72 more days until the most anticipated animated movie of the year...

72 more days until the most anticipated animated movie of the year, Emoji Movie! It's not too early to pre-purchase your tickets.


Thank god for you, user

How much did Sony pay Shadman to draw this?


Is shad autistic?

No, he just likes drawing lolicon porn. Here's the proof right here

Have the gif user

>This shit has been spammed constantly for days now, even on other boards.
This isn't your ordinary shilling.
This is advanced shilling.

>IMG filename

Hi shad

He's desperate for money.

Why is she posed like she's in a diaper packaging? And why does the proportions of her face the same as a baby? Is this baby-fetish shit?

As much as their budget would allow, fifty dollars.

That's the way Shad likes em.

>mfw I like these girl because of Shad
>thinking about seeing the movie now

>72 more days

Wait this movie isn't coming out for like 2 more months? Why all the hype for it right now then?

>one person shilling their child art like a Kickstarter
>is everyone

y'all just mad because Shad's edgelord ass is better then you NEETs.

wtf I love emoji movie now

Stop wanting to fuck emojis.

I'm not usually the type to call out shillers, but this seems like shilling disguised as ironic shilling.

where's her second foot? delete this

>chromatic aberration

Why does this character have a body and all that while every other character only got legs,arms and the face?