You hype?

You hype?

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meteor destroying the earth next?

Very much, actually.

I just can't believe any review that claims Gal Gadot is a good actor.

No company wars here, I don't care who makes what movie, she's just fucking terrible

All this possitivity surrounding a DC movie, kind of refreshing, this is coming from someone who hated the Snyder flicks + SS.

Let's hope with the departure of Snyder and a good (I hope) WW movie can turn this ship around.

I'm still very skeptical because Gal Gadot is a pretty bad actor.

The lead is a model, not an actor. I have absolutely no faith whatsoever in the film or the casting director.

This is not the only person actually praising gal.
Might work out somehow, mysteriously.

Having seen this movie, I can honestly say I walked out feeling like I did after Suicide Squad. There was a mild sense of "Huh...they actually did it" that waned into "On second thought...."

I suspect these tweets were sent out during the former. Fresh out of the theater, the heroic music in the background, a sense of 'Holy Shit', etc.

Is Gal Gadot any good?


It can only surprise me, but Im not going to rush out and see it given WBs history. Also I feel that a lot of early viewers are reluctant to criticize a female driven comic book movie

You've probably seen some other movie with her in it and completely forgot who she was, that should give you some insight as to the quality of her acting 'talent'



t. I know more than directors, casting directors, movie reviewers

No. But it's pretty neat of WB to let Snyder cast someone who resembled his daughter.

Shut the fuck up liar

nice try shill

Optimistic, but that's the most than I've felt about the universe since walking out of the theater after seeing MoS for the first time.

Sounds like BvS, when there is fighting going on its good, everything is bad.

>blaming men
Typical nu-male at work.

>feels like a woman wrote a good movie

Stopped reading here. Most writers who've EVER wrote WW have been men, and this movie is no different.

Wow what an idiot

I appreciate the fact that she has enough self-awareness to camwhore.

>writers: Zack Snyder, Geoff Johns, Allan Heinberg, Jason Fuchs

>action a bit fudgy, villain a bit uninteresting, but Gadot is phenomenal

If I wanted to go see a superhero flick with subpar action sequences and a boring antagonist that's only carried by the performance of the main character, I'd watch Marvel movies. No thank you.

No, sorry. His woman line disqualifies the rest.

wtf I want to fuck gal gadot now

yes i am.

Epic company wars, WB would be so proud if they could afford to pay your allowance

Stan lee trying this hard

I'd like for it to be good, but until it's actually out I'm not trusting anything.

its funny how shook the mouseketeers are right now

This guy gets it.

>random idiots with DC avatars vs acutual critics


Disregard literally every review that includes the word 'female', they'll just be pushing some sort of agenda

It's even better how the Warner Babies need to have DCEU support threads to keep hype alive.

Shill confirmed, she is fucking awful.

But those are random fans.

I'm hype for the shitposting, DC hasn't let me down yet in that regard.


It's funny how Dave Sim was full of shit for the last five years but now that he's defending a DCEU movie for once it's time to trust him at face value and get hype.

Really puts a nice accent on the hypocrisy.

hey look there he is!

delete this

Company Warrior hard at work, it's roo bad WB and Disney will never fight for you as hard as you fight for them

lmao you bastard




They'd be blacklisted as sexist bigots if they criticized her.

to be fair, hes not wrong

After BvS I'm just hoping for decent. I don't want to see it and half enjoy it, then realize why it's shit half a week later.

Critics were caught up in a PC Pretzel. If you're to shit on the first female cape movie in years, you would be deemed a sexist and antisemitic.

>But user, Elektra, and Catwoman got shit on!
That was from a different time and different atmosphere. Times were so different back then.

>B-But Underworld and Resident Evil!
those movies were literal platforms for director's wives and was unapologetically sex appealing. Also the movies are undeniably shit.

>actual critics
>buzzfeed blogposts

Come on, the first couple Underworlds were fun.

I liked them too user, but I was mostly referring to the last ones of each of those movies. Not the franchise as a whole.

>The acting isn't that great
>The villain sucks

Sounds like a recipe for a really underwhelming, if not outright shitty, movie, on part with BvS.

And the shit of it is, I bet Gadot does do great. I mean, shit, her only other major role is some chick in the Fast & Furious series, so the bar is set pretty low here. As long as she can be dramatic and do her moves without looking stupid, she'll be good and normies will call it phenomenal.

>You need to be a good actor to play a superhero

Come on, you just need to look ok and don't fuck up. The costume and everyone else will do the job for you.

Just to let you fags know critics also praised Gadot's "performance" in BvS as well. Yeah I'm not trusting any of these fucktards.

>There was a mild sense of "Huh...they actually did it"
You needed a second thought to realize SS was garbage?

Just so I know, everyone praising it is a DC shill, and everyone bashing it is a Marvel shill, is that how it works?


It's the cycle that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends ...

Could you imagine the level of hype she would have gotten had the trailers and marketing hid her being Wonder Woman? Just, imagine that you're seeing the trailers, and never once see her (in costume) or doomsday, all you see is her at the party in the dress, and you're thinking "Oh, totally catwoman" then you hear her speak and it's like "Oh, Talia" then her music hits and she shows up in full armor and everything. People would have marked the fuck out over that. Sadly WB doesn't k ow how to actually market their films.

She was in that spy movie

>Gadot is the high point for him
Oh boy, this is not gonna be pretty.


Dark Gritty Lamb Chop soft reboot when?

This is the best I've seen all day.

Gadot phenomenal, can tell it's all lies right there

A great role model for her

Gadot is the worse actor in F&F (by miles) which is filled with bad actors, people actually thinking she somehow got miraculously became a better at acting in WW

>she yells, that means she's a good actress

Edgy, but too damn funny not to reply

I definitely would too. It's just she's horribly miscast as WW. Fucking hollywood kikes.

Who else would you cast? Everyone else is bought by Disney or Fox.

A literal unknown with the similar body type as WW. Just give the bitch proper acting lessons and a healthy diet plan. DC can afford it.

What's your excuse for Ghost in the Shell?

The thought that she sucked dicks to get the gig pleases me.

>Take an established Japanese character
>Make them white
That's pretty much it. People would've sang its praises if it wasn't for that.

Lots of people tweeting about going to the screenings, only a few tweeting about it after, and it's been enough time

Let's freak out about this

Race > Gender

and pretty much what said


woah! there's a ghost in the shell movie?

Where is this from?

>May 18

This guy

Anyone with a letterboxd account is a douchebag

Not even joking

And you soon enough.

i laughed, but you are a bad person

