Was Stinky right?

was Stinky right?

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>Could have saved his family from sole crushing poverty
>Didn't do it because he personally didn't care for the taste of a soda

no he wasn't in the right

That contract is incomprehensible. He did the right thing.

Definitely in the wrong. I'd do a lot worse than star in some shitty ads where the director thinks i'm a joke than a commercial or five.

>Retardation incarnate
Stinky had more self-respect than to whore himself out as a joke.
He valued his dignity over selling himself.
That's why you people will never be able to compare to even a fucking cartoon character. You're unironically garbage.

>He valued his dignity over selling himself.
i'm sure he'll have plenty of dignity being homeless.

>wanting to sell yourself to (((them)))

> your family didn't love you enough to work hard and give you a future you deserve as a child
> suddenly you owe them shit from your own hard work and natural talents

Fuck you

In America, we take shoes for granted.

America is filled with fatties user, they're literally crushing their soles

in like ten years, nobody would even slightly care that he looked dumb in some commercial ffrom a decade ago, but he'd still have a million dollars.

He's under the age of 18, what fucking integrity does he have? You realize just about every child actor started out doing commercials right? Stinky was a retard, this wasn't just money, this was an opportunity to do more with his life that he passed up because the 12-year-old has to have morals.

fuck off Captain Entitled

>Face plastered everywhere as an idiot
>Whole reason he was picked was to mock him

I'm with Stinky. Money is great, but it's not worth it if your life is miserable and your family is forever associated with mockery.

Homeless people are mocked even more.

He willingly allows people to call him 'Stinky'
I can't believe he has all that much self-respect to begin with

You dumb shit, entitled is exactly the stance the family is taking against Stinky like he owes them shit.


>Implying he's homeless

It's a nickname, though. As a kid that's just a way people you are close to identify you. That's not the same as being shat on across the globe.

He can't force people to call him his given name so he rolls with the punches till offered 1 million dollars and then shits on the fuckers

When you are young, you think he did the right thing.
When you grow up, you realize that somethings you have to swallow your pride and do what it's better to the people you love.

The whole scenario only had bad choices, he choose the worst one.

You have a terrible memory
>Frustrated director comes across Stinky during a talent audition
>Stinky is so 'bad' that it ironically made him popular
>Made several commercials, thinking that he was legitimately talented
>Caught wend of people talking behind his back, saying how terrible he was
>Refused to sign contract out of self-respect
>Literally the moral of the episode was that his dignity was worth all the money in the world

People are free to make their choices, whether good or bad
Sinky could have practiced his acting every day and still only wind up as a mediocre actor
Conversely, rejecting that contract and actually working for every penny that he earned builds character
He could wind up as a washed-up alcoholic, or work every day in his life, tired but happy
But we don't know--the future is uncertain, but Stinky was capable of making his own choices, and neither greedy corporations or his family can take that away from him, not when you have dignity

I honestly wouldn't trust the contract and the people behind it not to screw him over (then again, I'm very paranoid).

And like others said self-respect is more important yada yada yada.

Literally none of his fans mocked him. All the kids wanted his autograph, adults celebrated him and interviews praised him.

Fuck it, I'd take a million and temporary fame even if my managers hired me as a dope.

So you would let a guy fuck you in the ass for 1000$ to pay your delinquent rent?


>Was obviously mocked behind his back


He cared what people thought about him. When that doesn't matter at all when you can make mad cash and continuing to do those commercials can open up venues for a way better career for you.

You remember Ernest just a guy doing commercials he got fucking cameos in tv shows and his own movies it doesn't matter if people thought the commercials were dumb he came out the winner.

He's a vampire, he cares not for your mortal pursuits of avarice

Hell I'd do that for free


By the crew, his fans loved him legitimately.

Sounds like a win win.

People will always mock you behind your back regardless. Might as well make tons of cash to compensate for it.

>People will always mock you behind your back regardless.
I f-fucking knew it

>Stinky not being a dick back to the guy that was making fun of him saying that he will sign the contract only if they double or triple the money for it to secure his place because he knows if he walks, they lose their important mascot at the height of his popularity.

>doubling the contract money
>for a laughingstock soda pop spokesman

>not bearing any shame for your family
>and not bearing proudly

Bash would not be proud
i would shit my self on live television to pay my parents mortgage

he placed his ego and social image before the well being of his family.

He couldn't handle being the butt of a joke and cared more about what strangers thought about him on an ad than giving financial security to his family.

This is meant to be a moral?

of course he was right. if you were to sell your pride for money you might as well just kill yourself.


> your parents failures are your own


IT's not even like he has a bad family you fags. If we were talking about Helga, yeah, fuck them, but his family comes off as just needy. Not some drunks, or layabouts, he literally refuses to make money, a good deal of money for the nineties, because he's selfish about an image he won't have in three years.

in the real world you can accept selling your dignity for advertising because nobody will remeber a week after the campaign ends. It was free money.

>I rather would have my family go homeless then be a meme


>end up as burgerflipper your whole life instead of beeing a funny comercial guy with following and riches

How much cash was he getting from this gig anyway
If it was only for small gigs and he was just a flash in the pan he probably wouldn't get much cash in the long run or even the short run depending on if his popularity died

They clearly don't know how to manage money if they need a million dollars that bad. Fucking poor people

But dignity isn't worth that much. Hell, it's hardly worth anything.

At the risk of sounding edgy, I'm pretty sure that if I had an arbitrary amount of money to spare, I could make all but the most wealthy people do whatever the fuck I wanted as long as it doesn't kill/maim/otherwise ruin them. And yeah, both of us are included in that, user. Maybe not with the money directly, but everyone has a price. Love, family, maybe something else noble, but someone with money can exert influence over all of these things, and there's your price.

Money is a form of power, and you should be aware that the powerless are always at the mercy of the powerful.

Please dont bring up best boy in a Stinky thread.


Not sure how many here remember it, but in 2004 a man called William Hung went on American Idol (3rd season) and sung a Ricky Martin song absolutely atrociously.

He became infamous, much like Stinky. The difference is that he DID take a contract. He released a few awful albums in quick succession, wasted time for several years and retired from music.

He's currently worth about 1.5 million or so and is doing a job he likes. He's not ultra-rich but he has enough to make sure he'll live without worrying about bills and mortgages

My point is, I think Stinky was a bit shortsighted. He could have done a quick cashgrab, then spent the rest of his life doing something he genuinely likes instead of the daily grind. He could have given himself the freedom to choose.

The thing you fags are apparently not getting is that Stinky's major crime isn't that he didn't take the money, it's that he didn't fucking tell anyone why he wasn't taking the money. His dad was heartbroken that Stinky gave up a million dollars that could have been used to help their family, and he didn't even know why he was doing it. He had no idea why his son would reject the kind of money that could literally redefine their lives (a million dollars might not seem like that much but when you're living in a rickety-ass cabin in a giant city, ANY significant amount of money can change ones lives).

But you all seem to think that Stinky has no reason to respect his dad (who he normally has a pretty damn good relationship with) because of your own fucking daddy issues.

William Hung is the exception though, not the rule, and was a product of when American Idol actually mattered in American culture.

None of the other notoriously bad auditioners were as successful or famous as him after America had their fill of making fun of them. Same goes for a lot of "popular" maymay stars from the past decade or so. There was an article a few weeks back about the cash-me-outside girl becoming worth a hundred thousand dollars like it was a big deal and I asked myself why anyone would give a fuck.

Then there are the child stars who grew up rich but came crashing down hard after their career ended because they had nothing else to offer for the entertainment sector.

And arguments about Stinky specifically aside, people quit high paying jobs and careers all the time because the money wasn't worth the stresses they got every day from working said jobs. If the production crew didn't treat him with respect while he was popular, imagine the life he would've had trying to get work in the industry after his initial gimmick ran its course. Part of the point of the episode was that money wasn't everything, and that there are things worth more than money (not just pride) and that money should never be a source of pressure to do something you hate. This thread is a great example with all the people bitching about how he should've taken the money.

There are plenty of similar cases. You mentioned one yourself, that cash-me-outside chick. You think 5 years from now people are gonna remember her? If she's smart, she'll simply stop pushing for attention once it's gone and go back to normal.

It's a windfall. You make money from the gimmick, then abandon it. When people fuck up it is because
>they clutch onto it and try to keep it going, or
>they live beyond their means

If you treat it as it is - a nice one-time income boost - you'll be a lot better off.

>imagine the life he would've had trying to get work in the industry after his initial gimmick ran its course
Which completely goes against what I was saying. Run with it while you can and drop it as soon as it stops. Just go back to your normal life, with a nice kickstarter. A downpayment on your cheap affordable house, your uni fees paid for, whatever.

>Run with it while you can and drop it as soon as it stops. Just go back to your normal life, with a nice kickstarter.
Guess I can't really argue with that. But I think that life plan only makes sense after a couple of decades of hindsight for us of watching many amateur celebrities rise and fall while back then it was expected to become a life defining career.

He was right, but the majority of Sup Forums dosen't have the concept of self respect, so they bash Stinky for not taking the contract

If only Drake Bell could have taken note of this while he could.

Send your naked photo to your parents/ friends, and ill send you a 1000 on paypal.
Too loe? Publish a video of you masturbating to lolis on your facebook or whatever for 5000 ;)

Morally he was in the right but realistically he should've taken the money and then used it to help his family and get out of poverty even if it did mean becoming a sell out. The means justify the ends.

Or the ends justify the means.

100 million and you have to clean up the jizz on video

Or you know don't stoop so low that the first gig outside of nick is a parody movie.

Yeah I have to concede you have a point there
It's different for him in the 90s to be thinking about it than us now in the late 2010's

He had. Bell's problem was he spent all the money he made. He HAD to do something, anything, to make money

Jokes on you, I don't have friends, family, or a facebook. But I'd gladly act like an idiot on camera for a million dollars. Hell, Jack Black made a career out of it.

being poor is way more humiliating than having lots of money and a goofy commercial to your name

It's his name. He's already said that he comes from a long line of Stinkys.

I love how you replaced what actually happened with some extreme barely legal option

No one mocks homeless people, you fucking goon.

>Money is a form of power, and you should be aware that the powerless are always at the mercy of the powerful.
>to only people who value money
This is why you're retarded. You only proved that Stinky was right by flipping the tables and making himself the powerful one and the ones with money, powerless.

It's funny that you mention Helga. She quit being the "it girl" when she realized it was trivializing her grumpy personality. She could've had whatever she wanted, but what she wanted was self-respect.

Do remember that "It Girl" comes after "Stinky Goes Hollywood" so perhaps Helga subliminally learned the value of respecting herself from Stinky - not that she'd ever admit to it. She may have liked the attention as much as he liked the fame and fortune, but in the end both needed to be able to look in the mirror and respect the person looking back. They both found out their pride cost more than they were getting out of the bargain and left it on the table.

Fucking this.
Anyone who thinks Stinky is choosing a path with dignity has never been truly poor.

you sound like that kid in that Bagger Vance movie who's ashamed that his dad works as a street sweeper during the great depression because the other kids are mocking him for it.

his friend told him that his dad would rather sit around in his house rather than look for a menial job because of his "dignity"; while his dad works the streets so he could pay up everything he owed and get a livelihood in a recession rather than declare bankruptcy

Well with a subpar education system and a lack of regulation on loan agreements I think it's fair to say that needing large sums of money instead of doggy paddling out of debt over decades is preferable.

dignity is an arbitrary concept it can't hold value because it doesn't actually exist.

It's one thing to say that from the outside, but keep in mind that Chris Farley an hero'd over this kind of shit


Sup Forums is filled with people who lack basic self respect, what a surprise

>Stinky's family was poor
>Somehow owned property in the city

That land alone would be worth $300,000 +

They could always get someone else. It doesn't stop his family from.being poor and in shitty living conditions. Like if his parents became shitty because of the money I could understand but this was a way to help them.

> family clearly doesnt know how to handle money since theyre poor.
> giving them money will fix it

Niggah, close to 80% of lotto winners end up in debt less then 8 years after winning. these bumble fucks that didnt treat Stink as anything other than a source of revenue dont deserve shit

>way to help them.
help them what? they clearly dont know what hard work is. probably blow it all on commemorative Nascar plates

Unless you become a rare instance of a timeless meme, otherwise you're pretty much like that X-Box kid with the braces.

Post your contact info or e-mail

>Implying Jack Black is a hack.

Dudes got talent.

Stinky wanted to be recognized for something he was talented for. He didn't want money, he didn't want meaningless fame, he wanted recognition.

The episodes moral is that only you can improve your self esteem. Stinky learned that he was not worthless, he learned to respect himself.

Where exactly are you getting this information from? Where in the show does it portray Stinky's parents as anything other than a couple of backwater hicks who happened to live in the city? I mean shit, the fact they can live in that podunk cabin at all is pretty impressive considering they're flanked on all sides by apartment buildings, and the fact they can do so is probably testament to how hard they work already.

>muh honor and dignity fags

When someone is paying you solely to exploit a negative image of yourself, no amount of money will sate your shattered sense of self-worth, unless of course you're a souless greedy fuck who doesn't care you're essentially making millions by smearing feces on your face.

Stinky was right for turning them down, poverty be damned. At the end of the day, a moral beggar is infinitely more regal than an avarice laden king.

I wouldn't say he was "in the wrong", since it was his right to sign or not sign the contract. But I do think others are correct for saying he was being short-sighted. Though I guess there's also the problem of Stinky not being able to afford a lawyer to look over the contract and make sure he wouldn't get royally screwed by that obviously-sleazy agent, but that wasn't really the issue presented in the episode.

Or: You could have a sense of self-worth that isn't so fragile that it shatters because some people laugh at you acting goofy in some commercials for maybe a few months.

>who doesn't care you're essentially making millions by smearing feces on your face
And who are you to judge? You can do a lot of awesome stuff with millions of dollars. If smearing some easily washed-off shit on my face is all it takes, then what do I care what some random jackasses think of me?

It wasn't that he didn't like the soda. Actually, I think he did like it. And the advertisement he recorded didn't even have him say how he feels about the soda, the slogan is literally "just drink it." Strangely, this is one of the examples of this plot where the character whoring out the product actually supports or feels neutral about the product. Usually in these plots they have the product turn out to be terrible and every character be in agreement on that, or there be something morally wrong about it. Yahoo sounds like it's just as good as any other cola.

Not really

Pride is a thing and all but it was pretty moronic considering how much he gained for what he would have to deal with

"Oh no the director and maybe a shit ton of strangers thing I am funny / a joke"

"Then again I make a fuck ton of money and end up a hell of a lot richer than said strangers and can support my loving family for good! Heck, up until recently I found the job easy and enjoyable! Now it will just be easy! I just have to say five fucking words!

Granted I don't know the contract specifics, but I'd take the million dollars and say "fuck the people who think I am a joke / funny sounding, I'm making mad dosh compared to those fuckers"

Wasn't Yahoo Soda like the standard drink in Hey Arnold and everyone loved it which was part of the reason for the turnout?

A million dollars

I think everybody liked it, but I don't know if anyone especially loved it. It was just the coca cola of the Hey Arnold Universe. Or maybe the kids did like it a lot. I can't remember if there was a part where they said "a lifetime supply of free yahoo soda!" was a big selling point of the commercial contract.

I always thought Stinky and his family were supposed to be somewhat religious. Like, amish or menonight. Unlike Delila who did live in abject poverty, Stinky and his family never seem bothered by their situation UNTIL Stinky is offered a million dollars. That's a lot of free money, even for someone like Ronda. Who wouldn't want 1 million dollars for doing nothing?

The moral of the episode was that Stinky didn't like being a sell out. He prided himself in being normal and didn't see a fault in that, and was hurt that other people did. Sure in the real world, you'd take the million dollars. But this is a cartoon grounded in moral values that has a lesson to teach. And that lesson is being content with yourself and remaining true to who you are no matter what.

Yeah loved was probably excessive

My point being was as you said "Hey Arnold Coca Cola" / the standard drink everyone had at the time

It wasn't some new thing that may have sucked. Everyone knew it was pretty good already