Time to take a trip down memory lane and talk about our favorite books of the first year of books, our thoughts on the bimonthly scheduling, creative teams, characters, wishes for year two, and whatever else folks wish to discuss.
One of the very few covers this decade that'll be remembered as a classic.
Justin Howard
Jason Morgan
Brayden Turner
Easton Ortiz
[hurm in the distance]
Michael Reed
Elijah Lewis
Has it seriously been a year already? Damn.
Okay, I have something I'd like to discuss. While I have been largely enjoying Rebirth for its return to heroes being heroes, a refreshing lack of dark and edgy bullshit, and what appears to be something resembling competence from editorial, I gotta say that I am fucking tired of waiting for the main storyline to get going.
So Dr. Manhattan is fucking with the DCU, and this somehow involves the Legion of Super-Heroes, the Justice Society of America, the Titans, and the still extant Flashpoint universe. There is also some dude called Mr. Oz who is apparently in conflict with Dr. M, and he's doing a bunch of stuff to further his own unknown goals. And that's literally all we know even after a year has passed. Everything that's happened between the start and know feels like padding, and it's annoying as fuck. Get on with it already! This had better be leading to one hell of a payoff, frankly, I'm starting to lose interest.
Austin Jenkins
Zachary Murphy
Angel Taylor
Noah Reed
Nolan Collins
There is no "main storytline". It's just "DC fixing shit".
Jaxson Cook
Jose Flores
Has ANY comic come out since this that was better?
Zachary Rivera
So where do we think Johnny will return?
Seeing how Barry learned of Jay's existence, The Flash may be a fitting place for recovering the JSA.
On the other hand, Johnny Sorrow's mask whispered secrets of "A Lost Society" at the end of JLvSS. That would make JLA a good place to follow up on it as well.
Sebastian Brown
Xavier Wood
Oh fuck it's been a year?
Brandon Morales
Saturn Girl is being followed up via Emerald Empress in Supergirl, and her confinement in Batman. King is rumored to be the future LEGION writer, but only time will tell.
Ryan Parker
Thank you norrin. You gave me an idea after Witchblade i may run a new 52 storytime until Rebirth one shot.
Mason Cooper
Jace Morgan
No problem, user.
Carson Price
Gabriel Rivera
Ayden Allen
Christian Bailey
Fortunately, the solicits of JLA confirm that the Microverse is being explored in August
Ayden Collins
Adrian Bell
I ought to catch up on Blue Beetle. I hear it starts off wonky, but has pulled itself together.
Christopher Turner
All three of these teases are ongoings.
I'm sorry I ever doubted you, Anxiety Lantern.
Elijah Phillips
Christopher Phillips
Rucka's WW is about to wrap up, and I've really enjoyed it. The parallel stories were confusing at first, but over time it became more necessary.
I honestly don't mind if babby Darkseid and Grail is forgotten about.
Anthony Taylor
Jeremiah Ramirez
Man, Green Arrow Rebirth is rad.
Adrian Cox
Ayden Brooks
Superman Reborn filled in this question (though the Supergirl ongoing was much less vague.)
Elijah Fisher
Evan Kelly
Still waiting for this... I hope Stjepan Sejic draws the wedding/consummation issue.
Angel Gutierrez
Luis Young
Adrian Gomez
Blake Jackson
Isaiah James
>though the Supergirl ongoing was much less vague.) After reading new 52 supergirl, orlando run was a dissapoinment. Critically acclaimed writer Steve Orlando (MIDNIGHTER) comes a new beginning for Kara Zor-El in SUPERGIRL VOL. 1, a new series that is sure to appeal to fans of the TV series! Collects SUPERGIRL: REBIRTH #1, SUPERGIRL #1-6.
Brody Ward
Really wonder why they waited a year to do Reborn instead of just doing it around the time Rebirth started. Maybe they really had no intention of bringing Superbro back.
Lucas Foster
Chase Williams
Aiden Brooks
Also gotta catch up on Hellblazer. If Seeley isn't doing just one issue, I'll be there.
Matthew Bennett
Kevin Lopez
It's been a year? What the fuck.
Cooper Price
Jack Turner
Will anyone really miss her? Manhattan is doing us a favor deleting her.
I'm glad they waited. Gave readers something to look forward to. You don't want to put your eggs in one basket.
Jayden Watson
Ayden Jackson
Ryder Gray
Supergirl's solo comics post-Crisis have basically all been garbage.
Easton Roberts
Brandon Ramirez
Julian Martinez
Alexander Bell
Not Really Gates run was decent best part of New of Krypton.
Joshua Foster
Liam Butler
John Phillips
Why even use J'onn and Shazam on the covers if one whole year later, they still haven't showed up anywhere? Getting tired with Rebirth already. The "second wave" was just more Batwank as if we didn't have enough Batman related titles already and still no sign (other than some cruel teasing in the Button) of the heart and soul of the Justice League