on skype and raspberry some toccata and fugue in d minor until he feels bad.

>relating good to animatedjames

The budding nature of one's own sexuality is quite fragile. The associative nature of the young, developing human mind can often create links between what it already finds arousing and things that it normally wouldn't based on events that happen in one's life.

TL;DR? Spend some time on Sup Forums, /d/, and /aco/ these people are a dime a dozen.

You sound like a newfag. Sup Forums has had a long history with fart fetishes.

Creative Types looked good

>still can't
Been here a long while, faggots with low reading comprehension. What I mean is that I still can't understand how these fetishes manifest in the first place. What makes a kid watch someone taking a shit and think, "That's hot"?

Well, I don't think I want to know anyway.

Spent some time there years ago out of morbid curiosity. Amazing/horrifying how many different types of nasty stuff people find sexually arousing.

That's hilarious, but also a really shitty thing to do. If my diaper fetish became public record, and then a famous animator called me up just to mock me for it, I know I wouldn't sleep for a long time.

If you are likable and cool about it no one will care. Stamper is a deviant, but nobody gives a shit

why his artstyle is so atrocious? Does he have an autism?

Having autism is kinda a prerequisite to doing animation...

You sound like a boring person user.

And also like a massive hypocrite since Sup Forums will sexualize literally anything if it's female.

fuck no

What was wrong with the audio part?

>low reading comprehension
Where in your post did you imply you've been here for a while, idiot?

Your reaction was typical newfag shit.

James records on a toaster and still uses MIDI files.

Genes? You don't choose your fetish.

>That time Amy Rose got her head stuck up Ponka Po's ass

Should I have been more clear on the types of fetishes I was disgusted by? Scat, stank socks, farting. I wouldn't say being disgusted by such things makes someone boring. I'm not talking about sexualizing characters in general or in non shit and fart related ways. Where in the fuck is that coming from?

The first sentence was "I still can't understand..." It should not have been so retardily assumed, dumbcunt.

Why in the fuck did I get two anons so defensive over braaps? Are you guys high on the ass fumes right now? I should have known better.

But now I too am entering autistic levels of defense. So long, I suppose.

Probably. Kind of sad to think about.

>and then in the next episode she's covered in Ponka's shit

>no marvel musical for phase 2 or 3

I want to see Viva Reverie finish animating James' polka medley. The cartoons from James himself are whatever.

Purely in terms of animation, he's competent, I guess.

Are there any animators like that with weird fetishes but no one cares?

fucking this.

also, does he actually have a fart fetish or is it just shitposting?

On a technical level, he's gotten a lot better at animating, though his general style is too simple to be actually good. If he strayed away from using primary colors, kept eyebrows on the head, and kept the mouth flaps from overlapping the eyes every single time a character smiles, his art would improve greatly.

Everyone already knows, Julian

I'm just going to need to see a finished project before I can decide if Stamper's life has gone off the rails or not.

>also, does he actually have a fart fetish or is it just shitposting?
Nope, its his fetish

Kek. She could've just ignored the first comment but noooooo...

>people find out about ding dong's tuba vore fetish
>he doesn't even care

Handled it perfectly.

>does he actually have a fart fetish or is it just shitposting?

you decide

I'm watching now, and I don't need to see that shit again.

Well if she doesn't want to learn Music Theory then I don't know why she's going to college