Latest episode discusses the Samurai Jack finale, Ken Penders, Titmouse, and others

Latest episode discusses the Samurai Jack finale, Ken Penders, Titmouse, and others

Nobody listens to your podcasts pan.

I already listened to it Pan! I love you!

You're just a loser, Pan.

Yet he probably scored more than you.

0 is equal to 0 user, not more than.

Fuck that guy. Lets turn this into a goth girls thread to spite him.

Visagoth gurls, yeeeeeeaaaaa-uuuuuh!

>Let's spite the guy by turning this thread into something he likes.

About that...


user your supposed to post the opposite of a goth

>Two hour podcasts

No thanks I rather listen to something else desu.

Who would you like as the next guest on the pizza podcast? I'd like it if they got someone from RT

What was his and the other two opinion on Villanous?


Alex Jones

anybody watched the podcast tell me when he starts talking about samurai jack? dont wanna listen to the whole thing but i wanna know what he thinks about the finale

there's timestamps in the description


thank you

not anymore bro
he's atleast at half a point now

>"how was it for you guys cuz i fucking loved it!"

another youtuber to put to the shit list

You guys are still following this train wreck of a human being? There's gotta be a better alternative out there

like what?

really is there?

Yeah like Mr. Enter
At least Pan is self aware of his autism

The only alternative is PieGuy but he focuses mostly on Spongebob

Well yes, but the Youtube system is gradually killing off online entertainment as a whole, so you'll never hear about anyone who isn't already popular or doing the same fucking thing everyone else is.

But he's doing great now, actually getting people on podcasts, cleaning his shit and got a gf.
If anything his friends are losers

well if you know about better alternatives then please tell us about it

>people say my artstyle looks like invader zim

No , who the fuck would say that

Also i know it was a joke but he compared the girl from villainous to "his sister" emily god dammit pan don't lie to yourself you can't draw female anatomy for shit

I don't really get into podcasters and vloggers that much. But hey, if you want to know about FIDGET SPINNERS do I have a trillion fucking channels for you to watch.

looks more like steven universe to me

I'm not claiming to have an alternative. I don't follow people for their opinions on cartoons so I'm not exactly searching for any either.

Well it's more like he is the only one that isn't extremely gay, his friends actually have jobs

why are you angry then about us enjoying pan if you dont even know any better alternatives?

Man I don't get those at all. Kids should have just got into Beyblades again.

Are these threads made just to roast Pan's spic ass?

>get interested in him at first
>he's one of the only guys to actually talk about eastern and western shows
>love that he actually talks about animation from around the world
>time passes
>check out his tumblr to see if there's a hint or something at upcoming videos
>he gets mad way too easily
>describes French shows as anime-knock offs
>he stops his reviews for fucking commercials for his tumblr
>seen as an expert, but more than likely hasn't seen a lot of older works
>instead of trying to become more professional, he just starts going "LOL IT'S (((IRONIC))) CRINGE"
>his podcast is filled with genuinely obnoxious terrible people, save for one or the occasional guest

Pan's popularity has seemingly made him less aware that he can fuck up with all the dumb decisions he's made. He's fumbling his way forward somehow

I'm not angry about you enjoying Pan. I'm angry that you enjoy Pan, but somehow only know of one, maybe two other Youtubers that do what Pan does.

I'm just mad about the Youtube system in general. We used to see a lot of cool shit on that website, but these days the only things they promote are videos that don't take any honest work, and they connect you to other videos based on what the video was about, so if Pan talks about Spongebob, you get linked to a bunch of Spongebob videos and not to other stuff on Pan's channel and not to other channels that are similar to what Pan does.

>his podcast is filled with genuinely obnoxious terrible people
I hope you arent refering to Jimi hope he comes back one day

Not to mention he's now just crowdsourcing topics in the comments of his videos


That's what's weird. Nobody I know is talking about fidget spinners in real life. Nobody cares about them. Nobody is talking about them on Sup Forums either, or on Reddit, or anywhere. It's 100% a self-contained bubble on Youtube that a bunch of channels are exploiting, and when it pops it pops. Same goes for other fads like Orbeez, and 1000 degree knife, and all this other shit I keep seeing.

Nobody really cares about anything that's popular on Youtube. They'll watch it, but as "Youtube Red" demonstrates, almost nobody would pay for it.

Maxwell Atoms.

That pornstar

>Nobody I know is talking about fidget spinners in real life

i doubt anybody comes to you to talk about some lame ass toy

Jorge gutierrez

Problem is pan is not mexican enough to talk ti him properly

Alan Turiel, just to hear Pan sperg out over how much he wants to fuck Demencia. The dude would probably even fit in with Pan's crowd, given a beer or two.

>i doubt anybody comes to you to talk about some lame ass toy
No shit. Why would they? That's why I'm saying that the Youtube system is ludicrous and stupid. What do Youtubers have to say about this lame ass toy? NOTHING. How is this worth millions of views?

Why is animation dead on Youtube, but fidget spinners get recommended to me. How did this become Youtube. This is worthless.

Hey, I said save for one.

Danny Antonucci

>A stereotypical gay fetishist and a chris-chan cosplayer
>Not cringier than Pan.

>Chris Chan cosplayer
Which one was that?

Without Jim this podcast gets harder and harder to listen to. Jim was the only one with knowledge outside of cartoons and was often the only one with actual interesting insight. Pan just gets cringier all the time. The trans one literally tried to dissuade people from going to college because he didn't succeed from it, but the guest actually gave good advice on how to approach higher education. The trans one is full of bad advice and constantly spews terrible opinions as if they had any concrete ground to stand on. Plus the constant Pan trying to be SJW and avoid saying anything edgy is annoying. Nolan is the saving grace that will say whatever. Not to mention Pan's constant "jokes" that is just forcing lewd jokes in conversations.

Pan has shit tier opinions and won't argue his points because he's too beta to disagree. Why even pay attention when at best Nolan is the only one with a spine to actuslly be confident in his opinions and is the only one worth listening to.


>Nolan is the saving grace that will say whatever
Eh, I still can't say I care for him that much. He's probably less annoying than the others, but I still find him to be obnoxious.

Oh he's obnoxious, don't get me wrong. But he's a ton better than the others. He's self confident, not afraid to call Pan out, and doesn't censor himself to pander. He's the best of the worst.

A pan thread, on a Wednesday?

Well this is rare, I guess I should make the back up thread on /qa/ again, but I'm too lazy right now.


so is his gf/FWB or whatever she is just as cringy as him? she looks good, besides being a little boyish, so i don't know how else he managed to touch her tits.

it takes half an hour to make a 10 minuet video on spinners
it takes hours to make a 10 seccond animation
That's why animation on youtube is dead
just look at egoraptors channel, its been years since he's even put pen to paper

He gave it a 10/10, everyone else gave a lower score, he sperged about them not giving it a 10/10

Izzy is effectively ruining the podcast. Jim is also ruining the podcast by not being there.

blame the new algorithm

Yeah, but Youtube chose that. They specifically went out of their way to kill high-effort content on their platform. They designed a system around the idea that they'd produce as much video as possible, but the video would all be less effort to produce than bottom-rung reality TV.

Nobody likes reality TV. Nobody seriously respects Youtube or takes it seriously. It just aggravates me. This stupid website dominates online video, and just wastes everyone's time while smothering traditional media.

When Youtube first started, I couldn't agree with UMG or Werner/Chapel about the need to shut Youtube down, but if this site keeps going like this it needs to die before real entertainment becomes impossible to sustain.

>I don't follow people for their opinions
Nor does anyone follow Pan for that reason.

Hard to say. Some anons honestly belived that Pan has been the OP of every thread that has ever been on Sup Forums and 90% of it is him just samefagging [spoiler including you and me responding to you.[/spoiler] Others think it's people who just want to hate on him. Over all, Sup Forums has a mixed view of the guy, but out of all the Sup Forums e-celebs it is agreed that he's the best.

Sucking himself counts?

Kind of a Tumblr stereotype. Obsessed with cute things and pastel colored nonsense. A solid 6 on the cringe scale, since she keeps an eye on a lot of fandoms like SU but doesn't immerse herself in any of them. Likes part 4 of JoJo.

Also a furry. As in "uses a cartoony sheep as an avatar online, and goes out of her way to practice the modern furry style whenever she can".

What can you expect from cartoon reviewers really? Honestly he seems like a complete shut in who found friends with other autismos. Sometimes I wish him the best, other times I feel like he's way too pathetic to ever have hope for.

why not?


At then end of the day it's good busines to insentivse cheap, easy media over skill and talent.
there's only so many times you can watch the same few videos wereas if you produce new content everyday you can keep the advertisers happy
im not saying its a good thing but youtube has always been a money sinkhole. google are just trying to make the best out of a bad business deal

>Honestly he seems like a complete shut in who found friends with other autismos.

You just described most of Sup Forums. This is the reason we love and hate him. We love because we can relate, we hate because we hare ourselves.

>other times I feel like he's way too pathetic to ever have hope for.
The end of the road is in sight. By some act of God, Pan has got to 2nd base. This might be it, sex and working at CN are the two endgames of Pan's life and he's close. When one of them finally happens I expect the mods to just give in and sticky the thread.

I want to meet a non crazy furry tumblrite

I don't think anyone here is as severe as anyone on that podcast. Please don't break my illusion.

Sex might happen but I think the curse of cringe is never going to leave Pan. I also doubt he'll ever work for CN. It's just not possible in my mind.

The Monster Truck episode was the worst. They shilled the movie for MONTHS. And the whole podcast was just them getting drunk and doing very unfunny impersonations (Lizzie also couldn't shut for five seconds). Double Toasted's podcast/video on it was better.

See, but this whole "adpocalypse" thing clearly happened in part because the whole platform is inundated with valueless garbage. Fidget Spinners may be getting millions of views, but they aren't involved viewers that care about the person on the screen. Nobody cares if the advertiser is "supporting" those guys. You can't say "brought to you by Phil's Hammers" or anything, because Phil doesn't even know his ads are on the Fidget Spinner channel.

Advertisers wouldn't have pulled out as dramatically as they did if they were getting any real value out of this in the first place. Of course ISIS is in the minority of video on Youtube. You don't break from a multi-million dollar ad deal just because inappropriate content pops on the site temporarily. The only reason advertisers are coming back now is because ad prices have hit catastrophic rock bottom.

Pewdiepie is not a real future, is all I'm saying. Banking on him and content like him was a near-sighted business decision and everyone knew it from the day they made him big.

>Sex might happen but I think the curse of cringe is never going to leave Pan

Think about this, one day he might have a kid.

Is there more of these comics?

>Pan holds his newborn child
>I come in wearing a black and white checkered suit
> "Sorry you got twisted up in this scene. From where you're kneeling it must seem like an 18-carat run of bad luck."
>Truth is...the game was rigged from the start.

Hi, Pan.

They mentioned it exists,that there was a controversy with lemonflower and then started talking about syndication.Not much really.

>Sometimes I wish him the best, other times I feel like he's way too pathetic to ever have hope for.
Pretty much sums my feelings towards him. At first I thought it was a character he played but even if it is, it can get annoying at times. His "regular" videos are far more tolerable though

At the moment of judgment there must be Goth Girls?


When's he gonna review Legend Quest?
He's always eager to shill mexican cartoons but he's been oddly silent on LQ


Mr. Enter

Agree, I liked Jim a lot because he had good insight on things beyond cartoons, but now that he's gone there's isn't anyone there that really brings the balance. It's just 3 cringelords and a guest who is sometimes another cringelord. I feel these recent professional guests are mentally regretting coming on the podcast during the recordings.

so why Jim hasn't been in the last couple of podcasts? did he leave?

He gor pregnant and had a child

Why would you listen tot a podcast about some uncharismatic, without an appealing voice or anything interesting to speak about?

Benny pls leave.

>Jim got pregnant
Is Shrek the father?

He probably doesn't care cuz there aren't any goth girls. Pan likes to brag about his Mexican heritage but he barely talks about about cartoons fully done in Mexico (Anima's work, Metacube).

>He probably doesn't care cuz there aren't any goth girls.

As sad as that sounds I really believe this is why.