Thank to Hulu™ Runaway™ series we are getting a new book

Thank to Hulu™ Runaway™ series we are getting a new book.

This is the teaser marvel posted.

I approve of this Nico.

>nose piercing
>ear piercing
>dyed hair
>asymmetrical haircut
>pentagram on chest
>"goth" in 2017
>raging slut

Did a tumblr focus group create this?

Nico is hot

Creative Team ??

>Bendis writing

Better than that weird blanket she was wearing in A-Force.

>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

>no magic arm
Avengers Arena retconned?

if Nico doesn't hook up with Singularity, I'm not interested

Who is on it though?

fuck off

No one at marvel can write kids anymore. They're all written as overly quippy mary sues. Where is the character quality of Avenger Academy or origional Runaways?

Hopeless is writing and Marvel is scouring devianart as we speak to find the artist.

>asymmetrical haircut
This isn't a problem so long as half isn't shaved.
I like the hair, would be better if it was only one color used for highlighting, but still good enough. .

secret War's A-force was great though

That I can agree with at least.

No the question is, Is Anka only on the interiors or this will end up being another generation X?

>no molly
It's not even out and I already hate it.

What happened to my Runaway ?

I read until they go back in time and meet Nico grandmother and they return with plant girl.

I can't wait for it to be cancelled in twelve issues

Don't even joke about that, please.

Well what happened is that they put molly with the x-men and had Nico go through a badly done battle royale situation where they tried to unsuccessfully make Arcade into a likeable villain.

>he thinks I'm joking about Hopeless writing.

>make Arcade into a likeable villain.
Is that what you got out of Arena?
They were trying to make him into a credible villain that actually pulled the trigger on kills, not a likeable one.

Get some taste, Marvelcucks.

porn artists are working out over at DC, so yeah.

Aren't most of the Runaways dead by now? I mean Victor was the most recent one to die right?

I guess I meant they tried to make him popular, gave him a slicker design and felt like they were going towards playful evil trickster.

>we've all been waiting to see.

This dress is super lewd.

I hope Anka is actually doing the art and not just designs

The only good Runaway is a dead Runaway.

Actually no.

Victors dead but the others are alive. Just not together anymore.

Which sort of ruins them considering their whole thing.

It's super lewd for a younger chick but not particularly lewd. You see worse on red carpets all the time. The lace adds some modesty.

>This was the most well written use of a Runaway and it still ruined them.

fuck you...the Pym/Ultron family is very small these days. Can't afford to lose more

Since when is Nico Egyptian?

I-is this Anka? muh dick

Hopefully Alphona is back

>>Doing single page reveals of the team

Oh boy, who is going to be the surprise character reveal? Kamala Khan? Kate Bishop? know, I wouldn't be shocked if Julie Power was on the team.

what if this is a solo?


It's an updated version of her original design and very in-character. Don't be a faggot.

>>Book announced
>>Creative team announced
>>Everything looks great!
>>Chase, Karolina, Molly, etc, they are all there.
>>Reveals new character on the team
>>It's Moon Girl

Sounds like a reboot. Current Nico should be way past all those things.

just re-release the original first couple of volumes

more likely the artist didn't want to draw that nonsense every panel

Or they could do both.

>it's America

Will they finally bring back Gert?

They do that all the time. They recently made a "Complete Volumes" edition

It's more likely that Anka wanted to redesign everything for everyone. That guy never liked to play with other people's designs.

>I wouldn't be shocked if Julie Power was on the team.
Only if she's as lumpy as she was in the series before.

Singularity better be in it. She's a run away from Battleworld.

>yfw Gwen Poole

I like her but she doesn't really fit thematically.

Might be interesting if she brought Hastings with her, I guess.

Please, Gwen wouldn't even know who the Runaways are.


Current Nico is a bitter old woman

>literal JUST advertisement
I mean...

You mean slutty, right?

How do those pants stay on so low?

Christ the monkey's paw curse is all Marvel does these days.

incest fap material

>cover up every female character they
>take clothes off character that usually dressed in layers or

okay cool

Unstable Particles are a godsend.

>Thank to Hulu™ Runaway™ series we are getting a new book.

Knew it. Now we wait for the new New Warriors book.

is this an edit?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say they're going to make their a Marvel's Wicked and Divine. Hell, Nico looks similar to the lead character of that book right now.

>is a character created in the last 8 years

>not wanting space waifu Singularity on the team


Ok i can make an exception but only her and nobody else

Where is my new Legion/x-men legacy book then?

>Just another FORGOTTEN super-kid with a great haircut and a heart full of magic looking for somebody to save

Man, Marvel is being fucking blatant here. With how they create teen characters only to then forget they even existed not too soon after.



If only.

Nico is the only one they didn't forget about

If Singularity isn't in it, then that'll be a huge missed opportunity. The roster is going to need some additions since Vic is dead afterall.

So status of the Runaways
>Chase, Old Lace, Molly, Karolina and Klara are God knows where
>Nico was last seen with A-Force
>Xavin is presumably still somewhere in space
>Alex Wilder is back from the dead and is a bad guy
>Victor died recently
>Gert is still dead

I am OK with this design.

>younger chick
Eh, she'd be over 18 by now.

>No arm
While we're retconning stupidly shit ideas, can we please erase Victor's death and Chase being a drug dealer as well please.

>Gert is still dead
Pretty sure it's ambiguous if she's still dead.

So does this mean we're getting a Cloak and Dagger series too?

>and Chase being a drug dealer
Literally why?

she still has the arm, she just learned to make it look normal most of the time

No spiky hair no buy.

>Get ready to run
One of the main reasons Marvel has given for the lack of Runaways series in recent years is that they "needed" a reason for the characters to actually be running away.
So, what reason will they come up with this time? They're fugitives framed for a crime they didn't commit? Their parents are back from the dead?


Do they really need a to be running from something all the time? Can't they just stick with the name because that's what everyone knows them by?

>Chase being a drug dealer

When the fuck did this happen?

Post yfw they ressurect Mettle

Marvel has destroyed the meaning behind all their franchises, why should the Runaways still be forced to be on the run?

Wrong franchise, kiddo, maybe when they get to do the Avengers Academy show they might.

She looks like she is in her late 20s in that pic.

Don't get my hopes up.

Depends if Hazmat is on the team.

>yfw Cammi joins the team and they have a guardians of the galaxy crossover

I'd be down for that if it means we get Xavin back.